2008-05-22, 11:01:47
RedNova Wrote:Lastly, if you get player-only weapons (like death magic), balancing it with a creep-only weapon, and a good one like soulstone, can be a good weapon combo.
Well i disagree, that sounds like a combo of long ranged weapons and short range weapons. It is normaly not really usefull, because you are mostly (in your combo allways) fighting only with half of your firepower. Even if I buy only players weapons i will buy as addicional weapon, weapons who attacks creeps and players, because normaly if you fight a tank alone, its more usefull because both weapons fight. And if you fight an enemy tank and creeps, you have no problem if your weapon shoots at the enemy too from time to time, because if he dies earlier the opponent who makes more damage (mostly the tank and not the creep) dies faster, despite the fact that you kill creeps too.