2012-10-31, 20:16:07
(2012-10-31, 17:44:59)Wupti Wrote: well i dont agree here, besides the price for advanced isnt decreased since troops is more expensive so it would basically be same just a different share between the gold. if a guy ONLY buy siege (1500) i think it's a fair price actually. and if he buy whole package the price is still the same or am i wrong ?
I was talking about only "Siegepack". Right now its perfect. You need normaly 5-10 seconds to take a small cannonbase tower down and another 10-15 seconds to take the better cannonbase tower down. For the big tower you need 20 seconds or more. (waiting for creeps) But if the price is 1500 i bet with you every good player will buy them and go the the enemy base and will (talking about sidelane) take everytower down under 4 seconds and you got a big hole in your base diffence. If you are 10 seconds away he come back and destroy the rest of your base...