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pacifista op
architect = 6k tank = tank with most possible damage and hp, because he can have 12 slots.

+ pacifista levels up for free with troop ups - at the end he has about 25k hp, which means as much as an endgame tank.
+ it has stun (or chance to stun)
+ it explodes on dead
+ it can be instantly healed back to full by recasting
+ it doesn't give much bounty when being killed

Attached you can find a replay, where you see that we overpowered the other team a couple of times, just to be unable to win 2 skyfort + inf vs pacifista. Pacifista player ("fiessling") also says it's overpowered (must have been somewhere around 1:40 or so).

My suggestion: Remove pacifistas inventory slots, and reduce the hp it gets with each level. Think about it, you aren't supposed to easily kill endgame tanks with a 6k tank.


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.w3g   LastReplay.w3g (Size: 5.11 MB / Downloads: 297)
Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.
lol? is it possible to give the exploding giant weapons? never saw that. That would be really op.
(2013-03-17, 04:42:30)Perfektionist Wrote: lol? is it possible to give the exploding giant weapons? never saw that. That would be really op.

welcome to btanks!

@ topic: if it was op everybody would use it and you could make several qq threads like we have got it about the repair robots atmSmile
(2013-03-17, 09:19:34)stibi- Wrote:
(2013-03-17, 04:42:30)Perfektionist Wrote: lol? is it possible to give the exploding giant weapons? never saw that. That would be really op.

welcome to btanks!

so its possible to give him a fireball cannon and he can shoot by himself?... and he dont lose the weapon if he dies?

@stibi: just because not everyone is using it doesn't make it less op. Watch the replay, or if you don't want to do that, do the math.

6k for possibly > 50k hp + explo on dead + more firepower than a normal tank can hold - tell me, how is that not overpowered? ...

Your argument doesnt really hold itself, because the same can be said about everything which is op at any time, as not always everyone 1.) knows about it at a given time 2.) WANTS to play op.

I don't for example - I won't touch architect as long as it is that much imbalanced, because it's no fun for me playing an imbalanced game that is easy to win. Why should I play against other human players if all I wanted was to win? ...

Edit: P.S.: If you wanna go against my (objective, mathematical) arguments, please do so with facts, and not ad hominem or the like.
Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.
Big Grin 
I played architect sometimes but never used weapons/items for the pacifista. and i thought its a nice tank to play with. really nice support tank and the pacifista is well balanced if you have NO items carried with.

with items its just OP... and i mean really OP - griffin forgot some points:

- as its a second target in a 1on1 you have another target which means your damage gets split up (such as troops, but they have a bit less than 25k lifeWink )
- as the pacifista has 6 slots at the end you can carry 12 items in total.
- instead of selling an item you can put it into the the pacifista and you dont lose any gold (50% of sold item)
- you can go for capture with pacifista. the only other way to do that is buying a techmec, therefor you need to buy it earlier or take a short break to buy one, as with pacifista you can instantly and flexible cast it whenever its needed.

i guess the best solution to fix that problem is just to delete all the item slots.

A high HP creep stunning and exploding as ulti for a 6k tank is good enough i guess.
I watched the replay but could not find the imbaness.

Just super funny itemchoices (the enemy damage dealers are a sky fortress and a summon? Better get more axe launchers and Bombs!~~) and carizma outplaying you like mad.
Well the fact is that archi can go full hp and pacifista full dps. Pacifista should have a lower hp and it's hp should not up that much, it should maybe have 15k top (at level 5 ulti). But don't forget that purple got leavers gold and carizma was owning the game almost alone. Easier to get fed with a fed mate.
two things that are not ok with the architect:

-the pacifista can shoot with longrange weapons even if the archtect is not in range. (bug)

-the architects respawn time is to low because if he give all weapons to pacifista he will respawn in 10-15 seconds. Even in end-game.
(2013-03-19, 11:39:23)Perfektionist Wrote: two things that are not ok with the architect:

-the pacifista can shoot with longrange weapons even if the archtect is not in range. (bug)

-the architects respawn time is to low because if he give all weapons to pacifista he will respawn in 10-15 seconds. Even in end-game.

You see, those are bugs and they need to be reported in the bug forum, so I can fix them. I can only fix stuff that I know of ;)

And adding to the discussion, I don't believe that the item slots are the problem here. Just because you have more item slots you don't magically have more gold or items available with which you can fill those slots.
As you might have noticed, the Architect was constantly buffed over time, right until people started to see how good he actually is. I already thought about a little remake with the Pacifista and his item slots, because people weren't using it as I wanted them to. Now that people started doing it, they realized how much of a potential he has, but maybe too much of it. I'll see what I'll do with it.
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(2013-03-19, 14:46:46)Exodus Wrote: And adding to the discussion, I don't believe that the item slots are the problem here. Just because you have more item slots you don't magically have more gold or items available with which you can fill those slots.

thats true but its about how you can use these 12 slots. while people have to sell old stuff to get better ones - the architect can earlier focus on the 12 slots and instead of wasting gold by selling an item he can give it to the pacifista.
(2013-03-19, 16:32:48)gozo1985 Wrote:
(2013-03-19, 14:46:46)Exodus Wrote: And adding to the discussion, I don't believe that the item slots are the problem here. Just because you have more item slots you don't magically have more gold or items available with which you can fill those slots.

thats true but its about how you can use these 12 slots. while people have to sell old stuff to get better ones - the architect can earlier focus on the 12 slots and instead of wasting gold by selling an item he can give it to the pacifista.
= e.g. by buying stuff cheaper from junk or just not needing to sell aynthing (instead of replacing an item, you just put the old one into your pacifista)

So architect ofc does not have more gold, but doesn't need to waste as much as other tanks by selling items. And yes, you can play without selling with other tanks as well, but that also means being less efficient if you look at it mathematically.
Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.
Architect is still far from op. His Pacifa is slow as hell, and dopey too. Often people (especially me) end up blowing a team mate up because the pacifa is too fat to move out of the way.

To go the 12 item route costs alot of money... by the time it is up and running you are competing against infernals. Architect's also have to waste a lot of money on items just to survive. He really isn't imba (though he is decent now at least thanks to all the buffs)
Pacifista is slow as hell... Not if you give him 150 bonus speed !
And yes this version is little bit op, the new version of archi seems more balanced. Let's see...
(2013-04-09, 00:07:46)Max Wrote: Pacifista is slow as hell... Not if you give him 150 bonus speed !
And yes this version is little bit op, the new version of archi seems more balanced. Let's see...
150 speed is standard, and it wastes 3000 gold. Basically your paying for x2 speeds instead of just 1 which is a huge sacrafice. Also no ammount of speed can make up for the "im too fat to bypass a creep" scenario anyway. Air tanks tend to pawn Architect cause of this.

There is a big difference between "powerful" and "overpowered", I personally don't think Architect has passed that threshold just yet. Thats just IMHO though...
Y I understand whay you say, but I keep thinking archi is too powerfull this way (maybe not overpowered). And sure you spend 3k gold to give it an upgraded speed, but it does a lot of damage and explode. With an air tank? Get nets and you destroy it. Watch the first replay of this thread. This guy played the same way some times and I had a really hard time to beat him in the middle of the game (from 40 min to 1h20). The ultimate is like a 10k hull with powerfull damage and explosion. It counts a lot.
Well now my experience with pacifista,
We get to know that if you play archtict, your can summon a pacifista. Although you can put weapons in the Pacifista, you need to stay near him, because if not, the weapons whouldnt attack. You also could put teleportbreaker, netz in the pacifista and use it. If the Pacifista die in range of you, he explode. Fortunately you can heal the Pacifista if the r skill isnt in cd. Play this tank has advantages and disadvantages, if u play with 4 noobs in team i whould not play this tank, because your opponent whould focus you and not the pacifista.
In this way, the pacifista whould be useless. It really just depends on your team, whether the architect is overpowered. The Architect is a great Teamplay Tank to push cp´s and also to defense cp´s. All in all i whould say, there are just a few player who play teamplay tanks in league, such as tree, hunter, architect.
Most do not even know how to spell temapaly =)
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline

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