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Battle Tanks game mechanics (updated for v8.80)
Quote:I thought the moment you get in range, your weapons take their cd to fire their first shot. I have never seen anything fire instantly when in range.

Correct me if im wrong but, what youre saying is, all weapons follow their own global cooldown timer? That would mean once you 'unsynchronize' 2 of the same weapons, that they will never fire at the same time ever again until you 'resyncrhonize' them? which by the way, would be close to impossible (you would have to pick up the weapon exactly when the other weapon's cd is at 0.

This is why high cooldown weapons needs more ability. You can hit and run enemy without being damaged if you are faster. Energy torpedo is one of them. If you have a tempo, you will know when your weapons will fire. So you attack and back, attack and back.
To synchronize your weapons simply die.Smile
I suspect that cd starts anew, when upgrading or changing the weapon?

Also the zip file with the weapon formula and bonuses is empty.

Why was it decided to make the bonuses range independent?

Because depending on the bonus type its usefullness might depend on range.
Take "damages player only" is rather usefull on long range weapons, but with low rang it is less useful, because often the enemy tank is the only target anyway in close range or the creeps can be quickly deposed off with a skill.
So while the player only bonus on death magic is rather powerful the player only bonus on unupgraded hammer is not that useful.

And what is the reason for the ranges of the expensive weapons?
The most expensive 1300 range weapon costs 12000, the 600 range weapon 11000 but the 950 range weapon 30000. So while in early and mid game one has a lot of choices in long games it boils down to buying frost laser. Why is this intended?
stupidnoob Wrote:So while in early and mid game one has a lot of choices in long games it boils down to buying frost laser. Why is this intended?
with a new shop in the next version this problem should be fixed
Quote:Laser and Rocket Towers also block the conquering of a CP, a Barricade on the other hand slows the capturing of a CP down. Normally you need 10 seconds to capture a CP, with a Barricade you need 20.

i just played a game and conquered a controlpoint only with a barricade- no tanks neither dark nor light force
laser and rocket towers also disable conquering so its seems quite logical that they can conquer too.
the barricade does not disable conquering but can conquer a cp.
is this intended?
ChronicStoned Wrote:
Quote:Laser and Rocket Towers also block the conquering of a CP, a Barricade on the other hand slows the capturing of a CP down. Normally you need 10 seconds to capture a CP, with a Barricade you need 20.

i just played a game and conquered a controlpoint only with a barricade- no tanks neither dark nor light force
laser and rocket towers also disable conquering so its seems quite logical that they can conquer too.
the barricade does not disable conquering but can conquer a cp.
is this intended?
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Tech Mech CP conquering ftw!
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
tech mech conquering is awesomeBig Grin
my new favourite tactic
Updated the information in the healing and Control Point section.

When there is something you also want to know about, just ask here!
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TKF Wrote:Well, isn't the bounty unique in a different game mode? Beginner? League mode?

Well is the bounty formula same for all game modes? I doubt so.
Kil/Death-Ratio has an impact in tank bounty - it ddiffers from game mode
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Can I request the calculations and formulas for the new assist gold bounty be posted here as well?
Updated with assists info.
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Updated the Magical and physical damage section with information about the stacking rules of magic resistances.

Please take note that as of right now - v8.76c - no magic resistances are stacking. This issue will be fixed in the upcoming version, to work like described in the main post.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Updated the bounty secton, to reflect the current bounty calculation
Updated the physical and magical resistance section
Removed the confusing formulation in the weapon formula section and readded the zip file, with actual content
Added a section about killing and assist sprees

Updated the experience and respawn sections to the current state

Everything should be up to date right now (v8.80).

If anything is unclear or you want to see more information, just post here.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.

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