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Tank auction - selling your tank to teammates.
I have an idea about allowing your tank to be sold to your teammates like it would be with items.

What if you added the sell function for tank as well. Not with a icon like for items, but you can type a cmd like -selltank (or -st). If any other players would like to buy your tank for 75% of it's value, they just type -buytank (or -bt). The buying player receives half of its current tank value, and pays 75% the the selling player.

For example a heavy tank player want to sell his tank to another player. He wants to get sky tank. I light tank user does wanna buy the heavy tank and types -buytank. He receives 400 gold cuz he had light tank before and pays 4125 gold to the seller. Heavy tank seller turn into a tinker.

In no tinker mode this wouldn't work, so a mobile pilot could work.

Does this idea sounds good or...?
Well, selling your items like that sounds better, right (easier to understand and implement)? This function already exists but its rarely used, so I guess its not worth the trouble of implementing this in BT too.
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It's perhaps sounds a bit strange to offer your tank to be sold.

A good team uses much itemsales, (some players seems to never use this or are unaware of this). It's quite annoying when I offer fireball cannon to sale, and 10 sec after I spot a teamate buying a fireball cannon at the shop. It's quite annoying for him not noticing the offer or ignore it. It exist even players that says that "your weapon is worth less, so it's used to much", "I rather buy a new one" ( :lol: rofl?) It's not that advanced!!Tongue

Even if items sale is rarely used (in the games I've played, more often actually), it's not useless. I would think the idea of allowing yourself to sell your tank wouldn't be such a stupid idea. I think it also could be rarely used or almost not. But at least you could have the option of offering your tank to sale in case there might be someone who might be insterested in your tank. If not you can just simply sell your tank. I always try to offer my weapons to sale and see if anyone want to buy it before I sell it. I'm uses the sell item function very often. Both earn on this trade 25% saved on each side, same as with the items.

Not implementing this idea based on that it would be rarely used, is bad reason to not implement this. I would perhaps say it's worth the trouble of implementing this. There will be someone who discovers and uses this function. But other reasons as it's system would be hard and difficult to implement I can understand, also the trouble of creating it. Selling parts sounds better than selling yourself :mrgreen:



Might be nice to sell your tanks
Nice addtion to item sale function
Worth the trouble of implementing this idea?

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