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qweqqweq's lorderon topic
i should clarify my reasoning for asking for the deletes on my "how to play a league game in lorderon" topic...

those were lovely and very helpful posts that were made in my... i mean qweqqweq's topic, "how to play a league game in lorderon" but they should be in a more general topic. the reason that i, uh, i mean qweqqweq created that topic was for 1 specific reason, to make it easier for me... i mean qweqqweq to play league games in lorderon. those posts that told everyone to give up and go to azeroth just don't belong there. perhaps they could be moved to a new topic, or an existing topic maybe? i think the admins might want to think about editing posts based on appropriateness in relation to the topics.

to clarify my point even further consider this different yet entirely similiar scenario: what if some one posted a reply to to the topic, "is the earth robot imba in 8.48?" like this:

Quote:RE: is the earth robot imgba in 8.48?:

i don't care if the earth robot's imba. i never use that thing cause i prefer the scout. everyone should just do what i do and get a scout all the time, for every game even if it's a 30k start. you can 5 gold hulls and frost lazer on it to win every game you ever play. here's my ultimate strat:
1. buy a scout
2. buy 5 gold hulls for the scout
3. get a frost lazer for the scout as soon as u can afford it.
4. sit back and enjoy the ride. the scout's soooooo awesome that it does all the work for you. those fools your playing against will never know what hit them! the AI's i play against are pretty pro, but i can almost take on 2vs1 with this strat! Big Grin

now obviously this scout enthusiast should be given his right to tell everyone about his love of the scout if he wants to. that's fine, as miss-guided as this poor chap is, he should by all means be given that right. however, does his comments about his scout strategy have anything to do with the topic, "is the earth robot imba in 8.48?"?

now ask yourself: "does a post about why some one likes to play in azeroth and how everyone could play in azeroth belong in a topic about playing games in lorderon?"
you're funny xD

we have not deleted your, oh i meant qweqqweq's posts.

maybe you're alrdy unbanned, i dont know...Wink
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