2010-01-24, 21:37:07
GooglyBoogly Wrote:Quote:beeing afk and teamkilling should be the ONLY reasons to kick someone. both should be detectable in the map.
you say teamkill, I call it a deny.
A generic teamkill = kick also has issues.
With afk, they can pass control to another player - so afk = kick isn't always foolproof either.
Yes, the current system has issues, but it is flexible as well. Remember there is no vote required to kick yourself - you can always leave.
Griefing and intentional feeding are also bans/kicks for games I am present, but this is not something that can be auto detected.
Quote:The ease and frequency in which people get kicked is one of the biggest problems with Btanks, CERTAINLY orders of magnitude worse than HB ever could be
The main problem I see is that people often don't bother to vote. If every time someone created an innapropriate kick vote they voted -no, this wouldn't happen so much. But that isn't a fault of the mapmakers, and pausing the game requiring everyone to vote would break gameflow and would lead to other abuses.
Basically easy kicks are a fault of the majority, and if the majority of players in your game are being dicks, then it doesn't really matter how the kick system works.
EDITED: for clarity
What i suggested was as simple as give the person getting kicked a vote, We don't really need an overhaul of the system.