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Medivac ulti nerf
Medivac is one of the few tanks who got an abillity which power increase over time and any such abillity risk to be very overpowered by the later parts of the game and for the very very cheap cost of this tank having such strong abillity such as making the enemies weapon not able to target tanks close to the medivac then its activated makes it incredible strong atleast at close range because it can protect your team from so much damage it make nerally all other abillites look like a joke, in later parts of the game it can save your team from maybe 20k damage if not much much much more which allow this tank to be played somewhat sucessfully even in very late game.
Not only doese this abillity protectet you from damage it also increase your max mana like the battery do which makes an allready so powerfull abillity that could be an ulti on the titan even stronger, it allows you to like use port and all your abillities including the ulti without spending any gold on batteries.
Think about this:
One of the cheapest tank you can get got maybe the strongest abillity in the game making it little point to upp from this tank for a long while because you don't really need nukes if you got an abillity like medivac and hp can be fixed by getting a gold hull or 2.

I think this abillity need some sort of nerf like halving its duration or take away the mana gain from it.
Sorry but I wanted to edit my post but did not know about the 15 min time limit.

Anyway what I wanted to write is this:
To prove my point lets take on a different situation:
Lets change the medivac ulti to instead do (2*(its dps))damage at level 1 to (4*(its dps)) at level 5 instant damage.
So if the medivac only got one unupgraded Bonfire and no tank cannon this abillity will at level 1 only do (2*100) = 200 damage however what if it now got 1k dps? (2*1k) = 2k.
2k damage instant is not a joke by any mean and that is just for level 1 if the abillity was at level 5 it would hit for 4k which is better then most abillites in the game allready.
What if you got one uppgraded swarm.
At level 5 you would hit for nearly 16k damage which can kill an full hp unhulled frost or atleast a deamon.
Just 2 full upped swarm would probably allow the abillity to onehit titans.
Think about this doese this abillity sounds OP yes it doese and should only be considered for end game tanks in my opinion.
However now the medivacs ulti is not that abillity however think about this the made upp abillity allow you to do between 2-4 sec instant damage while medivac abillity allows you 2-4 sec of unanswered weapon damage.
Now I can see its a hugh differens between doing the damage in less then one second and on a chosen target and being protected from weapon which can allow the exact same effect but over some seconds.
Now the medivac abillity can be avoided much easier then the made up abillity but medivac abillity can protect your whoul team from the whoul enemy team which allow for even bigger effect then the abillity above.
A teleporting medivac with like 3 swarm and 2 goldhulls maybe one upped to power pack is really scarry for any tank to meet much much more then most other tanks.
This tank can defeat an ultiless full hp titan which I think much much more costlier tanks canno't.
Just think about how strong it really is and how close in strength it is to the made up abillity.

I think you are wrong. This tank isn't overpowered with his ulti. Don't forget it gets only 1 armor and even with 10k hp (with a gold hull) if the guy you face spent 5k gold on a tank like you did in hull he would get a heavy tank : then you can only feed vs this tank. Don't forget ultimate protects you vs weapons but not vs creeps and spells. If you face stronger tanks they have stronger spells and lower you hp even faster.
I saw sometimes medivac going to sf/inf, but this can happen also with distributor, helicopter and antigrav (I even saw a scout holding to titan !) : it doesn't make those tanks op. You just need to be good enough to hold this tank this long without feeding, and this is not easy.

I don't think this tank really need a nerf, it's kinda fine the way it is. Last time I played vs a guy who wanted to keep a medivac a long time I made him change tank because he fed me...
indeed he can be overpowered if he is fed on the lane. but that counts for all other starter tanks tooWink . yes he is one of the best starter tanks at the lane. but imho the tank is balanced. the only skill i would nerf are the decoys counting as buildings, so longrange weapons only make 10% damage = 4 bombarding shots to bring it down. XD
@flygplan with skill you can beat any tank with a starter tank some make it easier than others but in the end if you are skilled it doesnt matter. If i take a med and you chose to buy bigger tank you will think that med is op. But if you decide to stay med and i change tanks you will think that the tank isnt that op. It all comes down to who plays the tank same with any other tank. Individual skills make some tanks seem way too op than they really are.
(2013-12-18, 08:08:40)Max Wrote: Hi,

I think you are wrong. This tank isn't overpowered with his ulti. Don't forget it gets only 1 armor and even with 10k hp (with a gold hull) if the guy you face spent 5k gold on a tank like you did in hull he would get a heavy tank : then you can only feed vs this tank. Don't forget ultimate protects you vs weapons but not vs creeps and spells. If you face stronger tanks they have stronger spells and lower you hp even faster.
I saw sometimes medivac going to sf/inf, but this can happen also with distributor, helicopter and antigrav (I even saw a scout holding to titan !) : it doesn't make those tanks op. You just need to be good enough to hold this tank this long without feeding, and this is not easy.

I don't think this tank really need a nerf, it's kinda fine the way it is. Last time I played vs a guy who wanted to keep a medivac a long time I made him change tank because he fed me...

I don't think your tank armor protect you from tank weapons and abillities.
You can look at the game mechanics tread in the strategy section about this.
Medivac can beat heavy if you can survive the nukes and still have a decent amout of hp left because then you use ulti and with short range weapon with hugh dps you can do much more damage on the heavy then it can nuke you for.
Yesterday I had some games with the medivac in which I had no problem with tanks like heavy which I just had to port to and use the ulit.
Armor applies vs creeps and towers still medivac is a low hp tank
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Oh I didn't know about that. Thanks for heads up Smile

I still think medivac isn't op. Ofc if you are fed you can destroy any tank with it but with balanced fight you can only loose. Don't forget medivac don't have a lot of dps with spells and other tanks can take you more than 2k hp with spells. With equal value tanks you don't "have no problem" to kill them. It's all about skills then... Not so much about tank...
Here is an example :

I posted this replay some weeks ago. After about 25 min of game Jack Hijack comes top to fight vs me. He have a medivac and I have an antigrav. Our tanks have kinda the same value. Then what? It's a fair fight. Medivac isn't op at all, it's just about skill. And if you fight vs a tank with a stun, this on have an advantage : 99% of players plaing with medivac use ulti with low hp. If you use your stun wisely killing a medivac is a piece of cake.

Again, it's more about personal skills than about tank...
(2013-12-18, 21:29:21)Max Wrote: Oh I didn't know about that. Thanks for heads up Smile

I still think medivac isn't op. Ofc if you are fed you can destroy any tank with it but with balanced fight you can only loose. Don't forget medivac don't have a lot of dps with spells and other tanks can take you more than 2k hp with spells. With equal value tanks you don't "have no problem" to kill them. It's all about skills then... Not so much about tank...

The medivac ulti get stronger over time because of increased damage while most other abillites in the game get weaker by time because of increased health. At some point in the game nuking tanks like heavy and gob will not be able to defeat the medivac because its ulti will protect it from much more damage then these tanks can nuke.
Another problem is it can be just crazy in big battle with multiple people on both sides because of all damage this can save your team from.

Have you tested to play this tank with teleport, hulls and short range weapon?
flygplan we have tested this tank with any kind of strategy you can think off. That still doesnt change what max wrote.
In fair fight, if you can buy teleporter, your opponent can get some too.
Try it vs me if you want : I put teleport breaker (300 gold), it stuns you for 2 seconds, then I stun you and you don't have any time to repair or to use your ultimate. You loose 4 seconds of invulnerability and about 3-4k health. And if you have that build breaker is so much worth it.

Other tanks : spells damage increase with levels, and medivac isn't immune to spells... Gobo = 3k damage (with nets), heavy = 2k-2,5k damage. Around 30 min of game you might have around 1-1,5 k dps : 2 seconds of ultimate fucked up with spells.

Again, it's all about skills, not the tank itself...
Spell damage increase with level but its a static amount like this spell do 2k damage or that do 3k damage while medivac ulti's strength depends on the dps the opponent tank do which mean it can save you from 2k damage, 4k damage maybe 30k damage not to say it can save your woul team from damage.
There is a reason why titan is so dominant in late game that is only because of its ulti because in the end game dps means nerally everything and its so big that abillities damage don't matter much if at all, only who can keep its ulti for last.
Medivac's ulti is very simillar to titan's ulti so in the very end game medivac is one of the strongest tanks, if not titan exited medivac maybe would be the most used endgame tank.
Also this ulti increase the max mana which makes it even stronger then it is, I think it should not increase mana at all because then you can aswell give all ulties mana increases.
I think the game is pro defensive abillities which may be resonable because these abillites do not have the advanatge of like killing low hp enemies or stun but making some of them so strong and based only on time make them very strong in late game.

Medivacs ulti could be changed to like gives a shield that last for 2-4 sec that can absorb between maybe 3-6k player damage, both spells and weapons instead of what we got now + no mana per level.
I had medivac in a game I played yesterday.
I could killed a full hp netting teleporting close range nuking gob with just my full hp close range medivac with just using my ulti and the gobs tank value was bigger then my tank value to.
I could also beat a heavy tank who used close range with my medivac.
Enemies could never hope to win 1 vs 1 if I had ulti ready after I got my gold hull.
Is that fair that a 1500g support tank with less tank value can beat a close range speciallist such as goblin tank at its own game even if it use nets.
(2013-12-21, 17:45:05)Flygplan Wrote: I had medivac in a game I played yesterday.
I could killed a full hp netting teleporting close range nuking gob with just my full hp close range medivac with just using my ulti and the gobs tank value was bigger then my tank value to.
I could also beat a heavy tank who used close range with my medivac.
Enemies could never hope to win 1 vs 1 if I had ulti ready after I got my gold hull.
Is that fair that a 1500g support tank with less tank value can beat a close range speciallist such as goblin tank at its own game even if it use nets.
can you stop living in your own little world and lying on top of that. I was in that game and the only reason you could beat the goblin was because he had no hull/heal when you had 10k hp(+2.5k heal). Also all game long you were doing the same thing 2 on 1 fight or tp to enemy when he already used abilities or was retreating. And about the heavy as i remember you did nothing to it. In fact you just avoided fighting one of the heavies(me) 1 on 1 all game long and just focused on the less skilled ones. Dont act like you did something special when you didnt. In that game you never played 1 vs 1 so stop talking about 1 vs 1 game. The way you are playing you can do the same thing with any tank. The result of the game speaks for itself. The only reason you hadnt lost that game 1 hour earlier was because of the early mass creep upgrates +3 creep factories. better get your facts before posting nonsense
Do you have the reaplay and looked at how I played the woul game.
Most of my fight was 2 vs 1 but why should I not gang up with my allies who like me did not have as good items as your team.
However at one point I think it was the gob player who said the medivac abillity was op.
You did port to me at mid cp which was pretty much a 1 vs 1 I know I did build a tower and had healing from the cp but I would most likley won without the tower.
Don't tell me I did only go for your teammates because I wanted some easy kills, I basicly was forced to othervise your teammates would had captured the cps.
Also don't say your teammates was less skilled then you, while you was the first in your team to get port I think and had better stats then them they did most of the pressure allowing you to farm mid unopposed and use your port to get cheap kills who sometimes made me think you was just some egoplayer who only wan't to dissaprove my arguments by getting better stats then me by using another tank.
And why do you say I act like I did something special?
Please post the replay if you got it so we all can se what really happened in this game and make better arguments for and against this topic.
Maybe my team could have won if I played more aggresive but it would be hard yes in the end we lost but that don't mean the ulti is not op then in the fact it was very hard for anyone to defeat me then I used it after I had my gold hull.
You should say sorry to your teammates because saying they are less skilled isn't nice.
(2013-12-21, 17:45:05)Flygplan Wrote: I had medivac in a game I played yesterday.
I could killed a full hp netting teleporting close range nuking gob with just my full hp close range medivac with just using my ulti and the gobs tank value was bigger then my tank value to.
I could also beat a heavy tank who used close range with my medivac.
Enemies could never hope to win 1 vs 1 if I had ulti ready after I got my gold hull.
Is that fair that a 1500g support tank with less tank value can beat a close range speciallist such as goblin tank at its own game even if it use nets.
Because you typed 1 vs 1 when in the entire game you only fought 1 vs 1 in 2-3 fights in total. You stated in your post med is op 1 vs 1 and brought an example of a game where you never fought 1 vs 1.
See what you wrote in your second post. See the difference? LIke i said get your facts straight before posting nonsense. there is nothing wrong with you ganging but ganging is different than 1 vs 1. You claimed you were op 1 vs 1 when you didnt play 1 vs 1. Your own post disproofs you. And i dont have the replay i just remember the game.
(2013-12-21, 23:39:07)Flygplan Wrote: Do you have the reaplay and looked at how I played the woul game.
Most of my fight was 2 vs 1 but why should I not gang up with my allies who like me did not have as good items as your team.
However at one point I think it was the gob player who said the medivac abillity was op.
You did port to me at mid cp which was pretty much a 1 vs 1 I know I did build a tower and had healing from the cp but I would most likley won without the tower.
Don't tell me I did only go for your teammates because I wanted some easy kills, I basicly was forced to othervise your teammates would had captured the cps.
Also don't say your teammates was less skilled then you, while you was the first in your team to get port I think and had better stats then them they did most of the pressure allowing you to farm mid unopposed and use your port to get cheap kills who sometimes made me think you was just some egoplayer who only wan't to dissaprove my arguments by getting better stats then me by using another tank.
And why do you say I act like I did something special?
Please post the replay if you got it so we all can se what really happened in this game and make better arguments for and against this topic.
Maybe my team could have won if I played more aggresive but it would be hard yes in the end we lost but that don't mean the ulti is not op then in the fact it was very hard for anyone to defeat me then I used it after I had my gold hull.
You should say sorry to your teammates because saying they are less skilled isn't nice.
I dont act like you did something special you are the one that acts that way. Like i said your kind of gameplay can be done with any tank that doesnt make it op. If you want to say it was all thanks to ultimate you are dead wrong.
It wasnt hard to beat you. I explained to you already grey had mass creep upgrates +3 creep factories which pushed us. If it wasnt for that you would have lost earlier.
Why would i say sorry to them? Did i insult them?
(2013-12-21, 17:45:05)Flygplan Wrote: I had medivac in a game I played yesterday.
I could killed a full hp netting teleporting close range nuking gob with just my full hp close range medivac with just using my ulti and the gobs tank value was bigger then my tank value to.
I could also beat a heavy tank who used close range with my medivac.
Enemies could never hope to win 1 vs 1 if I had ulti ready after I got my gold hull.
Is that fair that a 1500g support tank with less tank value can beat a close range specialist such as goblin tank at its own game even if it use nets.

So what? I've already beat a gobo too, with nets and higher value than me with... a storm tank ! Anti air vs anti ground with nets but still I did beat him.

I can find many examples where medivac isn't op at all. I'll keep any replay I get with/against long medivac to show you you're wrong.If the one I posted isn't enough... Did you just look at it?
And again : it's all about skills. If you fight a gobo w/o hull when you have more than 10k it's just stupid from him. A more skilled player would have get almost a steel hull. Bring replay of you playing long time with medivac (winning or loosing the game it doesn't matters), we'll see then...

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