2008-09-22, 16:24:41
well gammapulp, I partially agree.
But heres a thing I noticed quit a lot, and so I do it a lot. Gobbie takes longer so enemy get an "advantage". Here's the thing. I go light tank or so & 2 fireballs + Iron hull. Then i goo for gobbie. Even if the enemy gets hvy or whatever, I dare to say I'm skilled enough to avoid dying more then 2 times. So let's say, U get the gobbie, but in the end u lose the mid, wich makes them dominate game.
If u save up for fire magic, and up it. U start to gain lead on em, believe it or not, Getting 4 fire magics + gold hull, It mostly is a turnpoint when u start getting them. Peeps like poison magic & laser to att. But compared to fire magic, this is the best, Ifrst u walk behind on the gold, now ur gaining and eventually, u'll be able to counter them. U just need some luck to have teammates who are.... familiar with the game, noobs ruin it ofcourse. But gobbie just owns. Ven sky tank, In my opinion, doesnt stand a chance. The only skill u could say is useful, is the ulti. The other ground only skills, mostly do, the fire 1000 dmg (lvl5) & the quake one quake. Because by that time ur alrdy cuz of gobbie speed out of the range. & the riot + ulti, quit some dmg, especially cuz creeps instant die, so gobbie is perfect for counter.
If the enemy has hvyb & thunder tanks. The hammer slices em to pieces with its high damage.
Conclusion? Goblin isn't too weak, it's just requires BRAINS ...
However, a small price lowering & buff to the skills would be nice, cuz how often do u see gobbie tank in game?
Btw, try demolisher + bow. SAve directly for gobbie, other will go 2nd weap + hull, so u'll easily own their ass :twisted:
But heres a thing I noticed quit a lot, and so I do it a lot. Gobbie takes longer so enemy get an "advantage". Here's the thing. I go light tank or so & 2 fireballs + Iron hull. Then i goo for gobbie. Even if the enemy gets hvy or whatever, I dare to say I'm skilled enough to avoid dying more then 2 times. So let's say, U get the gobbie, but in the end u lose the mid, wich makes them dominate game.
If u save up for fire magic, and up it. U start to gain lead on em, believe it or not, Getting 4 fire magics + gold hull, It mostly is a turnpoint when u start getting them. Peeps like poison magic & laser to att. But compared to fire magic, this is the best, Ifrst u walk behind on the gold, now ur gaining and eventually, u'll be able to counter them. U just need some luck to have teammates who are.... familiar with the game, noobs ruin it ofcourse. But gobbie just owns. Ven sky tank, In my opinion, doesnt stand a chance. The only skill u could say is useful, is the ulti. The other ground only skills, mostly do, the fire 1000 dmg (lvl5) & the quake one quake. Because by that time ur alrdy cuz of gobbie speed out of the range. & the riot + ulti, quit some dmg, especially cuz creeps instant die, so gobbie is perfect for counter.
If the enemy has hvyb & thunder tanks. The hammer slices em to pieces with its high damage.
Conclusion? Goblin isn't too weak, it's just requires BRAINS ...
However, a small price lowering & buff to the skills would be nice, cuz how often do u see gobbie tank in game?
Btw, try demolisher + bow. SAve directly for gobbie, other will go 2nd weap + hull, so u'll easily own their ass :twisted: