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Suggestion: Pre-game Leavers
Hello Community,

I am generally happy with how BTanks distributes gold among the team, and how it is handled when a player drops. Usually, it is a balanced advantage/disadvantage to lose a player. It's just a matter of WHO drops... good or bad player.

But, there is one situation I see that is not an even game at all. That is a pre-game leaver, so it's 4v5 before tanks are picked. The team of 4 gets enough gold to hold slight edge in lanes, and safely defend mid. Only this week I see this scenario 3 times from both 5 player and 4 player perspective, and every time it's the same: The 2-players in middle get over-leveled and get early big tanks, forcing mid 3-players to go hulls or feed, and delay their tanks. Then it's easy to take 1-2 CPs. So early in the game, those CPs = Win.

The little extra gold for the side lanes is not the problem, it's the combination of gold and exp for the mid 2 that is too imbalanced. Later in the game it would be balanced by the disadvantage of defending a CP with one less player, but this early in the game the towers make up for defense.

TL;DR: Gold distribution system should not share gold from pre-game leavers.

Again and again it happens. Game 11433. This time I was on the 4-player team, and we won easily. Look at the tank worth of this game. Even though it was short, our worst player had a better tank than their best player. Since the leaver never bought a tank, we all got early weapon upgrades or w/e, and mid got hunter when they got just airships. 90% of these games go the same way.

Maybe if a player drops or gets kicked before they buy a tank, then you can only distribute 1/2 their gold? Small step in the right direction.
Dude really, if you think the with less players has a permanent (!) advantage, go join a bt-clan or just play some private games with clan players so you can play against someone of your level and against better (most of them are named like "bt", "btbt", "btbtbt", ..., "btsake", "btbug", "btngix", ... or just as the tags of these clans). Then you will find out why the team with less simply can't win.
I got to agree with Raptor here.

If there is a person kicked after 10 minutes generally the 4 player team is disadvantaged. It's only when a player is kicked before about 10-15 minutes that the early gold and xp advantage snowballs into an easy win.

Most non-clan players don't understand this. They seem to think kicking a player will help them. It defintely will NOT help after 20 minutes no matter what.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.

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