Hey there,
after an overly long beta phase, I present you the latest version of BT. Hope you have fun with it. Also, feedback on the version is very appreciated.
v 8.73
v 8.73b
v 8.73c
The assist gold works this way:
Assists; per player; total
1; 25%; 25%
2; 15%; 30%
3; 12,5%; 37,5%
4; 12,5%; 50%
Keep in mind, that you only get gold for assits, not for support points in general. To get assist gold, you have to have damaged the target in the last 5 seconds and be in 1500 range of the dying tank.
The kick system now only uses two factors. The Afk time and the penalty received for deaths. The general point system is still the same, you need 50 points to kick a player and one vote is worth 10 points.
When you die, a certain amount is added to these point account. The start value is 4 and will be increased by 1 for each death. This system is designed in a way, that these go down to their start value in 3 minutes (only in case of one death). When you die in this time frame, it takes longer for those values to go down to their start values again. The faster you die, the faster the value rises.
Each minute you are afk adds 5 five points to your account.
after an overly long beta phase, I present you the latest version of BT. Hope you have fun with it. Also, feedback on the version is very appreciated.
v 8.73
- New tank: Architect (buyable at the Trade Market)
- Goblin Shredder has been remade
- Added a new Tower Ruin building: Teleport Beacon
- New assist system (called support points)
- Kill messages now include the info about who assisted
- Items are now retrievable from force towers, by right clicking and moving to them
- The kick requirements have been reworked again, deaths in a fast succession are now punished more
- The gold of sold items is now also added to the leaver gold
- Improved the pathability check for Control Point Teleport, Shredder Ultimate and AntiGrav Jump, to prevent the tank from getting stuck
- Increased Tinker base hitpoints to 250
- Decreased the base cooldown of the Tinker tower (100s -> 60s)
- Decreased the damage and hitpoints of the Tinker Tower by ca. a third
- Removed unit collision from the Tinker Towers and added a little minimal distance between towers
- The max bonusses for the Damage and Hitpoint Tower Modules have been increased
- Frost Prison (Frost Robot) no longer hits it's target instantly, it now has a projectile
- Increased the movement speed of the Demon Tank (290 -> 305)
- Increased the duration (7s) and reduced the cooldown (25s) of the Smoke screen
- Smoke screen invisibility will now be removed, when you take damage
- Radar now only grants true sight in 450 range, but increases to 1250, when you are standing still for 2 seconds
- Each team can now own up to two Troop Control Centers at the same time
- The Bomb of the Troop Command Center no longer requires your team to own each Control Point
- Maintenance now heals faster (10s -> 7s)
- Recharge now heals faster (10s -> 5s)
- Barricades and Rocket Tower now only stay for 3 minutes, but they are also cheaper now
- Barricades, Rocket and Laser Tower now need some time until they can be build on the same Tower Ruin again
- The team now receives a message and minimap ping, when someone builds a Teleport Beacon or a Factory
- Fixed a bug, that wouldn't let you sell items at the Trade Market
- Fixed mana regeneration after respawn
- Fixed Tinker Tower from being able to pick up healing runes
- Fixed AI and some skill buffs from not working together at all (Banish, Keep on Fighting, Granitic Defense)
- Fixed some skills from affecting the APM more than they should (Jump, Turbo Boost, etc)
- Fixed the AI from not healing at the HQ
- Fixed some Battery related bugs (including -playerswap)
- Fixed the Bomb from not being placeable, even when an enemy factory was in your base
- Fixed the TCC bomb from being placeable in your own base
- Fixed some minor bugs
v 8.73b
- Increased the cooldown of the Tinker Tower a little again (base cd from 60 to 75)
- Teleport Beacon now costs 400 gold and has a teleport cooldown of 4 seconds
- Increased the speed of the Ice Prison (Frost Robot) missile a little bit
- Adjusted the kick system a bit, you won't be kickable as fast as before
- A single player can only issue a kick once every 60 seconds now (this time doubles every time a kick vote starts)
- Mines and Explosives now won't deal any damage to allied buildings
- Added the assist info to -stats
- Assist are now only awarded, when you also get gold for them (stay in 1500 range of the kill)
- Reduced the loading time a little bit
- Fixed the enemy team from being able to trigger the cooldown of the Tower Ruins in the own base
- Fixed assists being credited to an allied player, who caused friendly fire
- Fixed the incorrect distribution of the assist gold
- Fixed some unintended interaction with the new radar, towers and Tech Mechs
- Fixed the appearance of a Tower Ruin, right next to another one
v 8.73c
- Fixed Portals (Architect) from being able to teleport the Troop Command Center
- Fixed the Radar from disrupting ability aiming every 0.5 seconds
The assist gold works this way:
Assists; per player; total
1; 25%; 25%
2; 15%; 30%
3; 12,5%; 37,5%
4; 12,5%; 50%
Keep in mind, that you only get gold for assits, not for support points in general. To get assist gold, you have to have damaged the target in the last 5 seconds and be in 1500 range of the dying tank.
The kick system now only uses two factors. The Afk time and the penalty received for deaths. The general point system is still the same, you need 50 points to kick a player and one vote is worth 10 points.
When you die, a certain amount is added to these point account. The start value is 4 and will be increased by 1 for each death. This system is designed in a way, that these go down to their start value in 3 minutes (only in case of one death). When you die in this time frame, it takes longer for those values to go down to their start values again. The faster you die, the faster the value rises.
Each minute you are afk adds 5 five points to your account.
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