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v 8.36- You can now combine your items to the packs
- Death messages are now displayed in the respective color of the players
- Added more Tech-Requirements (High end tanks and Combos)
- Increased the Tech-Requirements of the Factory from 2/2 to 4/4
- Increased Manacosts of Chaos Teleport and Infernal Fire Rain (Infernal Robot)
- Infernal Fire Rain now stops when the Infernal is stunned
- Added a 1 second casting delay to Chaos Teleport
- Repair Kits are now much cheaper (-40%)
- Added Manacosts to the Repair Kits and increased their cooldown by 10 seconds
- Power Pack now provides 6000 HP instead of only 4000
- Increased the healing rate of the Repair Robots (+25%)
- Edited the terrain around some CPs because of some teleporting issues
- When a player leaves in LeaverAI-Mode " [AI]" will be added to his name
- Changed some tooltips
- Players from all official BattleNet-Server can now register for the League
- Fixed some bugs regarding the LeaverAI
- Fixed some minor bugs
There are still some bugs which havent been fixed in this version, but I felt that its now better to release a new version with a nerfed Infernal, since the bugs arent that gamebreaking.
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And i thank you with all my heart. Respect and kudos again to you and the whole team.
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The tech requirements kind of makes a long game longer by forcing using old type tanks, limiting purchase of frost, infernal and titan.
Demon Tank will be the new aim since upgrading techs isn't a very popular choice. btw 25 tech limit on titan limits it's availability on urush. A player must sacrifice gold and upgrade 5 armor levels for 1 team to make titan available ^^
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Quote:You can now combine your items to the packs
sorry,i don't understand this part... can pls somebody explain it to me? for the noob =)
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- in previous version you had to decide wether to buy speed and teleporter separate or in 1 speedpack (wich meant you could buy and use them faster, but you had 1 inventory slot more occupied then when you saved up for the speedpack)
- in the new version, you can buy speed, upgrade it, buy teleporter and then you can combine them for 650 into 1 speedpack item to create a new free slot.
This is also possible for ultimate pack, hunter pack, power (dont remember the name right now) pack. (maybe even more, dont know at the moment)
You can buy the combination at the shop that also sells the mines, teleport breaker,...
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ahhhh thx a lot =) i tried it in one game,but hadn't the idea to look at this figure with the mines...
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hmmmm i just realized.... made a game against a bot, 30k start gold,and he could instantly buy frostbot without upgrading armor but i couldn't armor lvl:0
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Almost all changes are nice! I'm not used to the color messages yet...
But there is 1 thing that annoys me...
changelogs 8.36 Wrote:Added more Tech-Requirements (High end tanks and Combos) I have no comments on combos yet, but the high tank level requirements
Your armor level must be 13 for buying frost robot, 15 for buying infernal and 25 for buying titan.
Normal Game
If no one upgrades, you have to play 1:05 long game to be allowed to buy frost robot, 1:15 long game to be allowed to buy infernal, and over 2 hour game if you gonna wait for titan. You might get it sooner, but someone has to sacrifice some of the gold to get it sooner. 1700 gold each time is not so expensive. I wouldn't mind if you could purchase infernal after 1 hour of gameplay.
This makes the demon tank the high ranking tank you can buy at any time ^^
- If I would add such tech restriction on tanks (that would be just me), I would add armor tech level restriction => Tank Armor = Armor Upgrade - 3
So thunder tank requires 1 upgrade
Heavy requires 2.... (So super pro's butching noobs can't have heavy tank in 8-9 min)
Guard requires 3...
and so on....
Sky tank 5.... anyway
Anyway I think the tech restriction on tanks is a bit annoying, So I'm only aiming for the mid game tanks instead in normal games now, or buy a lot of stuff while waiting for the big tanks to be available
Anyway this force people to upgrade the force more often.
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It might be a good thing, if i had thought about it.
Previous game, i was playing with sky tank and i was going good, most kills and so on. Then i had 11k and after a while i decided to go for infernal so i could take other 2 enemys out at once if i planned correctly (they were playing good team game). I went to the tank factory for infernal, then sold my sky tank and only then i saw the tech requirements. We had lv12 at that time and needed 15 so i went back to base, bought two upgrades and teammate bought 1 too. But then i had too little gold and a shitty tinker. Enemies had taken out side factorys fast taking advantage of the opportunity and i bought heli to go creep a lot in small time and buy the infernal. Well i got it, but at that time i lost so much time and easily feeded enemies couple of times that i had to play very defensivly for a while.
Welll all this text just to say that i should have looked at the requirements, but that the tank should be available a little bit sooner (tech 10 or something?).
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I totally agree with you reducing the techs for high end tanks, but most tanks should stay without any tech-requirements - i don't like the idea of makeing every tank avaible after upgrades. I'd suggest to make frost: ~8, inf ~10, titan ~15 and i'd like to see factory on 3/3 (2/2 would be better, but 3/3 is at least 5 min earlier) .
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i think its okay now... or better, i think it would be nice if all other tanks get tech.reqs too :]
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changes sound good...
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I really like the new version, many nice games. Thumps up
Captain-Iglu wo bist du^^
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Thats always nice to hear
Its also good because I dont have much time at the moment, thatswhy I cant work on the map for about one month.
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I think this version is quite stable.
Exodus Wrote:Thats always nice to hear
Its also good because I dont have much time at the moment, thatswhy I cant work on the map for about one month.
Don't scare us like that hock:
You mean 'a month' from NOW??!!1
Next version could be released in a month or two???!!!!
I guess the map is your main responsibility too now? Bob666 busy I guess...
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Yeah the current version is really nice. £I have seen only one bug: impossible to kick bot in leaverai mode ^^
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !