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Guard Strategy Discussion
Hello. I am a guard user but don't have too much knowledge about it. I frequently use it with long range weapons (green ball and somethims rocket hail) but others have another strategies. This topic is for discussing all of them
i don't use guard maybe for fun but troops orbital plus last move and regen is usally good
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
If you use guard you have to consider a few points.

I assume that you root a lot.
While you are rooted you cant move, therefore long ranged weapons seem to be good. Unfortunately the enemies can completely choose on their own when to attack you. Therefore they will attack you when their creeps distracts your weapons. If you have a team that protects you this is no problem at all. But if you rooted alone, you want to have something that hurts enemy tanks directly. Namely these are orbital control (which works perfectly with your stun) or an upgraded gods hammer.
While the orbital is always a good choice the gods hammer is wasted money if your team does a good job protecting you.

Additionally you absolutely want to have an advanced troopcommand at hand. This is perfect for siege and also can give you additional cover when an enemy tank approaches. Make sure you don't release troops if the enemy still has an area dmg skill or use your stun after release to prevent an immediate reaction.

If you have a factory at hand you can produce an even stronger siege.

Wehr Rächtschreibfeler findet darf sie behallten.

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mm interesting
more strategies and ideas?
some people do buy lots of swarm rockets with one repair robot and gold hull
Guard + Ghost Tank is a good combination: Buy spawning factories and advanced troop commands and overrun your enemy.

Sorry Aimc for the delay concenring your request
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
don't understand althend. sorry

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