2008-10-14, 18:24:29
speeds are balanced, mostly fast tanks come rushing in with creeps... guess what.
just an example and a bloody known one.
hvy tank vs airship. airship comes rushing in with creeps and long range, if ur hvy is near fac and has speed (upgraded) u can do ur rocket for second stun + ulti to kill creeps, if u are fast enough and have enough dmg weaps u easily kill them... U gotta count, the players reaction + stun + most players style of play, if u observe some games, u'll notice that most player "relax" more after u fired long range rocket... Why? they think, the noob cant shoot me and cant follow... so the real surprise comes when all creeps are dead all the sudden and his arship is taking dmg like hell from example poison magic.
or either after a tower dies ==> barricade and u get even more speed.
So I don't really see a problem, there are enough counters and the speed is balanced.
just an example and a bloody known one.
hvy tank vs airship. airship comes rushing in with creeps and long range, if ur hvy is near fac and has speed (upgraded) u can do ur rocket for second stun + ulti to kill creeps, if u are fast enough and have enough dmg weaps u easily kill them... U gotta count, the players reaction + stun + most players style of play, if u observe some games, u'll notice that most player "relax" more after u fired long range rocket... Why? they think, the noob cant shoot me and cant follow... so the real surprise comes when all creeps are dead all the sudden and his arship is taking dmg like hell from example poison magic.
or either after a tower dies ==> barricade and u get even more speed.
So I don't really see a problem, there are enough counters and the speed is balanced.