2008-12-17, 01:14:08
harflimon Wrote:Siege pack/scout > Long range.
I'd love to play an all long range team, so long as I don't have feeders on my team. Just make sure you got enough creeps around you and make more money than them. That means don't die. That is hard for people who suck. So stop playing with people who suck :lol:
Now that's certainly a good one!
Seriously, I'm playing about 10-20 games a week (and have been for the past 1 and a half year) and it's very hard to get a game full of players where there is no one who sucks.
Still, i don't think ranged weapons are overpowered. If a newbie plays ranged he is easy to kill with short range weapons. If a good player plays long range - well, then he's a good player and i think it's okay if it's not that easy to kill him.
Just think about the following:
If you pay X Gold you can either get a weapon with short range and X/range dps or you can get a wepon with long range and X/range dps - the longer the range, the less the dps per gold spent.
I really think the weapon balance regarding range is pretty cool at the moment, because it's rather easy to play long range and not make many kills, while it is way harder to master short range weapons, but if you succeed in doing so, you can make way more kills (enemy tanks AND creeps) - also, in the late game long ranged weapons stand no ground against short ranged weapons as most ppl if not everyone already got a teleporter and if you do not know how to use that - well, i won't say anymore than tripple activation trick

(for those of you who don't know: click the teleporter 3 times (or press the assigned key 3 times in fast succession) and it tp you somewhere - i won't elaborate as to where that is, as it is not that easy to describe, but rest assured, it follows some simple logic)
Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.