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Battle Tanks 8.80c
Hey guys,

after the longest post-beta and pre-release phase ever, I now present to you the latest version of Battle Tanks! This one brings quite a lot of mechanical changes, which I hope will make the game more interesting. I'm quite excited to see how it will turn out. I hope you'll like it!

  • Highlights
    • Added Killing and Assist sprees
    • Remade the bounty system, it no longer is based on your tank worth, but the kills you make
    • Tank armor now also reduces magic damage by the same percentage as physical damage

  • Tank Changes
    • Reduced the damage distribution of S.I.C. (Distributor) from 33% to 25%
    • S.I.C. and Darkness Sphere now also grant assists
    • Reworked Static Charge (Raider), it now triggers when cast a second time, it no longer triggers on damage
    • The heal of Shape Memory Alloy (Raider) now takes 1.5s intead of being instant
    • Reworked Goblin Synergy (Goblin Shredder) a bit, to make better use of the new armor system
    • Increased the movement speed of the Healing Drones (Air Ship) from 450 to 522
    • Increased the leash range of the Pacifista (Architect) from 1000 to 1250
    • Increased the base HP regeneration from the Pacifistas from 5 HP/s to 120/150/180/210/240 HP/s
    • Orb of Darkness (Darkness Tank) now always stuns, stun time increases with damage
    • Rebalanced Orb of Darkness (Darkness Tank) damage and cooldown
    • Orb of Darkness now only deals 50% damage against buildings
    • Removed the mana costs of Missile Battery (Darkness Tank)
    • Reduced the pull of Hell Fire (Demon Tank) from 350 to 250
    • Reduced the casting time of Devastator Shot (Goliath) from 1.0 to 0.75s
    • System Overload now grants 2 bonus armor every 0.5s, instead of an instant full bonus
    • The animation of Chaos Teleport (Infernal Robot) is no longer interuptable
    • Reduced the max stun of Chaos Teleport from 2.5s to 1.75s

  • Item Changes
    • Added a new item: Plasma Discharger
    • Mass Converter now heals more, when you kill a tank
    • Negator Pack can no longer be activated, while being netted
    • Increased the cooldown of Negator Pack from 15 to 30 seconds
    • Troop Command and Advanced Troop Command are now counted as one item for the spawn delay system
    • Black Sun Project now gathers mana in a 700 aoe (from 500), but no longer has a passive regeneration
    • Black Sun Project now has an toggleable ability, which lets it pause the mana collection
    • Reduced the required mana of the Black Sun Project from 400 to 250
    • Emergency Repair now increases its heal with each upgrade by 7.5% (instead of only weapons by 10%)
    • Emergency Repair now grants bonus armor based on the healed allied tanks
    • Kinetic Shield now increases its block with each upgrade by 20% (instead of only weapons by 25%)
    • Aura upgrades are now available at the HQ and Aura Creeps no longer require the Troop Command Center

  • Game Changes
    • Increased the time window for assists from 5s to 7.5s
    • Killing sprees end after 3 minutes without a kill
    • Tanks now start with zero armor
    • Tanks now receive half XP for tank and buildings kills when they are dead (was 100%)
    • Reduced the heal of Strategic Locations from 25 to 15 HP/s again
    • All items and abilities that granted magic resistance, now grant armor instead
    • The hero info now shows the tanks DPS instead of the respawn time
    • Multikills no longer grant extra gold
    • Kicks now always need at least two votes to be successfull
    • Kicks are now executed instantly, when enough votes were given
    • -income now shows a rough estimation of the next force gold you'll receive
    • Skills that apply forced movement no longer work on invulnerable units
    • Leavergold is now given out with your passive income over several minutes

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed Teleport Breakers triggering on disrupted teleports
    • Fixed the Camouflage Generator from breaking transparency
    • Fixed some cases in which the Black Sun was indestructable
    • Fixed Ricochet (Raider) from disabling certain damage detection related triggers (like HitnRun)
    • Fixed Orb of Darkness (Darkness Tank) from being affect by several abilities
    • Fixed Marines from blocking the Control Point capturing
    • Fixed Black Sun from sometimes not dieing (hopefully for real this time)
    • Fixed a rare bug that caused CPTPs to malfunction and caused performance problems
    • Fixed Devastator Shot (Goliath) projectiles from being misplaced, when it was shot above forests or cliffs
    • Fixed bad kill interaction between Explosives (Exploder skill) and Mines
    • Fixed Root (Guard) and Offroad Engine (Goliath) from disabling Burst Armor
    • Fixed Conversation (Darkness Tank) sometimes scoring a null kill
    • Fixed Explosives from going off on respawn when the tank died during countdown
    • Fixed some minor bugs

  • Kinetic Shield now instantly starts blocking damage after being erected (had a little delay before)
  • Fixed Kinetic Shield from not blocking the full damage, when more than one tank was under it
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with free teleports from Teleport Beacons
  • Fixed Troop Command Center from having no waypoint
  • Fixed Infernal Robot servants from moving tower ruins (again)
  • Fixed several triggered heals (such as from the Repair Kits) from being disrupted at Control Points

  • Fixed the spawn rate of Chaos-Servants (Infernal Robot)

Alright, some of this stuff actually needs clarification.

First: the killing / assist sprees

They work mostly like you would expect. The killing spree grows, by getting at least 3 kills in a row, without dieing. Once the killing spree is active, each kill will grant you 5% bonus gold for each kill in the spree. So, if you got 5 kills in a row, you get a 25% extra on the bounty. This bonus is capped at 10 kills or 50%.

The assist spree system is a little different. This spree does not end when you die, but rather when you get a kill. Similiar to the killing spree, it increases the gold you get for assists, for each assist in the current spree. A small but important difference here: each assist grants a 5% bonus on the original bounty of the killed tank. When you normally get an assist, you get 25% of the original bounty for this assist (when there is only one tank who got an assist). Like with the killing sprees, it is capped at 50% bonus, so you can get up to 75% of the original bounty, just with an assist!

The bounty was based on your tank worth until now. The new system bases the bounty on the gold you earn. To be more specific, you now increase your bounty by: killing creeps, tanks, buildings, assist gold and the gold crom CP captures.
A small part of the gold you earn will be added to your own bounty and when you die, your bounty will go down. To make sure, that the bounty won't go into extreme regions, it has upper and lower limits, which are bound to the tank value.

Here are some example values with a tank worth of 10k:
old bounty:
125 + tank worth / 65 (262g)

new lower boundary:
125 + tank worth / 100 (225g)

new upper boundary:
125 + tank worth / 33 (428g)

The new magic resistance system was created for more clarity and simpler mechanics (so easier for me to code). You now can actually see how much magic resistance you have, by looking at your armor. Since this value was invisible before, it should now be easier to see, how much a tank can actually ... well, tank damage. Since a lot of people actually thought that it already worked that way, it should not take too much getting used to ;) But as a result of that, I had to set the default armor for every tank to 0, otherwise the more expensive tanks would have a ridiculous advantage.
Another advantage for me is, that it is now much easier to create skills and items which utilize magic resistance. Also, those weird stacking rules for magic resistance can now be ignored (half of those were not visible to players, but workarounds in the map code were necessary).

Alright, that's about it. If you got any more questions, just ask.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Quote:The animation of Chaos Teleport (Infernal Robot) is no longer interuptable
Reduced the heal of Strategic Locations from 25 to 15 HP/s again


i have one request ... play some ranked games with us!
Intern games are being played again.
Bounty's can climb so high......even early game.

Just had a few questions regarding changes to the map,Tank armor now also reduces magic damage by the same percentage as physical damage could you explain this or give an example of what it was in previous maps as opposed to this map (I have my own idea not sure if its right)

No changes to axeTongue

Good work on the map your awesomeSmile
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
(2014-04-20, 13:15:12)BENNIE.FM Wrote: No changes to axeTongue

hmmmmmm Undecided

(2014-04-20, 13:15:12)BENNIE.FM Wrote: Good work on the map your awesomeSmile

y he always did a good job! (and i am getting used to it .... kinda Angel)
We should really appreciate his effort every time

Thanks :)

I wasn't quite sure yet what to do with the Axes, so I left them as they are just now. I intend to do a general balance version next, in which I'll try to tackle this problem (among others, of course). But first I will have to see how the other changes work out, especially the one with the bounty.

Regarding the armor change: as you know, tank armor used to have no influence on how much damage from tank weapons and spells you took. Each point of armor reduced damage you took from Creeps and Towers, however. This is what it used to be:

Armor 0 1 2 3 4 5
Physical Reduction 0% 7% 12% 17% 22% 26%
Magical Reduction 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Magical damage recuction was simply a different (and interface-wise invisible) stat, which worked independently. I now unifed both of those reductions into one. Now you will see the same reduction in the Magical Reduction row of the table as in the one for physical reduction. Since I removed every ability that only increases magical resistance and replaced it with an armor bonus, you now only have to worry about this one value.

I hope this was clear enough. If there are any more questions, just out with it!
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
(2014-04-20, 14:04:11)Exodus (slightly edited) Wrote:
Armor 0 1 2 3 4 5
Physical/Magical Reduction 0% 7% 12% 17% 22% 26%

What is the exact formula plz?
i may have missed the point but when will 8.80 be on the ranked bot?
(2014-04-20, 18:50:29)stibi- Wrote: i may have missed the point but when will 8.80 be on the ranked bot?

I guess there will be an bugfix version first Rolleyes
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
(2014-04-20, 16:02:51)RaptorXI Wrote:
(2014-04-20, 14:04:11)Exodus (slightly edited) Wrote:
Armor 0 1 2 3 4 5
Physical/Magical Reduction 0% 7% 12% 17% 22% 26%

What is the exact formula plz?

It's the standard one of Wc3, but Warcraft uses 6% per point, while BT uses 7% (I updated the excel sheet in the mechanics thread, you'll find the formula and already filled in values there):
positive armor:
damage reduction =((armor)*0.07)/(1+0.07*(armor))

negative armor:
damage increase = 2-0.94^(-armor)

there is always a test run on the Qualify bot, just to find the last remaining big bugs, before the version goes live on ranked. It will take a few days. So make sure you report everything you see until that point ;)
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
never noticed that before ^^
thank you, it's been a while since i did a qualify gameWink
Maybe it would be nice if you gave us an example of how leaver gold is distributed over time.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
Bugfix version released. If nothing else comes up, ranked will start hosting this version tomorrow.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Another bugfix.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Just to let everyone know what the status of the development is, at the the moment:

You could say that BT entered a state of passive development. I barely did anything in the last two months, besides taking notes occasionally about some reports. I didn't have much time that I could spend on working on BT and frankly, I'm not that motivated anymore like I was a few years ago.
This does not mean that I have abandoned BT or the community, however. I still intend to continue, which hopefully won't take too long.

I just thought that you guys would appreciate a little status update.

By the way, has anyone found the little easteregg in the current version yet? ;)
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
This? ^^
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
:) ^__^ U make me want to play again, just need to find my war3 copy T_T
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
(2014-08-18, 11:35:12)Althend Wrote: :) ^__^ U make me want to play again, just need to find my war3 copy T_T

you just need the key & your account :]
btw is BT WC3 version dead or what? Would appreciate if there would be a bugfix version of current version there are some bugs. Goliath is a unpreferred tank since offroard engine hang up pretty bad when it disables other abilities and is a severe bug to that tank. Also a fix to the smoke gen and the the long range after death and raider and storm tank faulty dps. And some more minor bugs.

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