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Compare between Shortrange and Longrange
"after 10 minutes of gameplay i look mid and see a player with 10/2 in mid. Every game! And they playing rangeweapons." Well u never played good game with good mid players ^^. The only way i can see those kind of stats in mid in 10 min it comes from good players, as i could see konors or some other players, or playing vs noobs (as i did some times ago with tinker 5 torpedos !). And again it's about skills. Good players just farm for 10 min and def and then play together to own lr. I saw so much time lr failing at mid (or at lane). Sure there is not that kind of stats with mid range. But you never see (or almost never) a long range player in the end of a game. Lr are good at begining for who can play it well. And there are a lot of noobs playing lr. And to fight it, 2 solutions : get lr too or camp till you own. Remember mid you play 3. Good team play is using all spells on one player. He cannot survive most of the time. This is about team play, as this whole map.

"If it is something to strong, then it is to strong in every game." : this is my point : it is not ! If it was all players would play lr ! Y it is about skills. And i did play vs MeRong and you are right he's very good with lr. But not imba...

And if you loose, then you play versus better players or better team. You cannot win all the time. And i'm sure you did loose some times vs mid or short range. Does that make those weapons op? Nah it's about skills, luck etc. I don't think those weapons are op in 95% of the time (when not overused, but it can only be overused if team let lr player farm like hell : this is not lr fault, just team fault in this case)...

And again it's a team game : one player can fail vs lr and team win. See that : Dumdium plays lr on lane, tinker torpedo etc. Lb didn't feed (defend well) but dumdium is fastly fat, and got 2 torp hunter around 30-35'. But still, team failed and he lost. He was fed and fat, but his team wasn't. Lr =/= win. Not always.

Attached Files
.w3g   LastReplay.w3g (Size: 2.73 MB / Downloads: 229)
Here is a good example. I played ranked and 2 of the enemy team plays rangeweapons in mid. 1 in my team. In my team that guy got 4 bombarding rockeds with stats of 30/8! he played in mid. Every 4 minutes i heard the double kill sound because of him... Maybe the enemy team wasnt the best, but the stats show how strong lr is.

Attached Files
.w3g   Range.w3g (Size: 942.56 KB / Downloads: 220)
And still, its not that hard to play save/counter LR. Especially in mid, where its possible to share damage with your m8s, get a hull instead of a second weap (maybe also a burst armor, depents if u can farm enough with ur current weapon/s). Stay near healer and "strategic locations". Also team-focus opponent LR players, which arent that hard to kill since they are mostly playing with less HP.

To choose the right ablities is also a muss, like decoys with the Medivac, or healing as Light Tank.
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".
better quality nets please for anti air notice it is not scout net which can net land at least make it stop moving for 4 sec > give you the time to move 4 spaces near him = more chance to kill him ?

have so many net is a headache , net , click on my tank again move it , %%%%%^ he run away , that is 2 secs like my tank only move 1 space and wasted 200 gold for it , 3 for 600gold , i agree someone say it is expensive

at least try to make it last longer ,= more chance to moving near or run away
do you know 2 or 4 space can make a difference when your tank is red or opp ........ is green ,that you neeed to force them back to base

air = 98% ppl use mid range or long range so net can be use to make them ....... + it is 200 gold ,waste 200gold for a 100 range difference is pointless ,tips for normal players get mantaince , as least it can heal you save you from a tip to cp which is
normal 5 to 10 spaces away = 500 to 1000 distance

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