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Proposal of remaking BTT Round 4
olivercamel Wrote:So now if Next-Gen says no, my long writing of suggestions become fully wasted.

not really
you bring hope to the btt by suggest something like that to improve the tournament for everyone other! :wink:
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Should just enforce the remake and not just suggest oliver :wink: that way nobody can argue as you guys are the organisers. It was a good idea on principle/good will/good spirit. Shame on those that choose win above all costs and hide behind the "rules" as their reason. This isnt the Olympics or some world wide tv event, this is a fun Btanks competition between teams from all over the world showing their skills, love of the game & spirit to the rest of the Btanks community who play this awesome game. Think with your heart and not with your head is all i ask of the teams from last round, think without fear of losing but pride of a hard fought earned win
hsy1 Wrote:Should just enforce the remake and not just suggest oliver :wink: that way nobody can argue as you guys are the organisers. It was a good idea on principle/good will/good spirit. Shame on those that choose win above all costs and hide behind the "rules" as their reason. This isnt the Olympics or some world wide tv event, this is a fun Btanks competition between teams from all over the world showing their skills, love of the game & spirit to the rest of the Btanks community who play this awesome game. Think with your heart and not with your head is all i ask of the teams from last round, think without fear of losing but pride of a hard fought earned win

Well, totally agree with you. But we cannot force them to do the BO3 games, because that's against the BTT rules. If there will be 2nd BTT, we should consider to define better rules for the case of disconnection.

I just received a message from team Next-Gen, and they refused to take any of the suggestion. So they won't play with your team. And they will only do 1 more rmk with Dream Team, not a BO3 also.

So actually I shouldn't have started this idea of suggestion. It costs my time and totally useless. It also brings some hopes that for the teams looking for fair play, but the hope never come true. Sorry for that.

So the thread is closed.
What our chieftain BeuzX already said before:
We could have won by default against WH3B (waited 20 minutes for Alexandro1 who had connection problems) in Round #2 and against Dream-team (allowed Tom-ace to play who was not registered) in Round #3, if we insisted... but we didn't and it was totally fine. And I doubt this Round #4 would have taken a turn to the worst if certain persons would have watched their language more carefully instead of heating the atmosphere up more and more (da es fast alle Angesprochenen verstehen dürften, es gibt eine alte Funkerregel, welche lautet: erst Denken, dann Drücken, dann Sprechen).
Although I couldn't play that game (versus Old Sluts because there are more important things I have to manage at the moment), I would have preferred to let the game take place, but there is no use crying over spilt milk.

(by the way: a game that does not exist can not be remade)
RaptorXI Wrote:What our chieftain BeuzX already said before:
We could have won by default against WH3B (waited 20 minutes for Alexandro1 who had connection problems) in Round #2 and against Dream-team (allowed Tom-ace to play who was not registered) in Round #3, if we insisted. And I doubt this issue would have taken a turn to the worst if certain persons would have watched their language more carefully instead of heating the atmosphere up more and more (da es fast alle Angesprochenen verstehen dürften, es gibt eine alte Funkerregel, welche lautet: erst Denken, dann Drücken, dann Sprechen).
Although I couldn't play that game (because there are more important things I have to manage at the moment), I would have preferred to let the game take place, but there is no use crying over spilt milk.

(by the way: a game that does not exist can not be remade)

I was allowed to play in that game because BTFG team gave the okay, but i never did play in it because i had the flu and the guy i was going to fill in for showed up in the last 5 min before the game started.
Oh, Death, оh Death, oh Death,
No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul

Oh, Death,
Well I am Death, none can excel,
I'll open the door to heaven or hell.

Oh, Death, оh Death,
my name is Death and the end ïs here...
Fire, oliver spent much time to do this Turnament and you and some people just wasting his time and u dont care about that. oliver i think you dont make any more turnament beacuse with some people always will be like that.
Don't worry, don't cry, take ecstasy and flyExclamation
LoveComesAgain Wrote:Fire, oliver spent much time to do this Turnament and you and some people just wasting his time and u dont care about that. oliver i think you dont make any more turnament beacuse with some people always will be like that.

u have no background knowledge to pick holes in arguments, and its not FIRES decision its the TEAM decision.
Of course we know what oliver had/is doing for this tournament and we have to be thankful. But how i already post, we got our reasons for no rmk(!!!).
so plz be a bit more quit in our matters, thx...
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".
they have their reasons i guess loveSmile its unfortunate we never played at the time
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
well, guys, I guess there is no more need to discuss about that^^
all teams in persona their speachers have decieded, and so the next round is sheduled.
Der Vorteil an der Klugheit ist, dass man sich dumm stellen kann.
Andersherum ist dies schon erheblich schwieriger.
Its obvious the teams that are still in this competition should each look at each other honestly and if they win should look back at this round and be ashamed at their hollow victory. Forget about team decision, the selfish decision by those to hide behind the rules and take the win no matter what and forget about community spirit means you no better then those Beta League players that play for themselves. Its a poor example to fellow Btanks community and those that have followed this competition wanting to see good games played in good spirit and honesty. The most anticipated game of the competition becomes nothing, its got nothing to do with the teams playing but what about all those out there in the world wanting to see the game?

Oliver & Assistence have done a fantastic job in this competition and on behalf of Btanks community we thank them for their efforts to continue keep this competition honest & professional and we are sorry to waste your time in this whole matter as it proves their are people out there whom put a win beyond anything else like good will, good spirit & heart.

BTC wish to thank Tezsick for trying to convince other his team for a replay without success. The fact that BTC agreed to a later starting time by half hour when we were all ready to play at the agreed time, replayed the game after one of your members disconnected, played on knowing BTT bot was making some of us lag to over 400ms, yet some Next Gen members felt they still owe us nothing regarding a replay...I wont comment further but those member should have a good look at themselves seriously and ask what type of person they are. Sad
lioooooil i dont understand u and your team what reasons u can that game, that your team dont want rmk....u dont have to do that for them, but for oli and own self. oli make that btt to watch good games not a shit like that
Don't worry, don't cry, take ecstasy and flyExclamation
Oliver i think you need to demand remakes if that is what you want, or remove the cash prize and or disband this BTT all together.
This is becoming just as i feared months ago when talks about BTT started, to many people will do whatever it takes to win.

I was thinking maybe give the prize to a charity and put the names of the winning team on it, and maybe make something good out of all of this.
Oh, Death, оh Death, oh Death,
No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul

Oh, Death,
Well I am Death, none can excel,
I'll open the door to heaven or hell.

Oh, Death, оh Death,
my name is Death and the end ïs here...
LoveComesAgain Wrote:lioooooil i dont understand u and your team what reasons u can that game, that your team dont want rmk....u dont have to do that for them, but for oli and own self. oli make that btt to watch good games not a shit like that

Omg read what LIoooooIL and me wrote...

1. We have our reasons for no rmk and you have really no background knowledge !!!
2. We have not enough players for this weekend !!!
3. We know why oliver made this BTT !!!
4. We know all BT-Fans(xDD) wanted to watch Sake-AA vs Old Sluts, because it was the most exciting game in this BTT !!!

And please shut your ugly mouth now... :evil:
OK what u guys want from us?

so first reason: some of our team are "angry" about the decision from "old sluts" for no redate our game, when we askd for it (cause we may had not enough players)

next: we may wont get enough players for the next weekend, definetly not on sunday (even i cant say if my inet works 100% cause i had some probs not only the whole last week, i got probs last 1-2month) I KNOW WE HAVE 8 PLAYERS

edit: we got 1 more point, but this one is a bit worse and not for all ppl, its about rule 12. cheating, and its not linked with us. i wont say more

so then for this "we do it only for win"... we always was/be fair for all our opponents etc. and now u guys talk and talk about us like we all are fuckd up assholes who dont care about others, seriously wtf?

and ace u can have the prize money np for me, i already thought for myself about something like: send it to a help organization etc., but i see u know us betterIdea
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".
Since this is getting kinda out of hand, I'll close this thread. The decision has been made and the tournament is going on. Everyone should think about how you are presenting yourself here. Flaming each other won't make anything better.

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