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the risk of random :)
hi in 3k start there are so many possibilities of tanks you can random i think the reward for going random should increase by 5 percent maybe im not sure but should increase same apply for 10 or any other start imgine getting a light tank in 30 k not fun there should be some better reward for going random even

MB JUST 5% : btw going random for me is more risky now cause of mediavicTongue
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
You won't get a Light Tank in 30k mode. The tanks are divided into 3 lists. One for 3-5k gold, one for 10k gold and one for 30k gold. The first one goes from Scout to Demolisher, the second one from Shredder to Goblin Tank (? I'm not sure at this one, maybe even to the Earth Tank) and the third one includes the rest.

You can't random Tinker, Exploder or Trader. Medivac will get better next version, so I don't see a reason yet, to increase the amount of gold you get.
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Exodus Wrote:You can't random Tinker

I'm quite sure that that is not correct. (Or it's not always working...) I can't provide a replay right now (because I'm at workBig Grin), but I'm sure I got a tinker once by picking random.

I'll check this evening if I can find the replay.
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
Ive 'randomed' tinker a few times without getting the extra gold so something isnt working right. Im also pretty sure you can random basic tanks in 10k (with or without extended req)

I think the more tank choices for random, the more bonus gold.

24 tanks in total.
3-5k: 1/5

10k: 1/12
everything above
(never seen earthbot being randomed in 10k)

Dont random enough in 30k to know how low a tank you can random.
titan cannot be randomed, fort and infernal can only be randomed if armour has been set to 20. Thats 1/16 excluding basic tanks.

So if anything, 10k and 30k should have their random bounty increased.

Bennie, 5 out of 24 isnt 'so many possibilities' in fact, 3k being the lowest starting gold, has the least number of possibilities.
hmm ok if mediavac gets better it will ruin this suggestion cause all other tanks under 3k are awesome
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
you really randomed a tinker? well that sucksWink
i never ever got a tinkerBig Grin
Didn't find the replay. But as i think about it. Wouldn't the replay be useless? If Dr.MCNinja is right and you don't get extra gold for randoming a tinker a replay wouldn't proof anything, right?
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
Replay could help, but i dont think it is necessary; ive had it happen at least 3 times and one of those times i just assumed i clicked wrongly, but it happened soon after in another game so i was sure. To get tinker, you have to click on tank factory, which i didnt do. So it was the random tank button.
im not sure about this, but:
the tanks in the factory have hotkeys too
so if tinkers hotkey is 'r' you may got him cause u clicked the factory instead of the pilot.
just an idea
randoming a tinker would be the best what can happen, thats why its not possible. you would have a tinker and your 150 bonus gold, so you would be able to actually chose a tank with random money.

and im quite sure its not possible, i play random every game.
I found the replay yesterday. You can't see wether I randomed or not. You only see i get tinker without getting extra gold. So replay is useless. Can someone check wether the tinker's hotkey in the factory is 'r'? (Didn't have the time to check that, too) If so I most likely selected the factory before pushing 'r'. Although i normally choose random by clicking the icon...
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
Dr.Popitz Wrote:I found the replay yesterday. You can't see wether I randomed or not. You only see i get tinker without getting extra gold. So replay is useless. Can someone check wether the tinker's hotkey in the factory is 'r'? (Didn't have the time to check that, too) If so I most likely selected the factory before pushing 'r'. Although i normally choose random by clicking the icon...
hmm but cant you see which units you selected in the replay? i think its possible, but i dont know exactly...
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
Hmm.... I don't know. I'm not so familiar with the replay-functions and didn't have much time yesterday. Maybe I can check again this afternoon. Then I can also check wether the tinker's hotkey is 'r'.Big Grin
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
I never randomed tinker and I randomes really often in the past. I just got tinker one time, because i accidently clicked the tank factorySmile
I couldnt decide random or choosing at the time :mrgreen:
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
I checked the hotkey thing. If you select the tank factory and push 'r' you get Medivac. At least in 8.60. In 8.59 nothing happens. Tinker's hotkey is 'k'.

So still no idea what might be the reason.Sad
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
Tinker and Random is on the same button. It must be the reason..
I thought about that, too, but I just don't believe that I first selected the tank factory and then clicked on tinker thinking I would click on random. Honestly, that would just be too stupid.Confusedhock:
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
Well, it shouldn't be possible to get Tinker through the random trigger, since there is a hard coded list, that does not include the Tinker.

You can check the code yourself:

function GetRandomStartTankType takes player P returns integer
    local integer Gold = GetPlayerState(P, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)
    local integer array TankTypes
    local integer TankTypesMax
    local integer Start
    local integer i

    //Start game tanks
    set TankTypes[0] = 'H01L'    //Scout
    set TankTypes[1] = 'H00X'    //Anti-Grav
    set TankTypes[2] = 'H009'    //Light Tank
    set TankTypes[3] = 'H008'    //Helicopter
    set TankTypes[4] = 'H007'    //Demolisher
    set TankTypes[5] = 'H017'    //Medivac

    //Mid game tanks
    set TankTypes[10] = 'H011'    //Goblin Shredder
    set TankTypes[11] = 'H00R'    //Ghost Tank
    set TankTypes[12] = 'H012'    //Guard
    set TankTypes[13] = 'H00C'    //Air Ship
    set TankTypes[14] = 'H00B'    //Thunder Tank
    set TankTypes[15] = 'H00D'    //Heavy Tank
    set TankTypes[16] = 'H00I'    //Goblin Tank

    //End game tanks
    set TankTypes[20] = 'H01R'    //Sky Fortress
    set TankTypes[21] = 'H00K'    //Infernal Robot
    set TankTypes[22] = 'H00F'    //Demon Tank
    set TankTypes[23] = 'H00H'    //Frost Robot
    set TankTypes[24] = 'H00E'    //Sky Tank
    set TankTypes[25] = 'H01S'    //Hunter
    if Gold < 10000 then
        set TankTypesMax = 5
        set Start = 0
    elseif Gold < 30000 then
        set TankTypesMax = 6
        set Start = 10
        set TankTypesMax = 5
        set Start = 20
    set i = GetRandomInt(Start,TankTypesMax+Start)
        exitwhen ((TankMeetsTechRequirements(P, TankTypes[i]) == 0) and ((not udg_TankMonopoly) or (not AnyAllyHasTankOfType(P,TankTypes[i]))))
        set i = i + 1
        if i > (TankTypesMax + Start) then
            if Start > 0 then
                set Start = Start - 10
                if Start < 10 then
                    set TankTypesMax = 5
                elseif Start < 20 then
                    set TankTypesMax = 6
                    set TankTypesMax = 5
                set i = GetRandomInt(Start,TankTypesMax+Start)
                set i = 0
    return TankTypes[i]

I also just checked if the comments with the tank names are correct, so there is no problem (Tinker is 'H006').
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Hm... Maybe this problem was caused by lag or something. Dunno. But as long as it doesn't occur again I don't care...Big Grin
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
I just noticed, that the Earth Tank is missing in this list ... well, he will be added to it next version.
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