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Factories now have been changed from 3.5k gold to 2.5 gold and armour lvl 2, the upgrade to spawn creeps cost 1k gold. according to my calculations that 3.5k gold. why is it that now the upgraded factory doesnt heal u but spawns creeps, if u want to downgrade it to healer again the cash doesnt get refunded to u. the upgrade should be a req; lvl 4 armour and spawns and heals u, not one or the other.
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its because factories were too strong.
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factories arent that strong. get one at a non spawning interval and u can destroy it quick smart. or just buy siege urself and destroy it in one sitting. im more concerned in regards to the upgrading of the factory and down grading of the factory why u dont get cash back and why it costs the same as a factory that heals and spawns, plus the lvl 2 armour issue.
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maybe to switch after initial changes is less then 1k..
upgarde, 1k
switch back no charge
switch back 300 (or free like some hero / creep weapons)
my 2 cents, over all i love it...keep up good work
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yesterday i played tinker with the new troopcommand and the new factories many times
i like the new factory style,
you can buy the factory 10min earlier and upgrade it later
i used 2 spawn factories and 1 heal factory it worked pretty good.
they got destroyed in lategame because i put them near enemy base to early
and because they now only cost 2500 i was able to replace them easily
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i assumed them repacked already.
if there were 2 different factories, healer and spawner, one costing 2500 and one costing 3500, if you had 3 factories, 1 healer and 2 spawner, you now rush to enemy and want 2 healer and 1 spawner... you should repack 1 spawner and sell it (1750 + repack cost). But now it cost you only repack cost.
This means downgrade is advantageus. Also upgrading is 750 advantageous than selling and buying etc...
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Personally I prefered the old factories, makes them too easy to get but at the same time the no healing thing doesn't make any sense. Perhaps the upgrade could be permanent, require higher armor lvl and still heal ur tanks and the non-spawning factory become cheaper (ex. 1.5 - 2 K).
Question - how does the limit work on factories now? Is it still max 3 factories or max 3 spawning factories or what?
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It's mentioned in the tooltip. Both, the normal and the spawning factory count towards the limit. You still can't get more than three factories.
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Oh, so that's how it works. Thanks for explaining that.
Maybe it should be 3 spawning factories and unlimited healing factories? I can understand the limitation on spawning factories (i.e. you dont want a zillion creeps), but what is the reasoning behind limiting healing factories?
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Because healing effects stacks. And absorbs damage. If you build 4-5 factories in a place it would be impossible to attack there. (ex after 1.5 hours you get enough gold for that) And making them 1.5 - 2k is too lame.
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"If you build 4-5 factories in a place it would be impossible to attack there."
Well that isn't quite true as you can attack and slowly destroy the factories or bomb them (and there is a higher risk with having more factories).
It just seems to me that it is much harder to seige now that the factories have been changed (it means you either have less troops to hide behind or have to go all the way back to a cp to heal).
How about only allowing factories within a certain radius of each other (say 1K). Then you wouldn't have a problem of healing effects stacking.
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A pro team never attacks a base 5 at a time. Always leaves 1 or 2 to protect factories. And uses tp breakers. And Bombs 80% of time fails...
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OMFG!!! I just played a high bounty game in azeroth yesterday where token had 9 factories spawning units in his base!!!! :o 6 force and 3 of his own. I'm pissed that i forgot to ask him if he knew how he did this and also i forgot to save the game or the screenshot i took.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?