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League changes with 8.73
I love the assists system, but i am also not a fan of the new kick system.

I almost got kicked for having a K:D of 2-4, talk about harsh. Another game I was in people used -kick on someone that refused to type -giveup. It's getting crazy lol
Now I win 4 points, we can say it is a progress :o
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
What is the new kick threshold?? It used to be around 9 deaths.

I agree the ability to kick a player has become too easy. I've been kicked once while saving for a hunter, and once after getting hunter. My 1:5 KD stats were attibuted to being one of 2 player teleporting to save a CP, and dying because of it. Having 1:5 K:D while saving for Teir 3 is not completely unreasonable. The other teammates appeared to be doing well in the short term by continuing to buy 1300 range weapons and just farming with a Teir 1 tank.

It seems players of a losing team are all too eager to kick any player without really understanding what that will do for them. There should be no way to kick decent players.

Plus, after 20 minutes kicking any player invariably hurts your team unless they are afk or sabotaging your base. The only time kicking helps is if it happens before 10 minutes, and is especially imba for the team of 4 if a kick happens before 5 minutes. It is annoying to see constant kick requests from players after a player dies as well...

Please tighten up the kick thresholds.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote:What is the new kick threshold??
2 or 3 quick deaths and you are kickable. I think it should be at least be increase by 1 or 2.

GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote:...after 20 minutes kicking any player invariably hurts your team unless they are afk or sabotaging your base. The only time kicking helps is if it happens before 10 minutes, and is especially imba for the team of 4 if a kick happens before 5 minutes. It is annoying to see constant kick requests from players after a player dies as well...

Please tighten up the kick thresholds.

- Rob
I agree on this.

Also the mappers is taking action to make the kick less attractive option and less used so it will be a good change.
i feel this is worst version of btanks... i hardly play btanks now
Tinkermania, JustFun[est], LookRocketFlyin, UStunIKill
wolfheart Wrote:i feel this is worst version of btanks... i hardly play btanks now
Thx for the constructive criticism. It's always welcome.
Velocity2k Wrote:
wolfheart Wrote:i feel this is worst version of btanks... i hardly play btanks now
Thx for the constructive criticism. It's always welcome.

Yes, and we prefer such criticism in the wrong thread and wrong forum
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
It is impossible to get rank one without "choosing game". Looking at top players, all of them have stronger interest to not play at all.

The variation of the equations; the variation of kick system have made the situation kinda lame. Above 1700 elo, nearly nobody play anymore.

Should you not provide a penality per day you don't play?
Something like -1/day ?

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
I guess some of the top player do play with seconds/third account to avoid auto balance and gain easy victoriesTongue

But i'm thinking about an activity based ranking (something like: points = elo - penalty - one points per day not playing)

It's now ranked for:
points = elo - penalty - five points per day not playing (one week period of grace before inactivity will be included)
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
(2011-04-18, 22:28:04)eSVau Wrote: I guess some of the top player do play with seconds/third account to avoid auto balance and gain easy victoriesTongue

But i'm thinking about an activity based ranking (something like: points = elo - penalty - one points per day not playing)

It's now ranked for:
points = elo - penalty - five points per day not playing (one week period of grace before inactivity will be included)

-5 is a lot O_o

Do we recover all points after playing once? Or is the same as for the leaving penality?

Anyway, I think it would make league more interesting for active new players. Thx ^__^
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
(2011-04-19, 00:07:27)Althend Wrote: Do we recover all points after playing once? Or is the same as for the leaving penality?
Exo called them lazy pointsWink
And yes, you will recover your points after playing.

Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
(2011-04-18, 22:28:04)eSVau Wrote: I guess some of the top player do play with seconds/third account to avoid auto balance and gain easy victories :P

But i'm thinking about an activity based ranking (something like: points = elo - penalty - one points per day not playing)

It's now ranked for:
points = elo - penalty - five points per day not playing (one week period of grace before inactivity will be included)

Hi all
I’m sorry to bother you all, but First of all, about the top players ELO who have fake accounts and retired playing their high ELO accounts to keep it in top league ranks. I agree that it has to be stopped to bring league back alive. But before that the league points have to be balanced, what I mean is that players like Althend he is good player. If I’m rank 1 or if I was with over than 1700 ELO, if I lose I lose I will lose 12 points and if i win i win only 2 -4 points ?! Do you think this is fair? For me I think it’s not fair and that is because when I’m a high ELO it’s also a fact i will have a worse team ELO players and a better higher ELO enemy and it will be fair teams 50% ELO VS 50% ELO mostly. So, why should i lose 12 points and when win its only 4 points if the game is fair? That’s a reason why high ELO players stopped playing lately or playing with fake accounts. When we fix that issue I think the league is going to become much more alive and active.
Secondly, about [points = ELO – penalty - 5 points per day] I believe that – points daily is not fair and it’s more fair if its weekly because as me I have college and some time I have to take care of family and take care of exams at the same time. So I might not be able to play for a week or 2, so daily – points is too much and unfair because as we all know life always come first and we need to take care our life before our games. So weekly is good idea to make high rank players more active and its more fair as well. That’s my opinion I hope it will helpful and I hope we enjoy the rank fairly and nicely.
Thanks for your time reading and sorry to take your time :) see you all later and I hope you all best wishes!
As it has been said before, you'll only start to lose points, after a week of inactivity. And even then, the points you lose are just temporary. Just play one game and you have the same points as if you were active all the time. It's just that you are ranked lower during your time of inactivity.
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Quote: If I’m rank 1 or if I was with over than 1700 ELO, if I lose I lose I will lose 12 points and if i win i win only 2 -4 points ?! Do you think this is fair? For me I think it’s not fair and that is because when I’m a high ELO it’s also a fact i will have a worse team ELO players and a better higher ELO enemy and it will be fair teams 50% ELO VS 50% ELO mostly. So, why should i lose 12 points and when win its only 4 points if the game is fair?

Well, that's the point about ELO - if you are better you are supposed to win and it's supposed to be harder. It's not linear!

I agree that you will lose more if you much better then the rest of your team. We could change that modifing the team part of our ELO calculation. It's currently based on 2 * player + 3/5 sum_of_team to factor team and player into the calculation. That way it's a compromise between taking 5* player, which would make it even worse for top players and sum_of_team, which wouldn't consider that a single player can turn the tide.

You should also consider that favor of one side it won't for the others - that's the way ELO works.

Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
well.. im 1 of this "top10 - stoped play - horny pointer" but its more about, having no fun with such an elo... i get mostly 4 "rockies" or such ppl which are just dont care about any teamplaying, and dont get the skill like the opponents. And if u loose, ur points grow down kinda heavy...

Its just exhausting (like u have to play for 2-3 ppl), this why i started play with another acc, with a lower elo.
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".
i agree that something had to happen but i dont like the fact that you get all the points back for playing 1 time (your penalty does not get reduced by not leaving/getting kicked for 1 game).
my suggestion - let the top player lose 2 points for each additional day after 1 week & they gain 2 points each day if they start to be active again

ofc it's not funny to play with a high ranked acc - just take a look at at althend's ban request replays ^^
(2011-04-19, 09:50:32)stibi- Wrote: i agree that something had to happen but i dont like the fact that you get all the points back for playing 1 time (your penalty does not get reduced by not leaving/getting kicked for 1 game).
my suggestion - let the top player lose 2 points for each additional day after 1 week & they gain 2 points each day if they start to be active again

ofc it's not funny to play with a high ranked acc - just take a look at at althend's ban request replays ^^

2 points each you start to be active again seems too low. Having everything back seems right. You would just have to play once a week to keep your ranking. Not playing everyday should certainly not be a penality. The "lazzy points" are more there to keep a league more representative of the activity of the current ranking and make it more stimulating for new players.

- 5 points a days after one week seems too much.

I would rather an exponantial function. -2/day the second week, -3/day the third week....

Anyway, if we watch right now the ranking; the 197th player has just played 5 games. It feels a bit wrong ^__^

(and true that playing with 4 feeders or people saboting games on purpose is really tiring and boring at the end... And the sad part is that after playing 10 games, you elo is already higher than most people)

Ah, also about the new equation. It has been done so the difference of elo between players is less important. Why not scaling all players elo/point and the same time as implementing it? Should it not have a retroactive effect?
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
(2011-04-19, 01:16:29)eSVau Wrote:
Quote: If I’m rank 1 or if I was with over than 1700 ELO, if I lose I lose I will lose 12 points and if i win i win only 2 -4 points ?! Do you think this is fair? For me I think it’s not fair and that is because when I’m a high ELO it’s also a fact i will have a worse team ELO players and a better higher ELO enemy and it will be fair teams 50% ELO VS 50% ELO mostly. So, why should i lose 12 points and when win its only 4 points if the game is fair?

Well, that's the point about ELO - if you are better you are supposed to win and it's supposed to be harder. It's not linear!

I agree that you will lose more if you much better then the rest of your team. We could change that modifing the team part of our ELO calculation. It's currently based on 2 * player + 3/5 sum_of_team to factor team and player into the calculation. That way it's a compromise between taking 5* player, which would make it even worse for top players and sum_of_team, which wouldn't consider that a single player can turn the tide.

You should also consider that favor of one side it won't for the others - that's the way ELO works.

(2011-04-19, 09:20:09)LIoOoOoIL Wrote: well.. im 1 of this "top10 - stoped play - horny pointer" but its more about, having no fun with such an elo... i get mostly 4 "rockies" or such ppl which are just dont care about any teamplaying, and dont get the skill like the opponents. And if u loose, ur points grow down kinda heavy...

Its just exhausting (like u have to play for 2-3 ppl), this why i started play with another acc, with a lower elo.
Hi again, special thanks to exodus and esvau for fast respond and I also wants to thank LIoOoIL for his opinion.
I’m satisfied about the -5 points daily after 1 week inactive now. But, about the points from losing -10 points and wining +5 points is not fair and I hope that points of winning and losing can be closer and more fair like 8 for losing and 6 for winning as example to encourage high ELO players to play Btanks more often with their real account instead of using fake accounts. On the other hand when I’m high ELO it’s really hard to win because the higher ELO I have the weaker team I get and the stronger enemy team against. So please try promoting this issue if possible to make high ELO players enjoy their game as much normal ELO enjoy with fair points. Otherwise I like everything about ranked and Btanks 873.c :) except one thing the leaser tower that cost 2k it shouldn't be temporary unlike barricade or canon tower or bacon.
Thanks again to all hard works and hope you all best wishes.

(2011-04-19, 13:49:01)Althend Wrote: - 5 points a days after one week seems too much.

I would rather an exponantial function. -2/day the second week, -3/day the third week....

I like that idea, since those lazy points are cosmetically anyway i just need to express that somehow as mysql statementWink

(2011-04-19, 13:49:01)Althend Wrote: (and true that playing with 4 feeders or people saboting games on purpose is really tiring and boring at the end... And the sad part is that after playing 10 games, you elo is already higher than most people)
Well that's public players fault and we can't influence thatConfused

(2011-04-19, 13:49:01)Althend Wrote: Ah, also about the new equation. It has been done so the difference of elo between players is less important. Why not scaling all players elo/point and the same time as implementing it? Should it not have a retroactive effect?[/color]
Sorry, i don't get that point - what do you meanHuh
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
I mean that the effect of the changes should affect also the previous games. A game played 8 months ago with same kind of elo configuration should provide same points/win/loss than yesterday ^^

Currently, new players have to do more wins to reach the same score.

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !

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