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Destroying the enemy base
I dunno why you don't like exploder but our later games have always had exploder enabled. And no one ever whined about it. If someone go exploder and start making problems someone in other team just buys tens of breakers and covers every significant point on the map(it is not that much btw). And in the case of base assault it is even easier to set breakers in vital places to completely disable exploder. So I don't see how could disabling explosives fasten base destruction. Maybe just in a very slight way - you don't have to buy breakers that much. But in the other hand there is one player more who has tank and weapons. So it could be even harder to assault.
My opinion.
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Messages In This Thread
Destroying the enemy base - by qweqqweq - 2009-01-22, 11:24:09
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Exodus - 2009-01-22, 14:15:28
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by BENNIE.FM - 2009-01-22, 14:23:10
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Althend - 2009-01-22, 14:56:05
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by qweqqweq - 2009-01-22, 17:57:51
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Exodus - 2009-01-22, 18:49:23
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by the truth - 2009-01-22, 19:36:51
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Althend - 2009-01-23, 00:14:49
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by BENNIE.FM - 2009-01-23, 00:31:42
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Princess_Bob - 2009-01-23, 02:24:24
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by lowprofile - 2009-01-23, 04:37:43
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by ChronicStoned - 2009-01-23, 08:02:13
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by GooglyBoogly - 2009-01-23, 08:30:26
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Twilight_Zone - 2009-01-23, 08:37:23
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Vomitus - 2009-03-31, 16:18:52
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Dr.Popitz - 2009-03-31, 16:48:25
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Morkardar - 2009-04-01, 02:08:35
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by qweqqweq - 2009-04-12, 10:15:14
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by plonnc - 2009-04-12, 21:13:03
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Vomitus - 2009-04-14, 03:17:23
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by plonnc - 2009-04-14, 04:28:18
Re: Destroying the enemy base - by Vomitus - 2009-04-14, 04:33:42

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