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BTT2012 News @2012/01/15
- Please keep in mind the BTT2012 registration deadline is February 1st! So there are only 2 weeks to go. For those people who interested in join the tournament, remember to team up faster. Don't miss the deadline.

- Now we have 11 teams registered. And as far as I know there are 2-3 teams almost ready. We aim to get 16 teams in total. Visit this link for all registered teams:

- Also please remember if there are more than 16 teams signed up, the later registered teams might have a qualification game. If your team loses the qualification game, the team will not be accepted to the tournament. See btt rule 4.3.

- From Jan 19th to the end of January, I (olivercamel) will be again on a trip, with limited access to the Internet. Due to this reason, I will not stay online every Wednesday/Saturday for BTT2012 bot visiting. But the notice will be given if I found someone else who could do this instead of me.

- Some general planning:
1. BTT2012 registration closed at: February 1st.
2. The games/referees will be arranged at the weekend of February 4th/5th.
3. In the 2nd weekend of February, 11th/12th, we will have qualification games. All other teams do not need qualification games are randomly assigned with 1 other team to make a practice game on the btt2012 bot.
4. The real tournament games starts at Feb 18/19th.

And 1 more tip for all BTT2012 players:

As soon as the registration is closed, the ELO of the players will be taken on February 2nd. The ELO of the players are used to calculate the ELO of the team. The team with higher ELO will have some benefits when seeding the team into groups. See BTT rule 6. Seeding Teams.

So it will be a good idea to increase as muh as your league ELO before the BTT registration is closed.Smile
More about taking the ELO.

The registered players ELO will be taken at February 2nd 0:00. The league game finished after this time is not counted.

Only the ELO of the exact account name registered for BTT2012 will be taken. E.g. if you search "wupti" there are 4 results

Wupti (1703.09)
Wupti. (1700.13)
WuptiDupti (1683.28)
WeLoveWupti (1598.61)

Only the ELO of the 1st Wupti will be taken. Only the ELO with the exact string "Wupti" will be taken, because this is an account name registered in the BTT. We don't even know if the other 3 are indeed the same person as Wupti. (Wupti and Wupti. can be 2 different persons).

For players play on multi realm, like
LIoOoOoIL (1702.26)
LIoOoOoIL (1504.71)

The higher ELO will be taken.

You can always complain if we count a wrong ELO for you after Feb 2nd
Hmm you say if someone who has similar or identical accounts enters the tournament the highest elo among the accounts will be taken. If this rule is going to be enforced and players will be allowed to have a highest elo of one of many accounts registered, I think it's only fair if other players can enter several accounts with different names and allow them to have the highest elo among those accounts picked. For instance since I've already admitted that I am both UnifiedDoom and ArzelFallen I think if your going to pick the highest beetween LioooL (Europe) and LiooiL (Us East) who are all known to be the same person, it's only fair if you pick the highest for other people as well as long as they can confirm all of the accounts belong to them.
I think we should complete the registration information with realms and use only this nick+realm combination.

You misunderstood me. I meant only the ELO of the exact account name that registered for BTT will be taken.

For example, for you, only "ArzelFallen" ELO will be used, because you registered with this account. And you need to play the tournament games with this account. Although we know UnifiedDoom is also you, but we ignore the ELO of this account even if it is higher. If you want to use UnifiedDoom's ELO, you need to change your registration. But then your team will be moved to the end of the list.

I know that even and can be 2 different persons. But many people, if they care, will register the same user name on 4 realms.

In our case, say if i fake a lioooooil account @ asia, and try to ruin the ELO on this account. It won't affect lioooooil because only the highest ELO of the 4 realm will be taken.

In the worst case, lioooooil can always claim that the other lioooooil is not him.
Isn't the draw on 4Feb/5Feb? oO
yes, it was supposed to be. But I only came back to home from a trip yesterday evening. And was tired to do the organization work.

This week I will have regular time online. So we will do everything for the tournament and make sure the games start in the coming weekend (11th/12th).


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