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Unban scron2 / shamanpowers
(2012-03-10, 23:10:46)scron2 Wrote:
(2012-03-10, 22:58:13)Redemption11 Wrote: I would never want to be in clan toaf, plus oh yeah Clan toaf isn't dead, It was remade. and what gen said that he was in germany for 3 months without even being able to get on a computer was a little strange for a reason to get a clan disbanded, now thats the reason what I was told.
Clan toaf was remade lol by a bunch of BTOW. Ring- is basically BENNIE.FM or fatmantechno.

As for polacco, he is definitely because I just checked and the bot doesn't give the IPs of the players, neither does So since me and GEN weren't in the same game, there is absolutely no way of knowing we were using the same IP unless there was prior knowledge that we sometimes play on the same IP.

He says "lane mate" and coincidentally that's his kind of talk. As for your repsonse redemption, you sound like you are probably fatmantechno or something like that. Noone else would have any sort of motive to post here because you left clan toaf and neither of you like GEN at all and proabably would like to see him get banned anyway. Not surprising.

Seriously don't talk about the old (real) clan toaf like you know something about it. You have no fucking clue why GEN got chieftain there. If you were respectable you'd show up as your real username and not some smurf here. League admins can check the IP of Ring- and find that fatmantechno or is him now. This new remade toaf clan is likely just a bunch of jerks from btow anyway. Noone else would have that much free time to get 10 players to make a clan (as well as be able to assemble 10 people that promptly!)

Wow look at the names tom ace without a '-', pr0hunter with a zero,, fatmantechn0 with a zero, GEN_ something else... wow yah it's a bunch of douchebags from btow what a surprise. Seriously anyone who dislikes GEN that much and coincidentally knows we have the same IP sometimes and plays on useast is a person from BTOW. Thats the only logical conclusion. Now the league probably logs all IPs and they'll know what I am saying is true.

You see this is what I mean when I say "people like"... don't you get it? Only someone like that would come here looking to troll over my unban because he knows that GEN is also banned and that he frequents this forum. OH WAIT, DID I JUST DETECT THAT I'M GETTING TROLLED? What a fucking surprise here!

dont have time to do this shit please get yourself together besides just telling no one gives a fuck .....ok you see?

ip me or whatever get overyour self there is no rule stating we can't rmk a clan or troll if we want we never actually did anything bad according to your imagination we have broke you honour and sportsmanship bullshit this is the internet (and btw seriously if i had to do this all i would imitate good players and a good clan^^
ow and btw what the fuck are you doing her if you hate the game you just dig yourself a hole every time you come on here blah blah blah i hate this game this game sucks long range etc blah blah if you get teleport you win all your bullshit if this games so easy to exploit why have i never seen you with a positive kd ever.....and second of all velocity2k =velocity2k i am your looking at the wrong people 2 players with alot of respect in the bt community so please go run your mouth on a dota forum

As for polacco, he is definitely because I just checked and the bot doesn't give the IPs of the players, neither does So since me and GEN weren't in the same game, there is absolutely no way of knowing we were using the same IP unless there was prior knowledge that we sometimes play on the same IP

lol you fuckin retard i live in nz this guys from europe i never knew who the hell this guy is
and wtf......are you serious you know how easy it is to imitate or portray someone on bnet fuckin shit of your bullshit can't believe your still on this forum i did nothing you asshole
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
guys. banlist isn't forbbiden tool and it has command like from, ping and it detects same ip. well, it used to when i was using it long time ago.
(2012-03-11, 03:08:55)progg Wrote: guys. banlist isn't forbbiden tool and it has command like from, ping and it detects same ip. well, it used to when i was using it long time ago.
No it does not. All messages are routed through the bot and through

The blatant lie is obvious and only those who have a motive to troll do so. Who else would troll this and know that I have the same IP? Only someone whose clan channel I go into. Only someone who thinks they know something about clan toaf but not any of the facts. It's someone in clan btow and that person who lies and acts like a fucking child that noone likes is

Permanently ban this IP I fucking dare you fuckface. Try it. This wc3 mod isn't even worth wasting my time on. You're all a bunch of fucking trolls here anyway.

The only reason the real clan toaf isn't there is because I didn't care to keep it there. It has fuck all to do with anything else really. I figured that this community was so pathetic that I would be doing people a favor to discourage meeting in a place and playing such a fucking pathetic custom map.

(2012-03-11, 00:42:57)BENNIE.FM Wrote:
(2012-03-10, 23:10:46)scron2 Wrote:
(2012-03-10, 22:58:13)Redemption11 Wrote: I would never want to be in clan toaf, plus oh yeah Clan toaf isn't dead, It was remade. and what gen said that he was in germany for 3 months without even being able to get on a computer was a little strange for a reason to get a clan disbanded, now thats the reason what I was told.
Clan toaf was remade lol by a bunch of BTOW. Ring- is basically BENNIE.FM or fatmantechno.

As for polacco, he is definitely because I just checked and the bot doesn't give the IPs of the players, neither does So since me and GEN weren't in the same game, there is absolutely no way of knowing we were using the same IP unless there was prior knowledge that we sometimes play on the same IP.

He says "lane mate" and coincidentally that's his kind of talk. As for your repsonse redemption, you sound like you are probably fatmantechno or something like that. Noone else would have any sort of motive to post here because you left clan toaf and neither of you like GEN at all and proabably would like to see him get banned anyway. Not surprising.

Seriously don't talk about the old (real) clan toaf like you know something about it. You have no fucking clue why GEN got chieftain there. If you were respectable you'd show up as your real username and not some smurf here. League admins can check the IP of Ring- and find that fatmantechno or is him now. This new remade toaf clan is likely just a bunch of jerks from btow anyway. Noone else would have that much free time to get 10 players to make a clan (as well as be able to assemble 10 people that promptly!)

Wow look at the names tom ace without a '-', pr0hunter with a zero,, fatmantechn0 with a zero, GEN_ something else... wow yah it's a bunch of douchebags from btow what a surprise. Seriously anyone who dislikes GEN that much and coincidentally knows we have the same IP sometimes and plays on useast is a person from BTOW. Thats the only logical conclusion. Now the league probably logs all IPs and they'll know what I am saying is true.

You see this is what I mean when I say "people like"... don't you get it? Only someone like that would come here looking to troll over my unban because he knows that GEN is also banned and that he frequents this forum. OH WAIT, DID I JUST DETECT THAT I'M GETTING TROLLED? What a fucking surprise here!

dont have time to do this shit please get yourself together besides just telling no one gives a fuck .....ok you see?

ip me or whatever get overyour self there is no rule stating we can't rmk a clan or troll if we want we never actually did anything bad according to your imagination we have broke you honour and sportsmanship bullshit this is the internet (and btw seriously if i had to do this all i would imitate good players and a good clan^^
ow and btw what the fuck are you doing her if you hate the game you just dig yourself a hole every time you come on here blah blah blah i hate this game this game sucks long range etc blah blah if you get teleport you win all your bullshit if this games so easy to exploit why have i never seen you with a positive kd ever.....and second of all velocity2k =velocity2k i am your looking at the wrong people 2 players with alot of respect in the bt community so please go run your mouth on a dota forum

As for polacco, he is definitely because I just checked and the bot doesn't give the IPs of the players, neither does So since me and GEN weren't in the same game, there is absolutely no way of knowing we were using the same IP unless there was prior knowledge that we sometimes play on the same IP

lol you fuckin retard i live in nz this guys from europe i never knew who the hell this guy is
and wtf......are you serious you know how easy it is to imitate or portray someone on bnet fuckin shit of your bullshit can't believe your still on this forum i did nothing you asshole
Yah whatever bennie everyone knows the childish fucking games you play. Backing up those remaking your rival clan is just enough evidence to support that.

Oh and you can easily log into a proxy and browse this forum so if you claim that guy has another IP that is irrelevant.

As for the banlist I joined a game in lobby and bnet. NEITHER GIVE IPs. So its pretty much only you. If he logs into euro server that means nothing. I can login to euro server and say I'm from europe too.

Seriously bennie nobody liked you and you're probably the #1 reason less people play on useast.

Yah ok bennie I just checked el_polacco on and not only has ne never logged a game with GEN he's never played a league game with scron2 or shamanpowers. COINCIDENTALLY el_polacco has logged several games with you alone and fatman alone, you 3 never together. And we all know that fatman lets you login as him to spoof being ring- the other day. So your bullshit stops here you fucking liar. I think it's pretty obvious at this point.

BTW why do you associate with players who spoof other players. Glenmaster had an icon, ring- had an icon and we pretty much proved you did the spoofing/claiming of that and you let them hang out in your clan. Your name is associated with those kinds of things and you obviously use el_polacco to troll the bans section.
PFF LOL can you imagine this el_polacco nearly exclusively trolls the bans section yet never has posted in the bans section ever. Joke.
So Bennie would be in Anal-elite and then we would be suspended from Btt since our elo would be over 9000Big Grin

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
It doesn't even matter if I can prove you did anything bennie. It's the fact that you stand up for people doing shit like that that shows your true colors. I need not say any more. Your mannerisms are self-defining it isn't my fault you act the way you do.

There is no record of el_polacco playing with either me or GEN and banlist shows the bot's IP or's IP. The only reasonable solution is that el_polacco must be someone known to me and GEN and someone who lies alot. The only person fitting that description is you bennie. It's only reasonable that you stick up for yourself and back the childish antics which you represent.
Anyone in a respectable clan knows all about you bennie. Most of them don't like you one bit and yes I've asked them.

To say in all your games you have never submitted a ban request for the 26 pages of posts (260?) you have here is saying a lot. You are not contributing to the success of the league, you obviously just don't care. Anyone who cares takes positive action and to say in ALL YOUR GAMES you haven't found someone ruining a game once says that you just don't care about this league at all. You are irresponsible. You lack the respect of so many other clans it isn't even funny. I'm not talking about your CLAN BTOW, no they don't mind some of your members and the clan is fine bennie. The problem is YOU bennie.

You think it's ok to troll people. Another area of lack of respect. Who are we to believe? A person who deceives and thinks it is "ok" such as yourself OR a person who doesn't do that and doesn't stand for it? Huh? Yah I thought so. Brighten up and take some action if you really care about btanks because it's obvious you don't.
Anyone who has REMOVE HB listed in their signature like bennie is basically one of the people who were behind the obliteration of the population that once played this game. And you know what that is going to be my final comment here. A selfish arrogant not caring person who is amused by abusing authority and annoying other people is a person who is very bad for this community and that person is . NOT ONCE BAN REQUEST SUBMITTED FROM HIM! NO POSITIVE ACTION IN THAT DEPARTMENT!

He never cared about the quality of the game, he only cared about his selfish motive to make the mode of play "HIS MODE" rather than "THEIR MODE" because he's more important than "THEY" are and I'll tell you what -- "THEY" left... I saw the 200+ comments and players who liked HB and posted about it. They got trolled and threadlocked to the point of no return. People who encourage the treatment others like this don't deserve a league of their own... and it is lucky you have a league at all at this point.

Bennie ain't el_polacco coz they played together. Btw they talk differently.
Omg!!! Bennie played against himself!!!!!

There is actually a mode royal flush for you hb lover!

Submitting ban request is not about positive action but retributionBig Grin

Scron, you talk like there is a huge cyber-bullying against hb players.

I invite you to read all the reasons and debat about hb. In any case, if the dynamic of hb is against the philosophy of Bt (decided by the map creators), you can't counter it. (And seriously, HB involves feeder bashing more than anything, reducing teamplay, strategy component to crap :o )
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
(2012-03-11, 15:32:57)Althend Wrote: Omg!!! Bennie played against himself!!!!!

Scron, you talk like there is a huge cyber-bullying against hb players.

Scron is TC_Mad_Bull?
He killed btanks!
(2012-03-11, 03:31:33)scron2 Wrote: Permanently ban this IP I fucking dare you fuckface. Try it. This wc3 mod isn't even worth wasting my time on. You're all a bunch of fucking trolls here anyway.

I doubt this ban will be lifted soon Rolleyes
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Guys, let's just make love. Here's how:

[Image: BlastWarning.jpg]

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