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BTT 2012 Rules
Battle Tanks Tournament (BTT2012) Rules

The rules applied to the BTT2012 are listed below:

1. Players

1.1. All btanks players, no matter where you are from, how good you can play, are welcome to join the tournament. There is no entry fee or whatsoever.
1.2. The tournament players must be able to login to 1 of the 4 official Blizzard servers, such that you can enter the BTT games. The 4 Blizzard servers are Azeroth, Kalimdor, Lordaeron, and Northrend. This rule implies you have a valid Warcraft III CD-Key.

2. Teams

2.1. The tournament is team based. You must make or join a team to sign up for the tournament.
2.2. Each team must have at least 4 players, because the BTT2012 games are in the form of 4 vs. 4. Each team may have maximum 5 players. The 1 extra player gives the team more grouping strategy, because you don't need to announce which 4 players will play until the last minute. The 1 extra player is also a backup in case of anyone is too busy on the game day.
2.3. Each team must have a team leader, who has close contacts to all team members. The team leader organizes the team and makes sure enough players to come on the game day. The team leader also represents the team when making a decision. For example when the BTT organizers asking a decision from a team, only the words from the team leader will be taken.
2.4. Each team must have a contact person. This may or may not be the same as the team leader. The contact person must be registered in the BT forum, such that the other people can contact your team via forum Private Messages (PMs).
2.5. Each team must have a team name.
2.6. Each team must provide one resident time zone.
2.7. Each player can join only one team. The same people join multiple teams with different accounts is strictly forbidden. The BTT organizers will check the player's IP and use other techniques to detect multiaccounting.

3. Contact

3.1. The Btanks forum, to be precise the Battle Tanks Tournament board, is the default place to publish or discuss everything related to the tournament. Please feel free to post your questions and comments here.
3.2. The BTT2012 organizers contact the contact person of the team through forum PMs to inform the coming games and other news or events. Please make sure to enable the email notification for the new PMs, so you can read it at the first time!
3.3. Regularly there will be BTT2012 newsletters sent via email to the person who registered for it. The newsletter contains the BTT news, the info of coming games, and the results of finished games. See this link for more information.
3.4. The BTT2012 organizers don't contact people in other methods.

4. Sign Up for Tournament

4.1. Please follow the instructions in this post to sign up for the BTT2012.
4.2. It is very important to sign up with your exact account name of the ID that will be used to play during the tournament. The players with unmatched account names are not allowed to enter the tournament games.
4.3. Please sign up as soon as possible when you have a team ready. The earlier registered teams will have some benefits. For example, we are aiming to collect 16 teams for BTT2012. If there will be 17 teams sign up, the last 2 registered teams will have 1 extra qualification game. Only the winner team is accepted for the BTT2012.

5. Tournament System

5.1. The BTT2012 uses a tournament system similar to the FIFA world cup. It contains 2 phases: the group phase (1st) and the single elimination phase (2nd).
5.2. In the group phase: 16 teams are divided into 4 groups A, B, C, D. 4 teams per group. 1 game will happen between any 2 teams in a group, so in total 6 games. Each team plays 3 games in the group phase.
5.3. In the group phase: a win earns 3 points; a lose earns 0 point; both teams earn 1 point if the game is draw. The game is draw if it doesn't finish in 1.5 hour (90 minutes).
5.4. In the group phase: after the 6 games in a group, the 4 teams are ranked by points. If 2 teams have the same points, their ranks are decided by the win/lose relationship of the game happened between the 2 teams. If the win/lose relationship still cannot decide the rank, the overall team kills minus team deaths will be used as the 3rd factor to rank the teams. The numbers of team kills/deaths are taken from the score board on the top right corner of the screen. And if it is still not enough, an extra game will be arranged. At the end, the top 2 ranked teams of the group will go to the next phase, single elimination.
5.5. In the single elimination phase: there will be 8 teams. They are arranged as A1 vs. D2, B1 vs. C2, C1 vs. B2, D1 vs. A2.
5.6. In the single elimination phase: there will be 3 rounds, 1/4 finals, semi finals and the final.
5.7. In the single elimination phase: there will be no draw games. All games have to play till the end.
5.8. In the single elimination phase: in the semi finals and the final rounds, Best-Of-3 (BO3) will be used. It means 3 games will be played between 2 teams. The team wins 2 of the 3 games is the winner.
5.9. All games in the BTT2012 will be in the form of 4 players vs. 4 players.
5.10. In the group phase and the 1/4 finals, before the game starts, the referee will make a shuffle of players to decide Dark/Light forces. After the shuffle, the team which has the player on top will play as Dark force, the other team as Light force. The player on top means the player who has the red color, if that slot is empty then it will be the player with the blue color, etc. In the BO3 games of the semi finals and the final rounds, in the first 2 games, each team will be once Dark force and once Light force. In the 3rd game of the BO3, the referee will shuffle again to decide Dark/Light forces for the 2 teams.

6. Seeding Teams

6.1. The 16 teams are assigned into 4 groups based on the ELOs of the teams.
6.2. The ELO of a team is the numerical average of all players' ELOs of that team.
6.3. A player's ELO comes from the Battle Tank League database. You can check your ELO at Please note the differences between ELO and points, we don't use points.
6.4. For the players do not play in BT League, or cannot be searched from the database, they have no ELO. In this case, those players will have a default ELO of 1500.
6.5. The top 8 team players from the last BTT2010 will receive bonus added to their ELO. The 1st team's players will be added 100 to their ELO, the 2nd team 80, the 3rd team 60, the 4th team 50, the 5th to 8th team 30.
6.6. The top 8 teams of the BTT2010 were Sake-AA (1st), Old Sluts (2nd), Dream Team (3rd), KOREA #1 (4th), WH3B, intRacial, Next-Gen, BTC (5th-8th, not ranked). You can find the player names of the 8 teams at
6.7. After the ELOs of the teams are calculated, the 16 teams for BTT2012 are ranked by the ELOs. The higher 8 teams are marked as strong teams, the other 8 marked as normal teams.
6.8. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th strong teams are assigned to group A, B, C, D respectively. The other 4 strong teams are assigned randomly into 4 groups, 1 per group. The 8 normal teams are assigned randomly into 4 groups, 2 per group.

7. Winner Prize

7.1. The 1st team players of the BTT2012 will receive winner prizes, if the player is qualified.
7.2. The 1st team and its qualified players' names will be announced in the BT map loading screen in the next released map after the BTT2012.
7.3. Each qualified player of the 1st team will receive 100 EUR provided by olivercamel. Contact olivercamel for the bank transfer details.
7.4. Only the players who have contributed at least 2 wins to the team are qualified for the winner prizes. This prevents the 5th player to stay inactive but end up in the 1st team just because whose teammates are too strong. It is not fair to win the prizes in this case.

8. Map and Mode

8.1. The btanks map version 8.74b will be used for the tournament. But if there are bugs reported in this version before the tournament started, we may release a patch version 8.74c.
8.2. The League Mode is used for the tournament.
8.3. Basically, everything (tank/weapon/item/tactic etc.) allowed by the map/mode is allowed in the tournament games, except the following:
(1) Command "-playerswap" is not allowed.
(2) Command "-kick" is not allowed.
(3) Command "-afk" is not allowed.
(4) It is not allowed to utilize the teleport breaker with the pathability bugs in the games. To be precise, it is forbidden to place teleport breakers in the positions where can get players stuck.

9. Server

9.1. The server that currently hosting the Battle Tanks League games will be used to host the tournament games.
9.2. Unless both teams agree to use another server, the BT League server is always the default server.
9.3. The BTT2012 organizers recommend to use the BT League server.

10. Define Game Time

10.1. The BTT game time/schedule will be defined as soon as the sign up period is over.
10.2. All BTT games will be scheduled only at weekends, i.e. Saturday and Sunday. The games will be scheduled only between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.
10.3. The BTT organizers will inform both teams the next game time via PMs to the team contact person, at least in 1 week before the game starts.
10.4. The game time given by the BTT organizers cannot change, unless both teams can make an agreement at a different time to play the game. If both teams agree on a different game time, this time must be within +/- 3 days from the default game time given by the BTT organizers.
10.5. Please discuss with your opponent team's contact person for the possibility to change the game time. Do not discuss with the BTT organizers.
10.6. If the 2 teams cannot agree on the game time, the default game time given by the BTT organizers always applies.
10.7. If the 2 teams agree to change the default game time, both teams must inform the BTT organizers (PM to olivercamel or post in the forum) at least in 3 days before the game starts. If any of the 2 teams fails to inform the BTT organizers in 3 days before the game, the default game time will apply.
10.8. The players must come to the game sharply on time. The team which has less than 4 players at the scheduled game time loses the game. If both teams have less than 4 players, the team with fewer players or with the latest joined player loses the game.

11. Allowed Tools

11.1. The communication software is allowed in the tournament games, like Skype, TeamSpeak etc.
11.2. The hotkey tools which change the default tank ability and inventory hotkeys are allowed, like warkey etc.
11.3. The GProxy++ reconnection tool is allowed and supported by the BTT2012 server to avoid disconnection.
11.4. All other tools/software except for the 3 types mentioned above, are NOT allowed in the tournament games.

12. Cheating

12.1. All kinds of cheatings in the tournament are strictly forbidden, which including but not limited to:
(1) Multiaccount, see 2.7.
(2) Utilize the bugs or forbidden features of the map, see 8.3.
(3) Utilize special software tools other than described in 11.
12.2. The BTT organizers welcome the helps from the btanks community to fight against the cheaters. Please report in the forum with proves if you suspect any player or team who is cheating.
12.3. As soon as a cheating action is confirmed, the related team will be dismissed from the tournament, also loses any possibility to receive the winner prizes.
12.4. The cheater's name will be published in a black name list. They are also not welcomed for the future btanks official activities.

13. Improper Behavior

13.1. All kinds of improper behaviors in the tournament are strictly forbidden, which including but not limited to:
(1) Insulting or flaming your opponents during the game.
(2) Pausing or saving the game under F10 menu during the game. Only the referee can pause the game.
13.2. The referee of the game decides what is improper behavior and what is not. Different referee has different standards. So to be safe it is recommended not to write in public except for "gg", "gl" etc.
13.3. If an improper behavior happens, the referee should pause the game and warn the player. If it happens too much, the referee has the right to terminate the game and announce the team with the improper behavior player as the loser team.

14. Disconnection in Game

14.1. Please notice the GProxy++ reconnection tool is allowed and supported by the BTT2012 server. Check this post for setup instructions.
14.2. It is recommended for every BTT player to setup the GProxy++ to avoid disconnections. The BTT organizers will ignore the complaints from the players who do not have the GProxy++ in case of disconnections.
14.3. If a disconnection happens anyway during the game, as soon as a player is disconnected, the referee will pause the game.
14.4. After the referee pauses the game, both teams can discuss what to do from 3 options: remake the game, continue the game as is, or 1 player voluntarily leaves the game to even the players of 2 teams. Only when both teams agree on an option, that option can be taken. Then the referee will resume the game. Note that if the 3rd option is chosen, the voluntarily leaving player must leave during the pause and before the game is resumed. This makes sure the leaving player cannot make any other action like buying/selling an item etc.
14.5. If the 2 teams cannot agree on the same option, the referee will then make the decision for the teams. The referee can force the game to remake, or force the game to continue as is, or directly terminate the game and announce the winner if it is obvious. But the referee cannot force to kick a player to even the teams. If the referee has made a decision but a team doesn't want to follow, this team is considered as the loser team of that game.
14.6. If a player quits during the tournament game, it is handled in the same way as a disconnection.
14.7. If all referees are disconnected from a game, although it is very unlikely, the 2 teams please try to continue playing the game as much as possible till the end. And each team please saves the replay of the game and post it in the forum. The replays will be used to judge the game.

15. Referee

15.1. For every game, there will be 1-2 referees presented as the observers.
15.2. Only the referees can pause the game. The team players are not allowed to pause the game. See 13.1 (2).
15.3. The referees have the following responsibilities:
(1) Come earlier than the game time; wait in Channel BTT on Northrend server; welcome the 2 teams coming for the game.
(2) Create the game at least 5 minutes before the game time; make sure both teams knows the game name to join.
(3) Count the numbers of the players of the 2 teams, if a team fails to show up enough players on time and if the other team doesn't want to wait, the referee should directly announce the winner. See 10.8.
(4) Repeat the important BTT rules again for both teams.
(5) Shuffle the players to decide Dark/Light forces if needed. See 5.10.
(6) Start the game.
(7) During the game, the referee should always keep an eye on: no tournament rule is violated; no team is cheating, see 12; no player has improper behavior, see 13.
(8) During the game, if any player get disconnected, the referee should take care of it. See 14.
(9) During the game, if 90 minutes exceed, the referee should terminate the game and announce a draw if needed. See 5.3.
(10) During the game, the referee is allowed to comment the game on behalf of the people who is going to watch the replay. The comments must be seen only between the observers, but not in public.
(11) After the game, the referee should save and upload the replay.
15.4. We are looking for more referees who have good btanks knowledge and skills, and more importantly can judge the game fairly. A separate post will be open to collect referees.
15.5. The referees ARE allowed to join a team and play in the tournament.
15.6. If there is any complaint to any referee, please report it in the forum. The BTT Supervision Committee will look into it and disqualify the referee who indeed has problems.

16. BTT Supervision Committee

16.1. On top of all referees, a BTT supervision committee is created with 3 most authoritative members. The 3 members are Exodus (BT mapper), Velocity2k (former mapper and league admin), eSVau (league creator).
16.2. If any team thinks they are treated unfairly, or if the referee has made a wrong decision for that team, or if the referee's behavior is improper, the team can report in the forum to request helps from the supervision committee.
16.3. The supervision committee may not necessarily reply to all requests from the teams. But if at least 2 members of the 3 reply to support the request, the wrong decision made for that team can be changed. A remake of a finished game is also possible in this case. And the referee will be disqualified if needed.

17. The BTT organizers reserve the right to modify the rules at a later time with valid reasons.

This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Now we have the BTT2012 Rules! Cheers!

If you have any question regarding to the rules, please feel free to post the questions under this thread. Then we will answer or explain.
i wonder can the referee talk trash when the game is at its end. i mean once they dying its be funny if the referee goads them to comeback lol
(2011-12-11, 06:56:45)tained Wrote: i wonder can the referee talk trash when the game is at its end. i mean once they dying its be funny if the referee goads them to comeback lol

Referees should talk only in private, i.e. only between observers. Those chatting texts cannot be seen by both teams. And referees should talk without too strong personal feelings for 1 team, like cursing 1 team to lose or praying 1 team to win is not allowed.


which date will the tournament exactly begin? i have read it somewhere but i dont know where^^....

I wanted ask about mines bug... placing several mines on same spot is not metioned in rules and i think it is part of game bug just want to know rules about that issue. tnx
(2012-01-22, 18:24:35)Terror-Sheep Wrote: hi,

which date will the tournament exactly begin? i have read it somewhere but i dont know where^^....


The exact date has not been defined yet, because it depends on the total number of registered team (whether or not we need qualification games), and depends on if we have enough referees.

But normally you can expect the games start on 2nd weekend of February, i.e. 11th/12th. And it will last for about 6-7 weekends.

(2012-01-23, 11:42:22)bot365 Wrote: I wanted ask about mines bug... placing several mines on same spot is not metioned in rules and i think it is part of game bug just want to know rules about that issue. tnx

I am not aware of this bug. The BT Dev. team can give some comments on this issue?
(2012-01-23, 14:03:41)olivercamel Wrote:
(2012-01-23, 11:42:22)bot365 Wrote: I wanted ask about mines bug... placing several mines on same spot is not metioned in rules and i think it is part of game bug just want to know rules about that issue. tnx

I am not aware of this bug. The BT Dev. team can give some comments on this issue?

I only know of the behaviour, that it seems to be possible to stack mines on ramps. I guess it's only a visual problem there. If it's possible on plain ground, I've not heard about it yet.

So doing that on ramps is ok I guess, while in the other case, I'd have to take a look at it.
But in any case I'd say, that this should not count as a gamebreaking bug abuse, since mines, that are stacked that way, should be much easier to destroy with a defuser.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
there's some way to plant more than 1 mine in same spot. i did it once accidentally. I also died few times (yesterday was last time) after entering multimine spot.
i guess some pics of the mine-stack-areas would be nice to see (not at slopes/ramps).
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".
(2012-01-24, 13:28:04)Exodus Wrote:
(2012-01-23, 14:03:41)olivercamel Wrote:
(2012-01-23, 11:42:22)bot365 Wrote: I wanted ask about mines bug... placing several mines on same spot is not metioned in rules and i think it is part of game bug just want to know rules about that issue. tnx

I am not aware of this bug. The BT Dev. team can give some comments on this issue?

I only know of the behaviour, that it seems to be possible to stack mines on ramps. I guess it's only a visual problem there. If it's possible on plain ground, I've not heard about it yet.

So doing that on ramps is ok I guess, while in the other case, I'd have to take a look at it.
But in any case I'd say, that this should not count as a gamebreaking bug abuse, since mines, that are stacked that way, should be much easier to destroy with a defuser.

Yes sry i didnt specify i wos thinking on ramps, same spot placing appears on different spot one on another. Tnx for answer.
Will replays of the "better" games will be post in the forum? Like semi-finals, final...? I didn't notice it... Thanks
replays gonna be uploaded for every game

referee rules
"(11) After the game, the referee should save and upload the replay."
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".
Ok, thank you very muchSmile
All game replays will be uploaded to this forum. A dedicated thread will be open for this.

And if we can really have enough time, we will try to recommend good replays for people who don't have time to go through all games.
> 8.1. The btanks map version 8.74b will be used for the tournament. But if there are bugs reported in this version before the tournament started, we may release a patch version 8.74c.

Because the BT mappers are too busy to make the version 8.74b, we will use the original version 8.74 as the map for the BTT2012 tournament.
This is the map version already running for a long time on the BT league bots.
5.3. In the group phase: a win earns 3 points; a lose earns 0 point; both teams earn 1 point if the game is draw. The game is draw if it doesn't finish in 1.5 hour (90 minutes).
5.4. In the group phase: after the 6 games in a group, the 4 teams are ranked by points. If 2 teams have the same points, their ranks are decided by the win/lose relationship of the game happened between the 2 teams. If the win/lose relationship still cannot decide the rank, the overall team kills minus team deaths will be used as the 3rd factor to rank the teams. The numbers of team kills/deaths are taken from the score board on the top right corner of the screen. And if it is still not enough, an extra game will be arranged. At the end, the top 2 ranked teams of the group will go to the next phase, single elimination.

Having some questions.

So the Tie-breaker when 2 teams have same points are:
1)direct game relationship

So according to that is it bad if you win your game faster? ( less kills)

What to do if the opponent team give up after 20minutes?

different line-up? (not to compare)

Or only the kill/death difference in that one game each other is counting?


Q: is it bad if you win your game faster? (less kills)
(1) A win will give 3 points to the team. It is always good to have a win.
(2) Only the "kill-death" is considered. If you want to delay the game on purpose, just to get more kills, at the same time you are also risking to die more. So overall "kill-death" may not change too much.
(3) On the other hand, if you delay the game on purpose, the weak team will have more time to come back. Maybe after they buy big tanks, to make a win will become impossible at that time. So you are risking "3 points => 1 point" to get more team kills. For me that's not wise choice.
(4) In the worst case, a team can always do "-giveup" to refuse giving more deaths.

Q: What to do if the opponent team give up after 20minutes?
A: If they give up, they lose the game, the other team wins 3 points. Should be a good news to have an easy win, isn't it?

Q: different line-up? (not to compare)
Or only the kill/death difference in that one game each other is counting?
A: The overall team "Kill-Death" of the 3 games at the group phase will be used for ranking, i.e. the sum of the team kills of 3 games minus the sum of the team deaths of the 3 games.
Please again keep in mind, the "k-d" is only the 3rd factor to rank teams.



The team kills/deaths are counted by the sum of the player kills/deaths
So if a player killed by creeps, it doesn't count as a team kill, but count in a team death of the other team.
Or if a player is killed by mate, e.g. bomb from skyfort, it is also not a team kill, but count in as a team death.

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