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Battle Tanks 8.75d
so it's taken a long time again. But this version also features the longest changelog for any BT version ever ;) I hope you enjoy this version! Also, let us know any feedback you have to the map, it's much appreciated!

v 8.75
  • Highlights
    • Added a new tank to the Trader Market: Raider
    • Added a new item shop to each base
    • Added a new item: Energy Converter
    • Added upgrades to Burst and Deflective Armor
    • Added a new Blueprint: Mass Converter
    • Added new multiboards (-mb 1 or -mb 2 for the new ones or just -mb for the old one)
    • Multiboard can now be closed or opened with the esc key
    • You can now sell an item for its full price, within 10 seconds after buying it (using the item cancels this)
    • It is now possible to enter several commands in one line, like "-zoom 4000 -rc -sc"
    • Each command that expects a player as a parameter now accepts the player number, color or (a part of) the name
    • Reworked the -stats command, you now may enter a number for each players stats you want to see (i.e -stats 1 5 6 7)
  • Tank balancing
    • Reworked Ligtning Quake (Sky Tank)
    • Removed the minimal damage cap from Heavy Armor (Heavy Tank) and clearified its tooltip
    • Added an optical effect to Magnetic Pull (Goblin Shredder)
    • Increased the casting range of Thunder Storm (Thunder Tank) from 900 to 1100 and reduced its casting time from 1.0 to 0.5
    • The Earth Robot cannot heal, when Granitic Defense is active
    • Rebalanced Dustwave (Earth Robot), now the range increases with each level (650 to 1250), fixed cooldown at 40s
    • Increased the Storm Tank base speed from 320 to 330
    • Rebalanced Energy Leash (Storm Tank), the pulling strength is now the same on all levels, duration increases instead
    • Added a Subability to Energy Leash, which enables you to prematurely end the ability
    • Improved Eye of the Storm (Inner Range: 550 -> 650; Damage: 80-160 -> 100-200)
    • Added a small message, that tells you to which tank cannon you just switched (Storm Tank only)
    • Increased the range of the Ghost Tank Summons from 750 to 900 and reduced their damage from 150 to 100
    • Reduced the mana cost of Splash Cannon (Architect) by ca. 40%
    • Reduced the cooldown of Pacifista (Architect) from 80 to 60s
    • When you use Pacifista, while the old Pacifista is still alive, it will get healed completely
    • Increased the hitpoints of the Architect Portals from 400 to 800
    • Stuns now stop the Turbo Boost movement of the Sky Fortress
    • Reduced the area of Chaos Teleport from 450 to 350
  • Item balancing
    • Troop Command Center now summons all Aura Creeps at once
    • Added Scan ability to the Troop Command Center, which reveals invisible units
    • Deflective Armor now blocks more damage (30 -> 60), but has a higher cooldown (0.2 -> 0.4)
    • Smoke Generator now slows the tank by 20% during its duration
    • Decreased Smoke Generator duration (7 -> 6) and increased cooldown (25 -> 30)
    • Factories and Troop Factories now take 4 seconds to build, in which heal and teleport are not available
    • Removed the evasion and magic resistance from the Tech Mech and set its HP from 500 to 2000 (they can take just as much damage as before)
    • Tech Mechs now heal each other with 2%/s
    • The Radar now activates after only 1 seconds of standing still and keeps the buff for 3 seconds after moving again
    • Repair Kits now heal your hp over 2 seconds, instead of being instantanious
    • Reduced the max heal of Maintenance and Recharge, but they wont stop anymore, when you take damage
    • Non-owners of the Troop Command Center can't use it now, if a summon would let it drop below 50% of its max mana
    • Changed the icons of the basic versions of Deflective and Burst Armor
    • Burst Armor now only triggers, when you take at least 100 damage
  • Game changes
    • Added a new command: -hp (shows the hp difference every second and how much damage was blocked by items/skills)
    • Giveup votes are now permanent, but can be withdrawn by entering "-giveup" again
    • Added a text message, that informs you about the tanks your teammates have bought
    • Assists now provide a small XP bonus
    • Removed the range restriction from the Assist system
    • Slightly increased the CPTP channel time, to prevent the tank from driving out of the CP range before the actual teleport
    • When entering the Junkyard, the Junkyard Tinker ability is automatically activated
    • Limited the max items on the Junkyard to 20, the cheapest items are removed to keep the limit
    • Reduced the HP bar size of several units
    • Changed the effect of Support Systems (Medivac)
    • Changed the model of the Bomb Carpet bombs, to make it easier to actually see them
    • Created a new damage detection system, mainly to fix several potential and real bugs
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed Architects weapon skills from attacking wards and units under the effect of Support Systems
    • Fixed some damage upgrade values for some units and buildings
    • Fixed some skills from allies to not reveal invisible tanks anymore
    • Fixed Burst Armor buff from removing the invisibility
    • Fixed Burst Armor from blocking two or more damage sources, that hit at the same time
    • Fixed Hell Fire (Demon Tank) to reveal invisible units properly
    • Fixed Air Mines sometimes not following the enemies anymore
    • Fixed Energy Leash effect, when the target or caster died
    • Fixed Magnetic Pull from affecting the Junkyard Tinker
    • Fixed Leavers from sometimes not leaving any items on the Junkyard
    • Fixed Keep On Fighting Tooltip, to show the actual length of the ultimate
    • Fixed the Attachment Points for the Storm Tank model
    • Fixed some minor bugs

v 8.75b
  • Fixed the BTT winners not receiving their price as intended (loading screen)

v 8.75c
  • All non-weapon item tooltips have been rewritten, for easier understanding of the effects
  • Replaced -minedamage with -itemdamage (-id), which also shows Orbital, Bomb and current Explosives damage
  • Rebalanced Static Charge (Raider)
  • Decreased the heal of Shape Memory Alloy from 25%/lvl to 20%/lvl
  • HitnRun (Raider) now has a bigger aoe (500->750) and more mana costs, but also deals less damage
  • HitnRun (Raider) is now affected by Teleport Breakers (only the teleport to the target)
  • The Repair Kits now repair with a much smoother interval
  • Increased cooldown of the Advanced Troop Command a bit (35s -> 40s)
  • Reworked Poison Magic into a multi-projectile weapon
  • Increased the Flamer cooldown from 0.1 to 0.15 (with same DPS)
  • The upgrade for Flamer is now more expensive (1500g -> 3000g)
  • Death Magic now attacks both creeps and buildings, instead of only creeps
  • Fixed Burning Oil sometimes triggering cooldown, without any effect
  • Fixed the teleporting back from HitnRun not properly dodging projectiles
  • Fixed the giveup command from showing a wrong team name
  • Fixed the Radar buff permanently staying on the map sometimes
  • Fixed Soul Restore from also affecting ward-type units
  • Fixed some minor bugs

v 8.75d
  • Fixed Orbital Command having no cooldown

The Static Charge skill has been changed in the following way:

8.75a stats
Duration: 18s
Cooldown: 12/10/8/6/4
Max Charges: 2/3/4/5/6
Dmg per Charge: 150
Dmg-Reset-Limit: 3 (cooldown gets reset, when you take 3 damage)
Mana costs: 4/level

8.75c stats
Duration: 10s
Cooldown: 7/6/5/4/3
Max Charges: 3
Dmg per Charge: 100/150/200/250/300
Dmg-Reset-Limit: 15% of your max HP
Mana costs: 5/level
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Repair Kits now heal your hp over 2 seconds, instead of being instantanious
info @ tooltip missing? (i might be wrong ...)
Raider can still charge up allied units. Confused
Yeah, because he is supposed to be able to do that ;) It would only be wrong, if those allies also get damaged by the charge. But this is (should) not the case.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
when we can play ranked games with 8.75 version?
8.75b uploaded. A little unusual, but I forgot the promised BTT price! So yeah, only the loading screen changed.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
And here is the next version. Some balancing and bug fixing with some new features on top ;)
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Can you please justify your changes to poison magic and flamer?
Fixed the Orbital with 8.75d now ...

@ssl: The change to the Poison is supposed to make it easier to counter. The change to the Flamer on the other hand should do the opposite. It's related to a certain item 'recently' added ;)
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Ok, I know what you are talking about... I don't like that item!

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