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Compare between Shortrange and Longrange
That is not a viable argument. If it is something to strong, then it is to strong in every game. If you never played versus Me[Rong] in qualify, then do this first. He only play random and sidelanes. If he get the heli he buy bombarding rockeds. He is a really good player he know exactly how far he can go to hit the enemy and its really hard to come close to him if he got rangeweapons. But in closerange he always fail versus meWink. Maybe i can upploard these days another gameplay whitch shows the imbalance.

"wupti plays vs tained on lane. This is the best example. Tained plays heli bombard and wupti not lr. The end of the fight? Wupti win it. This is all about skill, not just about weapon"

Yes, thats why i like to play sidelanes. But if a better-good player chose rangeweapons the skill is gone. He stay 1250 range away from you and you can see how you hp drops with no single chance to hit him.

"In 85-90% of games there is always one player almost playing lr"

Same in League. One player play everytime rangeweapons. In qualify are only more.

"and this or those players aren't always fed and they don't always own and win with it"

they are? after 10 minutes of gameplay i look mid and see a player with 10/2 in mid. Every game! And they playing rangeweapons. I never saw a midrange player with this K/D in mid after 10 minutes.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Compare between Shortrange and Longrange - by Perfektionist - 2012-11-12, 14:35:36

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