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more Troop upgrates?
I have a little suggesten. I would like to see some more upgrates for the troops, because i reacht the maximum of upgrates in 3of 8Games and in one of this the opposit team also reacht 30upgrates (for armour and damadge).
So i would suggest 99upgrates each. So the troops get stronger each time. Because finally the tanks and wapons get stronger and stronger and the troops are strucked. Okay well some players now will say "the troops will now get imba!" But they are not strong from the start so every player has the change to grow stronger next to the troops.

But for gamebalance i would suggest to reduce to improve a bit, but in the end there should be much improved troops by 99Armour and 99Damdge. :twisted:
Then it will be impossible to kill the creeps. They become stronger than the players -.-
Well, you know you can buy wapons like frostlaser? and tanks like titan? And you know how long it takes to get 99 upgrates. There are 12 Upgrates per hour so you will have more than 7hours to reach some frostlasers and titan. And if someone plays trader he will need longer to make them so strong like now with upgrate level 30 (if they are weakend just a bit) and have you even thought of how much money it would cost to get a really overpowering force? But yeah it should be possible to finally overrun the opposit team with the "creep"

but as little suggestion i would also agree to let the upgrates cost 2000gold.

And another Idea: Maybe a really good anticreep wapon could be createt. A weapon that does only attack creep and that cost 13k or 15k, but therefor is rather good at slaughtering creeps.
Well you see frost laser isn't that effective against super creeps, it has about 2000 dps, that would be about 1 strong creep pr second...

Giftfinger Wrote:but as little suggestion i would also agree to let the upgrates cost 2000gold
I also agree. 1700 is still way to cheap... It should not be possible to make 2 upgrades x 4 players at start (I hate that gay tactic! :evil: ), that is SO CHEAT! When you play against such strategy on normal game you instantly lose -.- Allow only 1 upgrade at start! Even if you sell your reinforcements, you shouldn't afford a second one, so you have to wait a while... Make it cost 1800 to delay this creep spamming cheat strategy -.-
Upgrades are now allready quite useless, due to their cost (i think 1700 is too much), so increasing that would be like removing upgrades totally. (Keep in mind that upgrades are really easy to be countered)
I just wonna have the option to really play on upgrates, cause if the upgrating ends with level 30 my money is wasted if the others have not lost till than, cause every 5minutes their creeps gets more equal.

thats why i would suggest a really good anticreepwapon. Witch can't be changed (to normal weaponmode) but can for example attack 3 creeps at the same time and kill them fast enough.

And i have no problem if the upgrates cost 2000 i would like it. But i want MORE upgrates. Even if their single function is weaker, than yet. But FINALLY it must be possible to make them stronger than yet.

a tank like titan tanks no reall damdge from creeps of level 30 30 and i made further troops with my troopcomand and another item from the researched upgreates.

and i can only repeat. Yeah the troops will be strong than. But when did a game of Btanks last more than 7hours? And even if a trader helps upgrating the creep, the game needs at least 3hours. If you increase the costs of the upgrates it will take even longer.
Giftfinger Wrote:I just wonna have the option to really play on upgrates, cause if the upgrating ends with level 30 my money is wasted if the others have not lost till than, cause every 5minutes their creeps gets more equal.
1) upgraDesWink
2) if you want to have the option to play on upgrades, go play Battlefield-type map, this game is about tanks waging war against each other. Creeps and their upgrades are the footmen who help, but cant win the war on their own.

Quote:thats why i would suggest a really good anticreepwapon. Witch can't be changed (to normal weaponmode) but can for example attack 3 creeps at the same time and kill them fast enough.
If you would have looked in another topic, you would have seen that such an item would be useless, since even the now existing 6k frost magic isnt a much used weapon because money earned from creeps cant compare to the money earned from tanks in later stages in the game.
Quote:And i have no problem if the upgrates cost 2000 i would like it. But i want MORE upgrates. Even if their single function is weaker, than yet. But FINALLY it must be possible to make them stronger than yet.
You get nothing in return for the upgrades, except for the forces, but not a "steady" income like you get from a weapon, so i think the price shouldnt be higher. Maybe another thing to limit the strategy TKF spoke of could be necessary, but then again, its your job to counter strategies, not the mappers. (except for imba strategies ofcourse)
Quote:a tank like titan tanks no reall damdge from creeps of level 30 30 and i made further troops with my troopcomand and another item from the researched upgreates.
If someone has the titan, you have either played long enough he could afford it (gametime is good as it is now, it shouldnt be lengthened cause of the risk of more leavers) or there were many leavers on the other team midgame. Any way, it should be time the game came to an end i think. If the best tank ingame couldnt stand a chance against creeps, then why bother to buy a tank and then again, why bother to play battle tanks...?
Quote:and i can only repeat. Yeah the troops will be strong than. But when did a game of Btanks last more than 7hours? And even if a trader helps upgrating the creep, the game needs at least 3hours. If you increase the costs of the upgrates it will take even longer.
So now you are saying it wont be possible to get to that maximum of upgrades you are asking for. Then why change the max if you cant get there because the game would have to last too long? A bit of a contradiction is it not?
Well most points are your opinion and i can accept it. But i have a different few.

Quote:and i can only repeat. Yeah the troops will be strong than. But when did a game of Btanks last more than 7hours? And even if a trader helps upgrating the creep, the game needs at least 3hours. If you increase the costs of the upgrates it will take even longer.
So now you are saying it wont be possible to get to that maximum of upgrades you are asking for. Then why change the max if you cant get there because the game would have to last too long? A bit of a contradiction is it not?

I want the chance to upgrade as long as the game last(even if it is a long game). If you upgrade and after 1hour all upgrades are researched it disgusting. I don't say that i will reach the 99 but maybe the 59 or 72. I have accept for more upgrades some time ago - than it was changed to 30 upgrades. Well the problem just is that i reached the 30upgrades more than once. So i just want more. If you want, make 60 and not 99. It was just a suggestion.

Quote:If you would have looked in another topic, you would have seen that such an item would be useless, since even the now existing 6k frost magic isnt a much used weapon because money earned from creeps cant compare to the money earned from tanks in later stages in the game.

yeah right - there are now so few upgrades that this weapon has no real advantaged,(alone for the fact that the creeps are finally crashed by titan, as you pointed out)
But if your opponent has really put 30or40k gold in creeps it still might be wise to buy an anitcreepwapon even if their cost is high.
but if this weapon is created i admit there should be another formular used than the formular for normal weapons to compare with the higher killing reward in the later part of the game.

Quote:a tank like titan tanks no real damdge from creeps of level 30 30 and i made further troops with my troopcomand and another item from the researched upgreates.

If someone has the titan, you have either played long enough he could afford it (gametime is good as it is now, it shouldnt be lengthened cause of the risk of more leavers) or there were many leavers on the other team midgame. Any way, it should be time the game came to an end i think. If the best tank ingame couldnt stand a chance against creeps, then why bother to buy a tank and then again, why bother to play battle tanks...?

And? What did i say that 30 30 is not strong enough to kill titan. The Strength of the upgrades should be reduced a bit if 99 are made. But if it is possible for the opponent to reach titan till 30 now. He just will have to hurry up. Whats the problem, if the game lasts 2hour longer (after someone was able to get titan) that the creeps starts to hurt even this tank.

In some points you wrote something without unterstanding why I made this suggestion
But at least thx for making yourself some thoughts about this theme
Perhaps the mappers raise it to 40. I think they want to keep it at 30, cuz you gain a small additional bonus income when the force cannot upgrade anymore.

Upgrading your troops is imba!! Every time you upgrade, your creeps increase 10% in ordinary hp or attack power. having 10 in attack and defense, while your opponents creeps are at 0, means that level 10 creeps are 4 times stronger than the opponents. But upgrades are more significant at start, but less in long games. cuz the upgrades gives only 10% of their ordinary stats, not 10% of their current. I'm fine with the tech limit at 30...

I wonder what mappers would say about this issue...
Giftfinger Wrote:Whats the problem, if the game lasts 2hour longer (after someone was able to get titan) that the creeps starts to hurt even this tank.

In my opinion the games are already long enough right now. It actually is a problem when the games last longer, nobody wants to play one game for 3 whole hours. Also, Tanks like the Titan were disigned so that they are able to end the game faster, there shouldnt be anything which can fight equally against a Titan (except other Titans ...).

I think the creeps are already strong enough with maxed upgrades, also it gets even more frustrating for the opponents to kill these creeps, because the bounty for them stays the same. There were some suggestions to increase the bounty with the upgrades, but I dont like that. Who wants to buy upgrades all the time (even more than hundred like in your suggestion) when he knows the enemy will get more mony because of that? Upgrades used to provide money for you, why should they now give money to the enemy?
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Exodus Wrote:... There were some suggestions to increase the bounty with the upgrades, but I dont like that. Who wants to buy upgrades all the time (even more than hundred like in your suggestion) when he knows the enemy will get more mony because of that? Upgrades used to provide money for you, why should they now give money to the enemy?
I think I mentioned that the upgrades done by the players didn't influence bounty increase as a counter solution to this, when this topic was up... Only upgrades done by the force does increase bounty. I don't know if did would be a good solution, but that will increase late game bounty income growth at least.

But then again when the enemies got no factories, that bonus had to also be increased to make it fair.
Well, it may be a good solution, but it may be not. Because right now, i dont do any upgrades most of the time, winning without is possible too. But if player upgrades dont increase bounty, i will do that so that our lv 30 creeps wont be worth as much as theirs so that i can easily farm a lot in comparison to them. But then again, others will see and will start upgrading too as a counter, so eventually we are all playing battlefield or something like that again...
Quote:But if player upgrades dont increase bounty, i will do that so that our lv 30 creeps wont be worth as much as theirs so that i can easily farm a lot in comparison to them.

in my opinion there are 2 mistakes in your thought according to this idea:

1. you can´t farm if you only buy updates, cause ALL Creeps of both sides give the same money, even if you upgrade.(and after you would help the force to reach lvl 30 each)

2. you can´t farm only by upgrading Big Grin ; even your enemies with anti creep weapons would get more and more so you would loose :mrgreen:
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^

* Make 60 upgrades available.
* Upgrades ABOVE 30 lvl will:
  • * cost 2500
    * cost 2000 and do not give reinforcements
    * cost 1500 and increase creeps' bounty.

Such solution will probably need another improvements such as:
* Add huge anti-creep weapon;
* Add creeps' bounty with upgrades.
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
Vomitus Wrote:Suggestion:

* Make 60 upgrades available.
* Upgrades under 30 lvl will:
  • * cost 2500
    * cost 2000 and do not give reinforcements
    * cost 1500 and increase creeps' bounty.

Such solution will probably need another improvements such as:
* Add huge anti-creep weapon;
* Add creeps' bounty with upgrades.

How about removing upgrades totally? Becouse actually that would be the result of making them so useless with your change suggestions ; )
Sorry, I've misspelled a word)))
I meant ABOVE 30, not UNDER.
Review now again, please:)
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
Wow first player who likes my idea ;-)
Yes, I 'd like to see battle tanks with more DIFFERENT tactics, I'd say SPECIAL tactics. Like trader, bomber, etc.

I am thinking also of a "Stealth Bomber" tactics, but I have to think it some more to introduce my idea:)
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
Vomitus Wrote:Sorry, I've misspelled a word)))
I meant ABOVE 30, not UNDER.
Review now again, please:)

Ok, that changes quite much ^^

In my opinion there is no need to make upgrades more expensive at any point, but i never played with creeps above 30 upgrades, so i would suggest to test it and after that discuss possible changes again.
And what do you guys want? This? :mrgreen: [attachment=0]

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