2008-01-24, 21:31:48
v 8.36
There are still some bugs which havent been fixed in this version, but I felt that its now better to release a new version with a nerfed Infernal, since the bugs arent that gamebreaking.
- You can now combine your items to the packs
- Death messages are now displayed in the respective color of the players
- Added more Tech-Requirements (High end tanks and Combos)
- Increased the Tech-Requirements of the Factory from 2/2 to 4/4
- Increased Manacosts of Chaos Teleport and Infernal Fire Rain (Infernal Robot)
- Infernal Fire Rain now stops when the Infernal is stunned
- Added a 1 second casting delay to Chaos Teleport
- Repair Kits are now much cheaper (-40%)
- Added Manacosts to the Repair Kits and increased their cooldown by 10 seconds
- Power Pack now provides 6000 HP instead of only 4000
- Increased the healing rate of the Repair Robots (+25%)
- Edited the terrain around some CPs because of some teleporting issues
- When a player leaves in LeaverAI-Mode " [AI]" will be added to his name
- Changed some tooltips
- Players from all official BattleNet-Server can now register for the League
- Fixed some bugs regarding the LeaverAI
- Fixed some minor bugs
There are still some bugs which havent been fixed in this version, but I felt that its now better to release a new version with a nerfed Infernal, since the bugs arent that gamebreaking.
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