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Troops, Siege and Troopcommand
(2012-11-01, 18:59:37)Perfektionist Wrote: but thats wrong! I think you only use the ulti of the goblin if you really know you will kill the enemy. And the radius of the goblin ulti is so high that i didnt think there are any problems. Frost the same: You only need the second skill and all creeps are dead. Stun + Ulti on the enemy = easy kill. And also in mid-endgame troops are more useless. Everytank got abilitiys with big area dmg. And for midgame you can buy machinegun as troop counterWink

This is only an option if the enemy stick to his troops and not use them as cover. frost will waste his 2nd skill on creep (need level 3) and if he want to stun + ulti he will need a portion of batteries first which basically will make him a frost with no weapons (if min 35), besides the frost will 9/10 times get stunned when ulti = no kill.

in endgame troops are not that devastating true, but adv troops is fine for siege and since the price on that haven't changed it should not do any differences from how it is now.
This suggestion was only to balance early/midgame better without making a difference to the endgame.

Messages In This Thread
Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Wupti - 2012-10-31, 15:35:23
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by stibi- - 2012-10-31, 15:43:00
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by eSVau - 2012-10-31, 15:58:22
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by stibi- - 2012-10-31, 16:03:41
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Wupti - 2012-10-31, 17:44:59
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Prog - 2012-10-31, 19:46:21
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Wupti - 2012-10-31, 20:57:02
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Wupti - 2012-10-31, 22:11:23
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Prog - 2012-11-01, 02:22:55
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by EarthR - 2012-11-01, 09:50:05
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Wupti - 2012-10-31, 22:31:37
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by LIoOoOoIL - 2012-10-31, 22:49:10
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Wupti - 2012-11-01, 00:41:47
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by ckibibi - 2012-11-01, 10:39:49
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Wupti - 2012-11-01, 15:23:04
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by ckibibi - 2012-11-01, 17:05:48
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Wupti - 2012-11-01, 18:56:29
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Wupti - 2012-11-01, 19:43:42
RE: Troops, Siege and Troopcommand - by Prog - 2012-11-01, 15:42:52

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