2008-03-30, 07:50:59
Here is an answer to the topic that doesn't lead to agrueing and most people can agree on. In the right hands, as well as all tanks in the right hands, Heavy can be very imbalnced. The thing you have to remember is that if your teamwork and your own skill as well as determination are high, you can do well. Now I have seen many people play heavy tank or save for a heavy tank. While they are saveing, I have killed or stopped them from farming because they hide in base. Other times I have seen people get heavy tanks much too early due to feeding and farming like crazy. It depends on the game, but a one sure thing is that a heavy tank with a teleporter and some farily good wpns can kill anyone, 1v1, unless the person you are fighting is in a heavy tank with a teleporter doing the same thing you are. Heavy tanks abilites are much too good. A heavy tank with a gold hull upgraded and some good wpns destroys a demon tank easily. One thing we can agree on is that the greater the cost, the more effective the tank, in most cases. Air with a steel or gold hull with fairly good wpns is just as good as a heavy tank with fairly good weapons. They get a teleporter you get one too, air with teleporter has the distinct advantage. Play your best is all you can do. Make sure to use the field and watch minimap, learn to counter teleporter on a heavy tank, even though you can't learn that skill vs bots, you'll have to get owned by it alot in order to learn.