2009-09-13, 21:00:27
Hey guys,
so here it is. If nothing critical demands my immediately attention, this will be my last version of Battle Tanks. From now on Paladon and Velocity2k will start working on the map. So BT won't die so easily ;) I hope you help them on improving the map even further. I won't be completly inactive in the future, but I'll be here a lot less (well ... to be exactly, I had not that much time for BT right now too ...). While those try to get to know the map code, enjoy this version!
v 8.63
Minor update done by the new mappers.
v 8.63b
so here it is. If nothing critical demands my immediately attention, this will be my last version of Battle Tanks. From now on Paladon and Velocity2k will start working on the map. So BT won't die so easily ;) I hope you help them on improving the map even further. I won't be completly inactive in the future, but I'll be here a lot less (well ... to be exactly, I had not that much time for BT right now too ...). While those try to get to know the map code, enjoy this version!
v 8.63
- Increased the target area of the CP teleport, but the tank will still be ported within the old range
- Reworked armor and attack types of creeps and buildings
- Reduced the regeneration of buildings even further
- Scout's tank cannon now has a range of 1050
- Defensive Systems (Scout) is now an active skill
- Increased the initial hitpoints of the Medivac by 100
- Rebalanced Acid Cloud (Hunter); damage, duration and cooldown -25%
- Added an effect to Soul Collector (Ghost Tank)
- Shredder, Thunder Hammer and Ice Prison are no longer able to target invulnerable units
- The default zoom for observers is now 3500
- Fixed the -give command, from sending the gold to the wrong player
- Fixed the -team command, when observers are in the game
- Fixed some minor bugs
Minor update done by the new mappers.
v 8.63b
- Removed the floating debug messages
- Creeps deal a bit less damage against tanks now (-8%)
- Defensive Systems (Scout) is now an immediate cast, the tank doesn't stop his current action anymore
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