if you are so great that you destroy your enemy allways so fast that noone of them can get frost or titan you are really good ^^
maybe try a different tactic just because of fun so that the game becomes more equal
If you want to see how players react in the endgame. Join a btank game with Urush (means 30k gold at start in custom mode) At least than you will see some titans with frostlaser.
And I think some difference in the last weapons wont be bad. I mean its borring if everyone is saving only for frostlaser - that why another equal weapon (means with the same costs) to frostlaser would be nice.
yesterday i played one game which lasts 1hour and around 30minutes.
it was the only game that long since months (i nearly play everyday)
and i don't see any need for more weapons ABOVE 30k,
but some more variety between 12k and 30k realy would be nice.
most games don't last over 45 to 60 minutes and, in my opinion they should not!
who wants to play a game over 2 hours?
i think there are many players who simply don't have enough time for such long games.
i like games between 30 and 60 minutes.
Hi with hb now being probably the most play game mode i have seen of late having alternative weapons with higher cost or more upgrades on frost laser so on ....would be good if you play a hb game for 2 hours your bound to have 5 frost lasers titan and ultimate pack i have ended up selling frost lasers to the junkyard so my team mates can buy them for cheaper just because i can not do anything more with my money maybe a 40 k weapon or more upgrades for frost laser and weapons over 15 k maybe
Cat power < needs to be implemented into bt
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
Dersatan is right in that games lasting that lo ng are rare, but they do happen. I've played games in which I was completely maxed out with a titan frosts upgraded and ult pack...not much else to do at that point besides buy facts or upgrades....Maybe a stronger ult pack or definitely higher cost weapons would help.
Share the love in the unknown. Only way to understand (understatement) (wink). -Bang Bang in Blindingly Brilliant Bliss because of benevolent beneficiary being belonging 'bove, always, love...
i read often weapons around 40k?!?!?! and wonder why all can't read? - coloured the part in the survey now for all who are to lazy to read
I just want to mention this survey is only For weapons BETWEEN 12-30K !!!!
for all who cant read and vote yes there is no talk about more expensive weapons than frostlaser. Just for one equal for more differences in the last game time (if you make 1 40k weapon than all will finally run around with that 40k weapon ...)
if you want to make a survey for weapons over 30k make your own new survey - just to remember this survive here is for more weapons BETWEEN 12-30k dont mix different questions
Quote:Do you want more endgame weapons (12-30k)
It does not interest me
maybe it would be better to restart the survey - i think at least half of the voters did not unterstand for what this survey stand?
hmm maybe we dont need better weapons but rather other items like a better orbital control (something like that http://forum.btanks.net/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=1479)
so there are alternatives to weapons which a better than weapons but are harder to handle
If we could get something like that I would probably just rush for that every game, then blow the crap out of everyone else with it :twisted:
You may notice that some of my posts are somewhat disconnected in their ideas and don't really flow that well. That's because my mind drifts around like a jellyfish in a strong ocean current. You just lost the game.
But I don't know how we should solve this issue. I already mentioned increasing the upgrades amount of late game weapons. If new weapons is going to be added, a new shop is needed.
Also I think it's possible to add a high cost accessory item (like orbital).
Share the love in the unknown. Only way to understand (understatement) (wink). -Bang Bang in Blindingly Brilliant Bliss because of benevolent beneficiary being belonging 'bove, always, love...