2010-05-12, 06:11:04
Quote:# as for teleporters, you may fake a control point teleport ( short: cptp ) which can also be used by various other skills ( check the wiki ) or buy some telebreakers.
yeah I knew all that, my point was that the game strategy is limited when it's so easy for everyone to tele around the map at such a minimal cost
Quote:The real anti-air item is called "net-launcher" and one of the most powerfull items in game, especially with "net-porting" (when you net an air tank with no space to land it is teleportet to your position).
It teles to you?? I've never seen that before! Interesting concept. How about if I'm inside my base and I net a flyer, can he tele inside?
Quote:we could discuss these things endless in here, but this would only result in straying off the topic.
What counts as on topic? I was just sharing my thoughts. I don't intend on changing your map, I was just observing don't mind me
Quote:Agreed. I really think you need to play the game a LOT more.
:( so how much do I have to play before I can just open my mouth and talk? They're just observations. If you have advice on WHY I need to play more, or can give me some tips, try to do that instead. help me out!