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Capturing Capture Points Efficiently (Basic Guide)
How to Capture Capture Points Efficiently (Basic Guide)
[Image: ss03.gif]
(Ignore the robot thing :roll: )
What are capture points?

There are two capture points on each lane. They all look like factories and they are protected by Cannon Towers (or a barricade or Laser Tower). Over a period time, 2 marines will come out of the capture point. All tanks have a teleport ability that uses 75 gold and can teleport to the capture points. Which ever team owns the capture point will be eligible to heal there.

How do you capture one?
First, you have to kill the tower that's guarding the point. After, you can start capturing the point by going near the factory model. Then, you will see a bar which fills up almost every 3 seconds. If a enemy is near the checkpoint, you can not capture it.

What tanks are good at capturing capture points?
All tanks with huge amounts of HP are good.

Exploder (with explosives):
This hero will not only eliminate enemies that are in the way but can give massive damage onto enemy tanks. Just make sure you keep a distance from him.

The guard in rooted mode will get HP regen and damage reduction. Also, it has a heal and entangling roots deals 1000 damage at level one. On top of that, every 20 seconds, the guard in rooted mode will make 2 treants with 1300 hp each.

What about items?
Hulls help a lot because they increase your HP a lot. Repair kits repair your HP instantly while you can the repair over time item.
Teleport breakers will stun the unit when they teleport to the point. This helps A LOT!

Hope you have fun!
Some more facts about CPs:
It's called Control Point...
Exploder is good at defending the CP, not attacking (yeah, with teamwork it can be good too (let it kamikaze the cp, kill the guards then go in undisturbed)).
The bar is filling up every second and takes 10s to take the CP. If the enemy built a barricade (or maybe with other player towers too) on the tower ruins, it takes 2x the time, but its still capturable.
The small marines spawns every 0/20/40s in every minutes.
You get additional force money every 5 mins for each CP controlled by your team which weren't yours in the beginning (so the ones closer to the enemy base).

To capture the CP you should:
- do it when no enemy is alive, or can't teleport to CP to defend it (they're to far from any of their CPs or already occupied)
- go in team
- have alot of firepower, so the defenders haven't got time to be healed by the CP during defending
- use teleporters to get to the enemy CP by surprise

To defend the CP:
- have alot of HP
- use teamwork
- the Trader is perfect for defending at higher levels. With invisibility and invulnerability he can keep it till others come to kill the attacker.
Best Tanks to capture a point is:

Earth Robot. Not seen in game too much but is the best tank to capture a CP. Use your Granite defense when some1 comes to kill you. You will get 60% ressistance for 5 sec. Is enough to kill 1 enemy tank or 2 weaker tanks.

Ghost Tank. Not seen in game much too. It can summon its dead soldiers to to take most damage (where they are also vulnerable to AOE spells). It can heal up to 2500hp per dying enemy tank. So while in crowd you will sustain your hp full...

Sky Fortress. Huge AOE damage and 50% ressistance for a few seconds will make you stay there while your enemies die...

Infernal. Huge AOE spells make it best to deal immense damages to crowd..

Titan. Your ultimate will protect your allies for a few seconds, where a few seconds is mostly vital...
there are some more mistakes in the first post:
-only cannon- and lasertower prevent capture / barricades increase the amount of time needed to capture the point
-the treant hp depent on the armor upgrade lvl
-the guard only has additionel heal in rooted mode when the passive abillity has been skilled
-tp breaker don't work on controlpoint tp
how'd you made the border of that image?
No Support via PM!!
i think he got the image by searching with google
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
Quote: If a enemy is near the checkpoint, you can not capture it.

while this is true, it should also be noted thatthe capture bar will only be paused and not go down until all of your team's tanks have moved away.

It is entirely possible to have a CP almost captured, have the enemy teleport in, get killed and then complete the capture in a very short period of time
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
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The biggest tip that i can think of for capturing and defending cps is to not be talking on the phone, be stuffing your face with spagghetti and garlic bread, or rolling a joint during a crucial moment when your teamates are counting on you! 30 seconds of afk is enough time to loose 6 cps. I can't stand it when my teamates go afk during my games and these are just a few of the excuses that i've been given.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
Saying that having huge amounts of hp is too general. Some tanks are better at having huge amounts of hp and sacrificing dps.

My ways of taking cps:
- buy 400g troop
- use telelport if i have
- buy cannon tower or laser tower and fill with weapons
- ally carrying a troop as well
- MULTIPLE troops if you plan on taking on an army
- troop command AND troop pack/s
Quote:The number of Force upgrades now also depends on your team's Control Points

With the new version of the map released, it it even more important to capture CPS as they give/lose an extra $500/5mins that goes towards upgrades.
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
Try out my Comprehensive Datalinks Update. Now v1.3!
Only need to hold ur left eye on the mini-map, then go for it. and the countdown timer for death. if its below 7 secs, u shud retreat. Cuz if ur enemy is using the c shortcut (i dont c why not?) he will join u insta (@ 9.5 secs in the capture). And u shud not eat or dring while doing thisTongue
Suit up!
300$/5mins /cp now. Gold gain reduced by 40%
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
Try out my Comprehensive Datalinks Update. Now v1.3!

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