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Nexes@europe has been banned again for nothing. IT IS ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once again i have been banned. By an admin acting behind the curtain, of course. And after games played versus warrior_sk_55, of course. Don't talk to me about unsocial behavior because that's bullshit. Nothing bad happened today.

I request of course immediate lift of this ban, and also a teamspeak/skype/viber talk with Esvau or Velocity, because enough is enough.

I also request the name of the league admin who did that (nickname of the admin AND nickname of the smurf account used), the publication of the replay of the game.

If no league admin was in game and i got banned on personnal request, i request the demote of the league admin who did this.

I send copies of this to all admins.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
There are much more ban detectors than i ever thoughtTongue
Some quotes:
Quote:[06:35] [Nexes]: fuck u green

[07:47] [Nexes]: what a disaster

[08:31] [Nexes]: skytomb
[08:35] [Nexes]: be useful...

[09:11] [Nexes]: go fuck urself grey

[09:37] [Nexes]: -kick 7 idiot

[11:06] [Nexes]: skydumb

[11:30] [Nexes]: u're a shame of a player

[29:52] [Nexes]: idiot

[30:06] [Nexes]: stupid

[30:23] [Nexes]: fungamer u're an asshole

Enough for someone who got banned multiple times for flaming etc.

Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind. (Terrry Pratchett)
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Really Esvau ? That's a joke. In that game skytomb is the only one geared to go lane (demo, basic magic). He doesn't want to.
About my answer to grey, that's because he was threatening to get us all banned. That kind of answer is totally acceptable in that case.
And finally, about fungamer. How dare you use that against me ? In that game, fungamer93 abused the kicksystem to get kicked the only played who cared more about the team than about himself in our team. That's why I reacted like this and i was not the only one unhappy about it.

This kind of talks is quite common when a game goes bad in a team. But it's fun to see how u react fast when it's about banning me, when the OFFICIAL banrequest thread has not been cleared for ages. Instead of doing your job, you even waste ur time quoting my every sentences, out of their context, to make your point and cover those idiotics "undercover bans". I don't know what is your fucking problem with me, but I guess there is quite a lot deseased minds around.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====

Seems so. Loud and proud. Way to be admin Tez.

I guess skytomb and telvos didnt contact you or esvau. Saugeill got kicked before my last words on chat. And you have also ally chat. So either you are fungamer, and what u did to saugeill was disgusting and you deserve to be banned as a player for kicksystem abuse, and demoted from ur admin. Either you are fungamer little friend, and you two are really meant to mate.

Esvau could you publish the replay, so everyone sees what fungamer did at the end of the game ?
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
Now i've got blamed for being responsive? Well, silence will be my friend again...
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Lol, you got a point here, but out of bad faith, and you know it very well.

When it's about covering those absurd bans, you answer fast, demonstrate, and even sanction it by modifying the guidelines.
When it's about the usual banrequests thread (which should be your priority AND the only way someone can get banned), you guys take your time. (and i have no problem with that ALONE)
And when it's about putting an end to Tez sick & friends private ban circuit, there is just no one !

Being responsive is good, but now you have to work the content of your answers, and the equity of your judgements. And stop ducking when another admin behaves bad. It's not like Tez can hurt anyone, except with a mouse, a keyboard, an admin acces, and if he's allowed to use it freely to make a personnal vendetta.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
There is absolutely no justification for flame. This is a deserved ban. Get over it and work on your anger management.
Is there also any justification to ban without any information ? Neglecting all your different accounts you find it fair ?
@Prog : What about tracking people, banning on personnal request, especially on friends request, no due process, no public replay, no name of the admin who banned ?

And what about covering up for a friend sabotaging (warrior_sk_55), which is way worst than you so called flame, and game and IN THIS CASE, arguing about banrules (one week delay) to not ban him ?

What about granting the private banrequest of fungamer93, and not banning him for abusing votekick by kicking the only guy in the team who actually cared about the game ?

Prog, how can you be able at the same time to be a developper, and a so bad judge of situation and character, when in both cases logic and common sense are involved ? From what you show here, you are a good dev team but one more weak admin who won't condemn what should be. Only picking on players who can't answer back, ofc, protecting your own guys even if they behave like shit abuse the system and laugh about it like tez&co because they know they can do anything they want, ofc.

And to answer your smart point, nope, I will certainly not work on my anger management when you are not able to work on your own behavior to grow some balls and take action to restore proper behavior in your league administration team.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
calm down, get new account. admins will ban you for doing something stupid or if they dont like you. life with it and just login with new account. problem solved
Thx for advice Gozo, but nope, it doesnt work like this. "Realpolitiks" ain't my forte and there is something's really wrong about the way one admin use his privileges and grand courtesy bans to friends, i say it and stand for it. Same goes about others admins backup provided to the rogue one. And i will certainly not giveup my account on my own will. Period.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
@Godstrongarms: You like to flame in games whether you win or lose. I dont know why you want to provoke others by doing so but you are the one at fault for flaming. One would expect you to stop doing that after the times you got banned but you keep doing it. So you can only blame yourself. BTW someone who got banned many times is more likely to get banned for something minor while someone with a "clean" record not so likely to get banned. You keep telling that you got banned because a friend of an admin requested it but you have no proof that an admin wasnt in that game. If you can prove that you got banned by a friend of an admin request then you are right here otherwise you are wrong. The only wrong ban in the history of this game was the one in griffin's case the rest just had it coming.
@EarthR :
- It's true i can be agressive in game, but much more when I loose than when I win, unless you prove me otherwise. And guess what, when they loose, many players are. And i'm not so provocative (i strike back approximatively as much as I strike first, and sometimes i get banned on "game sabotage" via friend request when there is no sabotage at all).
- How can I blame just myself when there is also a proven wrong behavior from an admin ? You need to worth both your logics and ur reading skills, because obviously you lack of both.
- Someone who got banned many times can get more easily banned for minor offenses. True, but what if 85% of those bans are made under the seal of secrecy and courtesy to admin friends ? Only the 15% bans (the official and legal ones) should remain in the count. And then i didn't get banned so many times. So i should not be banned for minor things (and i'm not in the banrequest topic, obviouslyWink
- Indeed, no proofs, you make my point, thank you. Except the ban Esvau detailed (out of his context, but that's already a steph ahead), none of the bans i got from Tez gang has proof, replay, post, anything proving it. And we know the admin names. ;-)
- The charge of the proof goes to the admins or the requesting player, certainly not to the one who got banned without any proof, replay, post being exposed. In your opinion, if you are jailed without due process for being the thief, it's up to you to prove you didn't steal anything ? Good luck with that buddy.
- The only wrong ban in history was Griffin one ? (tho indeed it was a wrong ban, check the thread) My god, how much lives did you have to play those dozen of thousands games and monitor league forum since the beginning of league history ? So you hold the universal truth, and u didn't share before today ? Honnestly you talk nonsense here, and that ruins your purpose.
Thanks for participating.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
(2013-12-10, 18:24:08)GodStrongArms Wrote: - It's true i can be agressive in game, but much more when I loose than when I win, unless you prove me otherwise. And guess what, when they loose, many players are. And i'm not so provocative (i strike back approximatively as much as I strike first, and sometimes i get banned on "game sabotage" via friend request when there is no sabotage at all).
Does that make their behavior any less wrong? and i tell you again since you lack the ability to read(like you typed about me) where is your proof that you got sabotages via friend and not by an admin in game?
(2013-12-10, 18:24:08)GodStrongArms Wrote: - How can I blame just myself when there is also a proven wrong behavior from an admin ? You need to worth both your logics and ur reading skills, because obviously you lack of both.
Correction used to be wrong. Go check the ban guidelines they have changed. My logic and reading skills are fine you on the other hand cant seem to read/write something down without insulting someone.
(2013-12-10, 18:24:08)GodStrongArms Wrote: - Someone who got banned many times can get more easily banned for minor offenses. True, but what if 85% of those bans are made under the seal of secrecy and courtesy to admin friends ? Only the 15% bans (the official and legal ones) should remain in the count. And then i didn't get banned so many times. So i should not be banned for minor things (and i'm not in the banrequest topic, obviouslyWink
like i said again your assumptions arent the truth. And go read how you can get banned.
(2013-12-10, 18:24:08)GodStrongArms Wrote: - Indeed, no proofs, you make my point, thank you. Except the ban Esvau detailed (out of his context, but that's already a steph ahead), none of the bans i got from Tez gang has proof, replay, post, anything proving it. And we know the admin names. ;-)
Because an admin is limited to 1 name only? Its so hard to make multipple accounts on warcraft. So my point is you know nothing.
(2013-12-10, 18:24:08)GodStrongArms Wrote: - The charge of the proof goes to the admins or the requesting player, certainly not to the one who got banned without any proof, replay, post being exposed. In your opinion, if you are jailed without due process for being the thief, it's up to you to prove you didn't steal anything ? Good luck with that buddy.
esvau posted a proof of you flaming what else you want as proof. You act like you didnt type those words and its all made up if thats the case then its completely different situation.
(2013-12-10, 18:24:08)GodStrongArms Wrote: - The only wrong ban in history was Griffin one ? (tho indeed it was a wrong ban, check the thread) My god, how much lives did you have to play those dozen of thousands games and monitor league forum since the beginning of league history ? So you hold the universal truth, and u didn't share before today ? Honnestly you talk nonsense here, and that ruins your purpose.
Thanks for participating.
the only wrong ban is griffin because of his behavior in league altogether. Even if an admin thought he did something wrong he shouldnt have banned him because of his history thats all. there are some players you just cant ban even if they break all rules in 1 game

Stop acting like a smartass you only make yourself sound stupid.
admins are not fair Exclamation they never ban friends.. foellix and firlefranz Insult and flame always but they are never banned.. they told me create your ban req but admins never ban friends ExclamationExclamation very fair league
everyone can say anything ......Dodgy

my ban request was on Forum but stibi said nothing outstanding he said hrnson to me k if nothing outstanding same on stibiExclamation he could say i wont ban my friend. i had to leave to go Hospital with my mom but it was a reason for them to Insult me but thx on stibi noob admin really
@EarthR : The proof is indeed inexistant. I got banned for a sabotage that never happened, with a replay that no one has saw, just because warrior_sk_55 said "i'm gonna ban you" (i was Heli long range middle, and 85% K/D ratio in tha game, when everyone else aside him was feeding hard if i recall correctly).
Ban guidelines has changed after most of those bans happened. That change of guidelines is a proof that before that change happened, all those bans were made despite the old guidelines which was not sanctionning them.
Your third point is a nonsense. I already answered to it, i won't repeat myself.
Your fourth point is also a nonsense. A cop can arrest you only under its cop autority, not because a friend told him to arrest you. Same should go for admins. And about names, if an admin feels like to play like a player only, then he should behave like it and use common banrequest thread to get someone banned. And he should also not forget to play the 25 qualifies before to validate his common player account.Wink
Fifth, indeed Esvau posted those words, and despite what you understood, i didnt denegate them. I just replaced them into their context, and with that context u can understand much more better my reaction. But once again, you don't read correctly.
Sixth, about Griffin ban. It's not because it was unfair than all other bans are fair. So what's your point exactly ? Aside flaming for the greater good (and show yourself as a true member of the herd), you make no sense. Shall i send private request to forum admin to get you banned ?Big Grin
Go figure...
Thanks again for participating.

@Tez : And Tez can do anything. Boring, I know.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====

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