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The Medivac and the implacations of this tank.
This is going to be negative, so please excuse my rant. Although our wonderful game maker has put lots of effort into it, it just doesn't work. For an air tank its terrible compaired to the heili, it doesn't have the speed or power. Yes It's got more HP. but it's usually better just to heli/iron up. It has made random tanking near nigh impossbile with the option of getting medivac since it's just too underpowered. I have seen game after game after game of people trying to use medivac, and its always a fail. The tank is just not good enough. I see it's not supposed to be ona offensive tank, but really, if it's unable to deal with combat, it feeds, then dies, and the other guy gets telle and poison and its gg. I am not saying " remove medivac from Btanks " but I am saying is mayby you could develop a game around it, its the only thing that does its style, so i suggest mayby making some items that would work with it's style of game. If this is done it should be moved to the alternate tank shop and removed from the list of tanks that can be randomed. The Medivac should be more of a side thing, much like the trader. Not a tank that can be random tanked. It's not a combat oriented tank even slightly. I guess what im saying is that it kinda ruined random tank because the tank is SO bad that the chance of getting it in a RT just isn't worth the 500 gold. I really think that you should A) make it stronger in some way, and B) move it out of the random tank zone. I know random tanking should have some risk, but the medivac just feeds to almost anything no matter how good you are. sorry about this rant but i though it nessicary to state the problems with this tank before you go.
I have to kinda agree with you. I try to play well with medivac but it's nearly impossible since it's worse than all other start tanks ability-wise. Also sucks supportwise since the drain ability is kinda crap. I only skill tank cannon and flares, + creepkiller weapons cuz it's the only best strategy which works for me. The flares are kinda nice though combined with lv1 drain since level 1 is enough when it comes to draining flares.

Also when I get lv10, you finally get the ultimate, but it's not that great either.

Also randoming this tank is a bad thing. I'm not sure what is needed to balanced it. The only ability which I could think of to be changed is drain, but I dunno.....
As stated above, It should have 1-2 weapons of support and moved to the ALT. tank hall so it can't be randomded.
you can still get tanks randomed from the alternate tank hall. if you play 30k and choose random you can get the earth tank or hunter. im sure there is a selection of tanks set to each starting gold level that can be manually adjusted, because i have never gotten a scout or other small tank in 30k, in 3k i dont think i have ever gotten a shredder, and in 5k i dont think i have randomed a gaurd.
PERSONALLY i love medivac COMPARED TO b4 its awesome i think its worth its money all its spells have low cool downs so spells can be used simultaneously over and over also its superthrust is awesome or whatever it is i love it so could for a speed boost medi has permanent speed boost because this spells cool down is so small this is a great advantage
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
lolk7 Wrote:This is going to be negative, so please excuse my rant. Although our wonderful game maker has put lots of effort into it, it just doesn't work. For an air tank its terrible compaired to the heili, it doesn't have the speed or power. Yes It's got more HP. but it's usually better just to heli/iron up. It has made random tanking near nigh impossbile with the option of getting medivac since it's just too underpowered. I have seen game after game after game of people trying to use medivac, and its always a fail. The tank is just not good enough. I see it's not supposed to be ona offensive tank, but really, if it's unable to deal with combat, it feeds, then dies, and the other guy gets telle and poison and its gg. I am not saying " remove medivac from Btanks " but I am saying is mayby you could develop a game around it, its the only thing that does its style, so i suggest mayby making some items that would work with it's style of game. If this is done it should be moved to the alternate tank shop and removed from the list of tanks that can be randomed. The Medivac should be more of a side thing, much like the trader. Not a tank that can be random tanked. It's not a combat oriented tank even slightly. I guess what im saying is that it kinda ruined random tank because the tank is SO bad that the chance of getting it in a RT just isn't worth the 500 gold. I really think that you should A) make it stronger in some way, and B) move it out of the random tank zone. I know random tanking should have some risk, but the medivac just feeds to almost anything no matter how good you are. sorry about this rant but i though it nessicary to state the problems with this tank before you go.

TKF Wrote:I have to kinda agree with you. I try to play well with medivac but it's nearly impossible since it's worse than all other start tanks ability-wise. Also sucks supportwise since the drain ability is kinda crap. I only skill tank cannon and flares, + creepkiller weapons cuz it's the only best strategy which works for me. The flares are kinda nice though combined with lv1 drain since level 1 is enough when it comes to draining flares.

Also when I get lv10, you finally get the ultimate, but it's not that great either.

Also randoming this tank is a bad thing. I'm not sure what is needed to balanced it. The only ability which I could think of to be changed is drain, but I dunno.....

i disagree maybe the tank is lacking 100 hp then it would be great but....this is tank is not under powered i think just need how to learn how to use tank (even though i don't know how to play btanks or use medivac i know people who are really good with this tank
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
I've not played so many games with medivac myself, and it's hard to play with it. I agree it needs more hp cuz compared to other start tanks it should have 50-100 more hp at least.

All starter tanks below 2k cost have some more hp than normal, medivac is the only tank breaking this standard.
Medi is still too weak. In fact, his role of support is not effective if he is outside middle.
Most of the time creep die before or when we use heal, we are someway alone near enemy creeps, people just need to stun the medi and push surrounded by their creep. Increasing hp by 200 and range to aim creep would help.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
agree to the hp problem
+100 hp would be great
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
Tank is weak.

U cant play offensive with that tank.

Please take that tank out of Random so that when u want u can buy at a shop.
When u want to play BT come Channel Clan BuG or Clan BuG2Smile We are waiting for good games !

Moreover visit us on http://www.clanbug.kilu.deSmile

[Image: paint1bw2.jpg]
100 hp wont solve the problem.
For a better tank it to be; i can suggest an ability replacing creep killer ability with a semi-passive abilty.

Passively heals all tanks around medivac to heal a percentage of amount damage dealt by medivac. Amount healed is split between tanks around like current abilty.
Actively deals a damage to all tanks around any target damaged enemy unit by medivac with a percantage.

Shortly this abilty vampirically heals a percantage of damage dealt by medivac. (if heal amount is split, it can include creeps or exclude them. It will be balanced according to numbers.)
Active side of this abilty will make medivacs' damages to deal AoE damage for a short period of time. My oppinion is: big AoE, low percentage is dealt. Can also be low AoE, big percentage.
I can write my numbers if ppl likes the idea..

So this abilty will replace current abilty but in a much benficial way and gives the medivac its purpose.
Unfortunately there's no way to detect phönix fire attacks.
We can detect damage amount and source tank, though we cant detect source item. But fortunately we do not need to detect source item. All damages will be counted as same and will deal AoE to all tanks and creeps.
There was a thread about how to detect phoenix fire.
horselance Wrote:We can detect damage amount and source tank, ...
Correction. Source kill. Not detecting where the phönix fire damage comes from.

Anyway I'm not satisfied with the medivac tank. It has kinda poor support role and you only play well against a less skilled player with it. It has no abilities which can attack creeps directly. I played a good game with it, but I realized the enemy team was quite bad.

The other abilities need some buff imo. The trust ability is ok. Maybe change the drain ability to something a little better? Maybe change it to Medicore ability?
I do see Medi-players do quite well even in intern games on every lane. If you want to buff him, then only slightly (like the +100 hp), anything more isn't necessery.
Quote:Correction. Source kill. Not detecting where the phönix fire damage comes from.
Here is a demonstration TKF.
You can use it for your map alsoBig Grin

Attached Files
.w3x   phoenix detect.w3x (Size: 18.07 KB / Downloads: 165)
in this map is no source detected so this ability wont be possibly for more than one medivac on the battlefield.
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
Sorry forgot to show damage source. Try this one with damage source..

Attached Files
.w3x   phoenix detect 1.2.w3x (Size: 18.2 KB / Downloads: 157)
I wasn't aware of the (triggering unit) takes damage through Add trigger action. Then it's possible to know where the unit is taken damage from (any source).
Yea i said smth similar when i learned thisBig Grin
Quote:I didnt know that a trigger can read out from another triggers event.

Magnet Pulse

When activated, any damage dealt by medivac with weapons will deal a small percent of damage in a 600 AoE for 7 seconds.
Passive: When Medivac deals damage to an opponent with weapons, it heals all allied tanks in 800 range.
(AoE damage will not stact passive healing)

Level 1: Deals 4% damage in 600 radius. Heals 4% percent of damage dealt.
Level 2: Deals 8% damage in 600 radius. Heals 8% percent of damage dealt.
Level 3: Deals 12% damage in 600 radius. Heals 12% percent of damage dealt.
Level 4: Deals 16% damage in 600 radius. Heals 16% percent of damage dealt.
Level 5: Deals 20% damage in 600 radius. Heals 20% percent of damage dealt.

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