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2 German Guys searching for a good BTanks Clan

wir beide suchen einen guten Battle Tanks Funclan, wahrscheinlich kennen uns schon ein paar, da wir immer zu zweit spielen und ein eingespieltes Team sind.
Das können wir euch bieten:
- wir sind middle/high skilled B-Tanker (ansichtssache^^)
- Headset, kommunikativ
- teamfähig
- jetzt: verbesserte Taktik

Was wir suchen:
- guten Clan
- erfahrene, teamfähige Battle-Tanks-Spieler
- evtl. Teamspeak Server
- natürlich Spaß Big Grin

MfG. VanHelsing222 aka Sebi & Stephan93 aka Stephan :lol:

PS: Kontakt unter ICQ: 411082200 (Stephan) & 222714099 (Sebi)

There is 4 Battle Tanks clans as I know of.

Clan BuG [Böse und Gemein]
Clan Size: Large

Clan BTff [BattleTeam for fungames]
Clan Size: Medium

Clan BTNK [Battle Tanks Noob Killer]
Clan Size: Medium

Clan 1a2b [Warriors]
Clan Size: Huge

Thank you for the clanlist.
Who knows BzH? And do they speak german? How to contact them?

Dear VanHelsing222,

if i may suggest something: its best you register for this forum for these kinds of inquiries. You can then post in the appropriate threads and topics such as for this : clan forums: organisation. It will fasten up your search for a good clan and you'll get more information. Also you will be able to contribute in other ways like feedback, strategy,...

Pls consider it.

Okay good ideaWink

also eure "Vorstellung" find ich Klasse, aber Problem dürfte sein das sich hier nicht viele Clanmember blicken lassen, zumindest nicht welche die euch aufnehmen könneten, also Shamanen oder Chef

deshalb empfehle ich direkt im b-net in einen der Clan Channels zu gehen und dort, bei einem Clan der euch vllt. vom Namen her, oder weil ihr jemand da "kennt" oder schon mal gepsielt habt, anzufragen.. meistns gibts dann ein Testspiel.. und dann mal schauen

[Image: dtpc3banner88x31.jpg]
hm... gute Idee.
Also einen Clan kann ich schon mal ausschließen, denn die mögen mich und Stephan93 nicht wirklich. (Glaube ich zumindestens einmal)
Gibts auch so eine Liste von BzH?
Why is it german again all of a sudden? This forum is supposed to be in english afaik, so pls keep to it so everyone can read/write and react.
2 german guys are searching a clan with (i suppose) a majority of german players. i think its ok to post that in german, as guests Tongue

dont be too harsh with new forum members, they will learn that too :wink:
Yeah you're probably right, sorry about that, but i just like to follow up conversationsWink
Next time I will write it in english Ok?

PS: I found a Clan!
Which clan?^^
Captain-Iglu wo bist du^^
hm... good question^^

Its not 1a2b... not BTNK... and not BTff... hm which of these 4 clans TKF posted could it be^^
Do you know now?^^

Yeah its BuG ^^

VanHelsing222 Wrote:hm... good question^^

Its not 1a2b... not BTNK... and not BTff... hm which of these 4 clans TKF posted could it be^^
Do you know now?^^

Yeah its BuG ^^


We don't like you? Didn't know that, especially becouse i never saw you @^^

@Topic: as allready mentioned the best way to find a clan is joining their channel at and play/speak with them, even tho their are some shams and chiefs here now and then, but it's quite hard to get to know someone just with forum posts as information.
Can be closed.

Both players are playing for Clan BuG.

greetz Frech
When u want to play BT come Channel Clan BuG or Clan BuG2Smile We are waiting for good games !

Moreover visit us on http://www.clanbug.kilu.deSmile

[Image: paint1bw2.jpg]

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