2009-08-29, 18:17:04
100 hp wont solve the problem.
For a better tank it to be; i can suggest an ability replacing creep killer ability with a semi-passive abilty.
Passively heals all tanks around medivac to heal a percentage of amount damage dealt by medivac. Amount healed is split between tanks around like current abilty.
Actively deals a damage to all tanks around any target damaged enemy unit by medivac with a percantage.
Shortly this abilty vampirically heals a percantage of damage dealt by medivac. (if heal amount is split, it can include creeps or exclude them. It will be balanced according to numbers.)
Active side of this abilty will make medivacs' damages to deal AoE damage for a short period of time. My oppinion is: big AoE, low percentage is dealt. Can also be low AoE, big percentage.
I can write my numbers if ppl likes the idea..
So this abilty will replace current abilty but in a much benficial way and gives the medivac its purpose.
For a better tank it to be; i can suggest an ability replacing creep killer ability with a semi-passive abilty.
Passively heals all tanks around medivac to heal a percentage of amount damage dealt by medivac. Amount healed is split between tanks around like current abilty.
Actively deals a damage to all tanks around any target damaged enemy unit by medivac with a percantage.
Shortly this abilty vampirically heals a percantage of damage dealt by medivac. (if heal amount is split, it can include creeps or exclude them. It will be balanced according to numbers.)
Active side of this abilty will make medivacs' damages to deal AoE damage for a short period of time. My oppinion is: big AoE, low percentage is dealt. Can also be low AoE, big percentage.
I can write my numbers if ppl likes the idea..
So this abilty will replace current abilty but in a much benficial way and gives the medivac its purpose.