2009-06-21, 18:50:01
The Yellow flag locations!
Many of the fatal errors which occurs ingame in the latest version seems to happen near the flags. Perhaps the mapper must add a condition so that dead units don't get a ability or buff. I just discovered a fatal error here at the OS 7.55 when i was experimenting with tossing tank abilities which did conflict with the strategic locations, but I don't know what's done to this since then. Maybe the mysterious rare AI fatal error has root in this strategic flag locations?
It's know that exploder in the older versions getting displaced from a flag by a tp breaker while landing on a mine instantly is causing fatal error. I haven't checked this out yet in 8.60.
Many of the fatal errors which occurs ingame in the latest version seems to happen near the flags. Perhaps the mapper must add a condition so that dead units don't get a ability or buff. I just discovered a fatal error here at the OS 7.55 when i was experimenting with tossing tank abilities which did conflict with the strategic locations, but I don't know what's done to this since then. Maybe the mysterious rare AI fatal error has root in this strategic flag locations?
It's know that exploder in the older versions getting displaced from a flag by a tp breaker while landing on a mine instantly is causing fatal error. I haven't checked this out yet in 8.60.