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disable kick command in qualify bot games

I know that everyone is talking about disabling the kick command and that it's probably not a good idea to disable it in league games. But now that the 'qualify' bot is open, nearly every game I play there someone gets kicked for being too 'noob.'

(personally I don't understand why experienced players come to the noob server and then act so surprised when there are real noobs playing ^^ )

If the point of the qualify server is to let new players gain experience, I don't think that it helps the community grow when these "noob" kicks take place.

So my suggestion is to disable the kick command for the qualify bot, or prevent people with MORE than, say, 50 games, to play in the qualify bot just like people with less than 10 games cannot play in league.

This would segregate the 'noobs' from the 'pros' and I think it would make the gameplay more balanced

hi, if you already know of the current discussion about the kick system, why don't you post in the topic then? to disable the kick, we would need to release another version of bt, which would then be hosted on all bots, disabling it always.
the devteam is already discussing the topic again, trying to make a kick harder than before.
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ok I didn't know you would have to release a different map version, thanks for telling me

well now that I know that I understand why it makes more sense to keep it in the main discussion so how about this question instead?

my point was that many experienced players play on the qualify bot and then complain that the players are noobs

that bot exists for noobs

so how about putting a game limit on that bot too? like saying after 50 games that you can no longer play in the qualify bot, only league

that would keep experienced players from joining, kicking all the noobs, and later complaining 'imba 2 vs 5" like in every game I played this weekendWink

that is my suggestion

interesting idea.
i think that make sense.
i never played at this bot but i can imagine what you want to tell us.
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Jayzer Wrote:so how about putting a game limit on that bot too? like saying after 50 games that you can no longer play in the qualify bot, only league
In my opinion, that's a very good idea.
ssl Wrote:
Jayzer Wrote:so how about putting a game limit on that bot too? like saying after 50 games that you can no longer play in the qualify bot, only league
In my opinion, that's a very good idea.
well it indeed sounds nice, but the other bot only allow players with +10games and 75% and you could get below the 75% mark if you're having a hard time, so you always need the chance to come back. or would you rather be blocked comepletly after a couple of weeks?
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In the moment its fine as it is.
I played till now only 2 games at league qualify bot and one i was 2 vs 4 and the orher we were 3 vs 3 in the end
the game second game was good but the first sux=P
anyway saiyuki is right i i think because in the moment its just a qualify bot we will see how the system works when the league and the rules of the league are completly finished. Hope it will be soonWink
Jayzer Wrote:so how about putting a game limit on that bot too? like saying after 50 games that you can no longer play in the qualify bot, only league

I don't think this would help much because everybody could just create a new account which takes about 30 seconds...
Quote:or would you rather be blocked comepletly after a couple of weeks?

I don't think my idea would make it any faster to get blocked. People's percentage of staying in game is irrelevant to the point that I brought up.

In my experience players with less than 75% stay rate in league are the kind that should be playing a lot more in qualify because they are either leaving out of frustration or getting kicked by their teammates. So instead of players playing barely 10 games and then rushing to league, they could stay in the qualify bot with the security of knowing that none of their opponents have more than 50 games experience. That would balance the playing field on both league and qualify bots, and I think keep leaving statistics down.

Quote: I don't think this would help much because everybody could just create a new account which takes about 30 seconds...

true I guess I didn't think about that :/

Quote:we will see how the system works when the league and the rules of the league are completly finished. Hope it will be soon

ok sounds good I am new here and since a lot of the map development progress isn't public knowledge I just post my ideas as they come to me, sorry if I'm stepping on anyone's shoes
Jayzer Wrote:Hi,

I know that everyone is talking about disabling the kick command and that it's probably not a good idea to disable it in league games. But now that the 'qualify' bot is open, nearly every game I play there someone gets kicked for being too 'noob.'

(personally I don't understand why experienced players come to the noob server and then act so surprised when there are real noobs playing ^^ )

If the point of the qualify server is to let new players gain experience, I don't think that it helps the community grow when these "noob" kicks take place.

So my suggestion is to disable the kick command for the qualify bot, or prevent people with MORE than, say, 50 games, to play in the qualify bot just like people with less than 10 games cannot play in league.

This would segregate the 'noobs' from the 'pros' and I think it would make the gameplay more balanced


People who kick those for being too noob are noobs themselves. End of Story.
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Saiyuki Wrote:to disable the kick, we would need to release another version of bt, which would then be hosted on all bots, disabling it always.
I don't think thats needed. You could add it as hcl command and as special mode. This way gameowner or botowner can set wether kicking is allowed or not.
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