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Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth.
The real advantage of demons stun is how easy it is to use you can just click on the target and let it work. Hunters stun has a delayed cast time, lower range, and is prone to missing. I don't think demon vs. hunter is a fair comparison since both tanks have different purposes. Sure they are both land tanks at a similar price but while hunter is good for team fights/taking cps demon is good for 1v1 and isolating/stunning enemy players. Hunter is mid/longrange while demon is close-range. The part of demon that does need buffing is the ulti, and maybe the servants too since there are many tanks with a lower cost that have better ultis than demon.

-Earth is fine the way it is, sure players don't have a stun but all tanks have their strengths and weaknesses and Earth is VERY strong just the way it is already.

-Ghost needs buffing i'd say make the ulti better or just change it completely for the same price airship is better in almost every way.

Messages In This Thread
Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by Althend - 2011-03-08, 09:25:28
RE: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by Helge_F - 2011-04-14, 16:54:16
RE: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by stibi- - 2011-05-03, 12:23:32
RE: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by El_Polacco - 2011-06-24, 14:58:30
RE: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by progg - 2011-07-17, 11:52:04
RE: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by usman111 - 2011-07-17, 20:59:10
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by RaptorXI - 2011-03-08, 17:20:12
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by wolfheart - 2011-03-08, 22:51:30
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by Dr.xD - 2011-03-09, 04:18:55
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by Althend - 2011-03-09, 13:24:10
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by eSVau - 2011-03-09, 13:42:34
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by TKF - 2011-03-10, 00:15:20
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by LIoOoOoIL - 2011-03-10, 11:24:40
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by Althend - 2011-03-10, 12:30:13
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by Prog - 2011-03-10, 14:49:12
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by Althend - 2011-03-10, 15:04:48
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by Prog - 2011-03-10, 15:29:35
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by 091846 - 2011-03-10, 15:49:24
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by Althend - 2011-03-10, 16:25:20
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by 091846 - 2011-03-23, 14:44:55
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by TKF - 2011-03-26, 13:37:55
Re: Balancing Ghost Demon, Earth. - by UnifiedDoom - 2011-04-07, 01:18:13

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