2008-03-21, 03:01:35
Althend Wrote:
Currently, he is expert against creep and towers. Don't you agree? ^^
I don't agree in that point. Lets make the term "expert" more explicit: The Tank most usefull in comparison to the other tanks in his cost-range (+-2500 Gold) on a certain aspect, in our case: Creeping (factors: killing creeps and getting damage while creeping) and destroying towers (factors: destroying tower, getting damage while doing this). Further we have to split both aspects into 2 points and concentrate ourself on lvl 10 Tanks:
*Enemy tanks are in range (~2000)
*There are no enemy tanks in range (~2000)
For simplicity reasons and the fact that every Tank lvl 10 can destroy a tower really easily when there are no enemy tanks we ignore the second point and concentrate ourself on the first one.
At first we should explore the tower damage which can be made by a heavy tank, which can't do any other tank. We got 3 Skills for this purpose:
*Rocket - mostly needed for different use, so we can't count on this skill
*Hail of Bombs - quite usefull, especially if we can hit the enemy tanks as well
*Mortars - the main skill your possibly reflecting to, but how usefull is he when there are enemy tanks near to you? In my opinion he's useless. The mortars won't make more than 2 shots each until they are killed by normal weapons or, if there are too many creeps around them, by skills. Furthermore we have to protect our mortars against creeps, while we get damage and might become the aim of enemy tanks (we used mana, so we can't defend us in an effective way - we don't have mana for rocket lvl 4 and ultimate!) and we are quite slow, so we can't escape that well (movement speed & possible blocking by creeps)
For Comparison we got Ghost Tank, Goblin, Air Ship, Sky Tank and (Guard):
*Ghost Tank got with his Summoning of the dead units which can damage towers quite fast and have more hp than mortars, so you can spawn them and drive away instantly, while they stil creep and damage the tower. You got the skill to heal your ghosts as well, so they get less damage.
*Goblin Tank can use his melee skill to make damage and stun towers. He can also use his ultimate and the goblin-riot. The advantage of the Goblin is, that he is faster than the Heavy Tank, so we don't have to be so scared of enemy tanks as we would be with the Heavy Tank.
*Air Ship is fast as well and can't be blocked, so he can escape really easily. His damage is lower (even though he will have 1k gold more for weapons than the heavy) and he got only one skill usefull against towers.
*Sky Tank is fast, got great spells against towers which don't use much time to cast (Flame Strike) and got more hp than Heavy. He cost 2,5k gold more than the heavy, but is against towers a lot better, becouse the enemy can't stop you from killing the towers at all.
*(Guard never fights alone, so the comparison is more difficult. His spawns got siege damage, so he kills tower rather fast as well)
In my opinion we can not say that the Heavy Tank is against towers better than any of this tanks, even the Air Ship is equally good.
Heavy Tanks lvl 10 normally got his skill spent like this: Rocket lvl 4, Hail of Bombs lvl 1, Mortars lvl 1 and 4 skillpoints on Tank Cannon/Heavy Armor. Lets say we have 3 upgraded basic magic and this skills and compare ourself to other tanks.
*Ghost Tank got with his Summoning of the dead units which creep very well, if the opponent doesn't kill them with his ultimate instantly (which is good for us as well) and we can spawn them and drive away instantly, while they stil creep. We got the skill to heal our ghosts as well, so they get less damage. Our Tank is cheaper, so we might have + 1 basic without an upgrade. Such a Ghost Tank will creep much better than any Heavy Tank.
*Goblin Tank got the goblin-riot to kill large groups of creeps. We don't have to go back to heal with the Goblin as quickly as with the Heavy Tank, becouse we're faster and get less damage from spells. Our Tank is more expensive, so we have -2 basic upgrades. Such a Goblin Tank will creep slightly worse than the Heavy.
*Air Ship is fast as well and can't be blocked, so we can escape really easily. We got 1k gold more for weapons which means +1 Basic without upgrade and got skills which are rather good for creeping. Such a Tank will creep maybe slightly better than a Heavy.
*Sky Tank is fast and got more hp than Heavy, so we can stay longer near creeps. The AoE-Skills can be used for creeping. The Tank costs 2,5k gold more than the heavy, so we have just 1 Basic Magic with upgrade. If we use our Skills we might creep ok, but not really well.
So we can conclude that the Heavy isn't an expert against towers, becouse there are Tanks which are better against them in near cost-range. In my point of view Heavy is even one of the worse Tanks against towers (except Tinker towers, but they are killed really easily in mid game by most Tanks) and the Heavy isn't an expert against creeps, becouse a Ghost Tank can creep better and some other Tanks creep nearly equally well as the Heavy Tank.
Btw: A Heavy Tank has to adopt to his slow speed against Goblin Tanks as well, for example with a teleporter or speed, or he'll get into huge problems in late mid-game.