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OK trader is imba, what can we change about it?
I would use a mine defuser if the enemy was using mines a lot and/or was very good at it. ON a trader, its seems like a waste of inventory slot for something that allies can do for you. Then again, dropping items with cooldowns and picking them up when cd is finished is viable. Need to have very good track of time. 1250g more expensive, without +hp will make defuse just a tactical loss i.e. not really worth getting. I say make the special trader defuser like all other trader items at trademaster. Eventually there will need to be a 2nd source of trader items.
Just wondering, what happens if you buy current defuser and put in a tower, will that allow defusing of mines from the tower? If yes, thats not too bad.

At first I liked the idea of wood based bounty but this is hardly important once you get to a certain point. Important stages are, buying 2 goods, buying 5 goods (facts) and after about the most expensive goods item (dunno how many wood) its just pointless in adding this bounty.

Completely agree but i do believe there is a gap between doing well and doing close to 100% efficientcy, which is what you hope to aim for as trader. Another thing is what kind of players the traders team has. Skilled players will make best use of the extra gold while a team of noobs may buy expensive weapons but just end up dying/feeding anyway. The efficient trader will get to resources and pawn them as quickly as possible spamming skills, using speed boost / teleportation and taking shortcuts. So in that respect, i think being a good trader invovles a lot of skill, all about knowing the map and terrain well and timing. As trader was fairly imba [before], it seemed like trader didnt have to try in order to greatly benefit the team e.g. hb mode.

Messages In This Thread
Re: OK trader is imba, what can we change about it? - by Dr.McNinja - 2009-04-18, 10:02:28

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