2009-03-31, 20:09:09
Conquest mode would be good in making sure games dont go excessively long although as someone pointed out, it can still go on for a fair while. Actually I have been carried away and have no answered my own question of a suggestion. Answer: winning will require a lot more thought, clear winners will not take 3 hours and comebacks are still very possible but only if there is teamwork.
My suggestion would be a tweaked conquest victory mode either as CV or as a seperate mode in addition to CV. I dont know off the top of my head how long the conquest timer is and i havent played that mode much.
Correct me if im wrong, CV timer is reset once a cp is lost while holding all cps?
Possible tweaks:
- change conquest time
- change how conquest victory works altogether
- change conditions of 'conquest'
- create a system where the 'attacking' and 'defending' teams can be identified arbitarily (this could be useful for other things)
- Non victory: conquest introduces a global effect or something like that
Dynamic Conquest Victory - Because current CV is rigid and unwelcoming
+ Create a system where the total time all cps are held is counted. The longer it is held, the harder it is for the other team to come back. When the defenders take a single point, the attackers total CV time is increased by XX minutes. When a 2nd cp is taken, the attackers also get increased CV time but will lose it if they dont capture that cp back in X minutes. If attackers do take it back fairly quickly, then they will continue with their 'increased' CV time.
+ Conditions of conquest victory could not be limited to cps, but instead, controlling tower ruins OR nodes at various places that can be captured but serve no other purpose than in CV mode. It is far too easy for a rogue air tank to fly around the borders of the map undisturbed. A good player will catch them but not everyone can be bothered especially if they are already sieging the base.
+ If the attackers and defenders can be identified, then bonuses can be given to either side or for assisting in the dynamic CV timer system. Perhaps the attacking team with all cps start with XX minutes countdown which increases the longer they hold it. This will allow temporary or short lived conquests to be countered before the 'increase' adds on too much. BUT when a team cannot take back a cp then their countdown to victory will steadily increase.
+ Change the CV system into one where 'countdown' time is a commodity that can be fought for.
- Each team starts with a set amount of minutes and it slowly countsdown. Option for max game time could work here or to have none "no countdown".
- Time can be added/taken and the countdown rate increased/decreased
- Capturing more cps increases your countdown rate.
- Tower ruins could form some kind of 'conquest' marker and having more towers on ruins increases countdown. This may require more work on extra towers to assist this feature.
- Towers built must be held for a certain amount of time before it 'affects' countdown (increasing it).
- Destroying structures in enemy base while on ATTACKING grants minutes (taken off).
- Mid could form a 'strategic location'. My personal opinion of mid shop is it should only have expensive weapons. Weak weapons should be availible in base.
- At the END, you will either get a clear winner or draw; If a team makes a comeback right at the end, but the other team already has a lot of 'countdown' and are about to win, and the comeback team takes a few points but dont become 'full on attackers' then it will be counted as a draw even though the other team 'won' in the countdown.
- At the END, if the countdown times are fairly similar, it will be a draw with exceptions: attacking = win. So if the timer is similar and you are attacking (even if you have not 'won' the timer race) you will win by this rule.
+ NO timer in CV mode. Instead, conquest slowly increases or places curses either global or random, on all enemy tanks. It's timing will work similarly to the global timer system in that the effects will start after a certain period of time and increase after that. Curses could be slow, random blink, random silence, damage, lightning shield that hurts allies, damage to all structures, damage to towers etc... This will significantly change the game though. Random curses could cause new strategies to be used on the fly as different curses come into effect or wear off. Being adaptive would be important and getting lucky with 'random blink' could help secure a cp. Honestly, i havent though through this mode because im not very interested, but this idea is here.
Total duration in holding all 6 CPs is calculated and factored into how long the CV timer is. Holding it for a longer total time allows a shorter CV time/win.
Global countdown timer present from the start of the game, where the countdown time can be influenced and decreased or increased by what happens in the game to REFLECT who controls the game thus win. A draw is possible.
Introduce tower ruins as a strategic location like CPs so that map conquest can be strengthened. Can be combined with global timer.
Remove countdown timer and replace with curses for having no CPs. Effects will be mild early but increase exponentially until the team's window of comeback is gone and the curses cause them to lose. This would really be a 'new' mode in effect.
Ive put a lot of thought into this system because I think it could introduce a new 'CTF' element to BT which is partly in the CV mode. I dont find CV mode particlarly fun though, and usually do without it. I call it a dynamic conquest victory because its not rigid in a set timer based on holding all CPs. It is based on the performance of the players on how well and effectively they hold the map and siege. Losing a single point to a rogue enemy tank can be frustrating and my system compensates for that.
Each + point is a seperate idea. My personal preference would be for time to be a commodity which is kinda like a reverse of games where you have to have the highest team score. At this stage of an idea i wouldnt even bother thikning about balance. Maybe all this will be done in Btanks12.53 or SC2 BTanks1.0.. Hope sc2 has trillions of effects and models to use GL HF
My suggestion would be a tweaked conquest victory mode either as CV or as a seperate mode in addition to CV. I dont know off the top of my head how long the conquest timer is and i havent played that mode much.
Correct me if im wrong, CV timer is reset once a cp is lost while holding all cps?
Possible tweaks:
- change conquest time
- change how conquest victory works altogether
- change conditions of 'conquest'
- create a system where the 'attacking' and 'defending' teams can be identified arbitarily (this could be useful for other things)
- Non victory: conquest introduces a global effect or something like that
Dynamic Conquest Victory - Because current CV is rigid and unwelcoming
+ Create a system where the total time all cps are held is counted. The longer it is held, the harder it is for the other team to come back. When the defenders take a single point, the attackers total CV time is increased by XX minutes. When a 2nd cp is taken, the attackers also get increased CV time but will lose it if they dont capture that cp back in X minutes. If attackers do take it back fairly quickly, then they will continue with their 'increased' CV time.
+ Conditions of conquest victory could not be limited to cps, but instead, controlling tower ruins OR nodes at various places that can be captured but serve no other purpose than in CV mode. It is far too easy for a rogue air tank to fly around the borders of the map undisturbed. A good player will catch them but not everyone can be bothered especially if they are already sieging the base.
+ If the attackers and defenders can be identified, then bonuses can be given to either side or for assisting in the dynamic CV timer system. Perhaps the attacking team with all cps start with XX minutes countdown which increases the longer they hold it. This will allow temporary or short lived conquests to be countered before the 'increase' adds on too much. BUT when a team cannot take back a cp then their countdown to victory will steadily increase.
+ Change the CV system into one where 'countdown' time is a commodity that can be fought for.
- Each team starts with a set amount of minutes and it slowly countsdown. Option for max game time could work here or to have none "no countdown".
- Time can be added/taken and the countdown rate increased/decreased
- Capturing more cps increases your countdown rate.
- Tower ruins could form some kind of 'conquest' marker and having more towers on ruins increases countdown. This may require more work on extra towers to assist this feature.
- Towers built must be held for a certain amount of time before it 'affects' countdown (increasing it).
- Destroying structures in enemy base while on ATTACKING grants minutes (taken off).
- Mid could form a 'strategic location'. My personal opinion of mid shop is it should only have expensive weapons. Weak weapons should be availible in base.
- At the END, you will either get a clear winner or draw; If a team makes a comeback right at the end, but the other team already has a lot of 'countdown' and are about to win, and the comeback team takes a few points but dont become 'full on attackers' then it will be counted as a draw even though the other team 'won' in the countdown.
- At the END, if the countdown times are fairly similar, it will be a draw with exceptions: attacking = win. So if the timer is similar and you are attacking (even if you have not 'won' the timer race) you will win by this rule.
+ NO timer in CV mode. Instead, conquest slowly increases or places curses either global or random, on all enemy tanks. It's timing will work similarly to the global timer system in that the effects will start after a certain period of time and increase after that. Curses could be slow, random blink, random silence, damage, lightning shield that hurts allies, damage to all structures, damage to towers etc... This will significantly change the game though. Random curses could cause new strategies to be used on the fly as different curses come into effect or wear off. Being adaptive would be important and getting lucky with 'random blink' could help secure a cp. Honestly, i havent though through this mode because im not very interested, but this idea is here.
Total duration in holding all 6 CPs is calculated and factored into how long the CV timer is. Holding it for a longer total time allows a shorter CV time/win.
Global countdown timer present from the start of the game, where the countdown time can be influenced and decreased or increased by what happens in the game to REFLECT who controls the game thus win. A draw is possible.
Introduce tower ruins as a strategic location like CPs so that map conquest can be strengthened. Can be combined with global timer.
Remove countdown timer and replace with curses for having no CPs. Effects will be mild early but increase exponentially until the team's window of comeback is gone and the curses cause them to lose. This would really be a 'new' mode in effect.
Ive put a lot of thought into this system because I think it could introduce a new 'CTF' element to BT which is partly in the CV mode. I dont find CV mode particlarly fun though, and usually do without it. I call it a dynamic conquest victory because its not rigid in a set timer based on holding all CPs. It is based on the performance of the players on how well and effectively they hold the map and siege. Losing a single point to a rogue enemy tank can be frustrating and my system compensates for that.
Each + point is a seperate idea. My personal preference would be for time to be a commodity which is kinda like a reverse of games where you have to have the highest team score. At this stage of an idea i wouldnt even bother thikning about balance. Maybe all this will be done in Btanks12.53 or SC2 BTanks1.0.. Hope sc2 has trillions of effects and models to use GL HF