2010-01-17, 22:02:54
karate_kid_x Wrote:It's way too easy to kick people, and i've seen groups of people abuse the kicking system for money before, and kicking someone for being 3 and 5 and for other unwarrented reasons.
One of the major problems is that you don't even need anyone else to vote yes in order to kick someone, so long as nobody realizes that the person is being kicked.
A very good solution to this would be to allow the person being kicked to vote, or better yet, default his vote to no like the kickers vote is defaulted to yes.
The ease and frequency in which people get kicked is one of the biggest problems with Btanks, CERTAINLY orders of magnitude worse than HB ever could be
100% agree.
it has become commen pattern that players with a relatively low score just get kicked. BT is about killing tanks, but if you get killed, you get kicked. kewl.
new players WILL NOT have a good score, they need to learn the game. but they cant really, and after getting kicked from 2-3 games they probably dont want to try furthermore. its not a good feeling youre left with after getting kicked.
of course, they shouldnt join the league games, but its not a problem of only league games.
beeing afk and teamkilling should be the ONLY reasons to kick someone. both should be detectable in the map.