Poll: Do you think the Respawn Time should be replaced with APM? (Hero Stat: Agility/Beweglichkeit)
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[pls vote] Change Respawn Time to APM? (Hero Stats)
hahaha, lol, you've certainly made me laugh!

My average apm is about 170 and I had few games where speed freak was someone else. Yes, I(and my team) win most of the times.
Even when I do not win I do have those freaky reward.
I am really nervous man and I think half of that clicks are made because of Tic syndrome. Usually this syndrome never reveals, but when a person gets nervous it can occur. And people try to put down Tic by making controlled(at least partially) movements. And these movements are the source of "freakiness".

But in general when I play heli(90% of cases) I have to click very often RMB to position my heli at definite places to get last hits for creep kills, to manipulate my movement trajectory more precisely and so on. Every RMB click is a response to change of game state. And this state is being changed every 0.1 sec. Add here some delay from the network. When you perform a move, you enemy performs counter move. You actual move hasn't ended yet but you already see as your enemy begins his counter-move and you want to do counter counter-move. The faster your reaction is, the faster you adapt to your opponent moves - the more chances to win(this particular battle).
Also these quick clicks could be considered as smoothing means - the more correction points on a curve - more smooth it will be.
Alright, I shouldn't go further in mathematics(mostly because I am too lazy), I hope you understood what I wanted to say...

qweqqweq Wrote:maybe it could show your assists instead
What do you mean by that?
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Messages In This Thread
Re: [pls vote] Change Respawn Time to APM? (Hero Stats) - by Vomitus - 2008-07-06, 00:44:21

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