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Please restore Air Ship speed to 460...

In older versions (like v8.70?) we had an Air Ship with 460 max.speed (level 13). Now it is much slower (430?).

I would like to request you to restore it to previous value.

It creates much better game dynamic and balances against the lack of stun.
Today I rarely, if ever, play Airship, and in the old days it was one of my favourite vehicles. Because of speed. If really must, the price can be slightly increased to 4600 or 4800. (or HP slightly decreased).

-RAF Fenix, 21.Mar.2014.
I always was against an air ship speed nerf and 100% agree that it brings better dynamic to have a tank that relys heavily on speed.
Agree i was totally against it i even pointed this out.....(Also there are so many counters to airship now.....
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
I have argumented alot of this before that Airship should not have nerfed speed, its just very strange to me that the cheap heli gets a better version of the same skill.

And if for some reason we can't give airship any better then nerfed speed well then remove its speed ability completly, all or nothing style.

And don't come with arguments that speed nerfed was needed because to many people used to use this tank, or that its an ego tank, its easy to fix with a new set of abilities if you wan't it to be not an ego tankSmile

I have argumented alot of this before that Airship should not have nerfed speed, its just very strange to me that the cheap heli gets a better version of the same skill.

And if for some reason we can't give airship any better then nerfed speed well then remove its speed ability completly, all or nothing style.

And don't come with arguments that speed nerfed was needed because to many people used to use this tank, or that its an ego tank, its easy to fix with a new set of abilities if you wan't it to be not an ego tankSmile
nooooo finally airshit is fine. the speed nerf was done to improve other skills (slow for drones) to make this tank finally more useful for the team !
(2014-03-21, 20:34:43)gozo1985 Wrote: nooooo finally airshit is fine. the speed nerf was done to improve other skills (slow for drones) to make this tank finally more useful for the team !

Well bad way to improve abilities In my opinion, and usefull for the team, it was before to you know just because its not the best tatical tank, it can be very good as a strategic one, if you all stoped to think about players that target the base and such for ego players then you would all know how usefull the tank really can be for the team.

In the end its all about which teams HQ last longer and nothing else.
The old Airshit had no team skill.

Every other Tank in the Game (except Raider) has at least a stun, slow or support skill
(2014-03-21, 22:35:55)gozo1985 Wrote: The old Airshit had no team skill.

Every other Tank in the Game (except Raider) has at least a stun, slow or support skill

But that don't mean Airship speed should be nerfed even if it. mean other skills get improved.

Why not remove speed altogther and give it suggested team skill to replace it with.
(2014-03-21, 22:35:55)gozo1985 Wrote: The old Airshit had no team skill.

Every other Tank in the Game (except Raider) has at least a stun, slow or support skill

Sorry you can label it what you want but at the end of the day i think there are players who can have better support play and team play then other people with stuns etc its all about how you use the tanks any tank can have have shit abilties if you cant use half the people don't know how to stun or went to do titan ulti , changing the speed of airship and then also introducing a strong 4k air tank to counter airship also the presence of heavy all tanks with nets and demon but airship vulnerable yet pretty much it seems there trying to stop people using it all together.

Sorry meant to say any tank has a range of abilties in battle tanks its how a person uses them and he knows when to pick the tank , i know for a fact that some of the highest skilled players can use airship and create huge advantages for there team.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
The old Airship was fun to play with; The new one isn't.
Slow Speed makes it useless.
New airship get less speed but drones slows enemies to balance this. It's imo better this way. It prevents some things starting with a huge advantage on heavy tank. Too much speed gives this tank almost no chance to be hit by ulti. And also about campers : some guys who camp in their lanes to go mid getting last kill : well it's harder now. And this tank is still strong, depends on how you play it. Storm isn't really better but for camper (same shit like demo : camping behind 3 mines).

And if you are unhappy with it, well if you win your lane just do this : buy 2 mana + 1 speed and get shocker and drones. If really works, I did that some times. I don't see the problem with that tank now. It also prevents stupids with 5x torpedos + gh to be almost imba because of their speed. It's now easier to counter.
I don't think 5 torpedoes and airship was ever good option unless your vsing low skilled players i don't remember it being imba also got to remember range has buildings as a target now also.I rather have the airship restored to its normal speed and the drones put back to normal ....drones are so obvious and easy to dodge and airships best ability was its speed and manoeuvrability early on its lost that.

In the changes made Jet propulsion on airship 26.667 % decrease from 30-22(Quite significant) Thats a big nerf also the fact that helicopter has still maintained its speed.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM

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