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remove giveup, change kicking
I propose removing the giveup option and change the kicksystem in the following way:

1. Everyone should always be kickable

2. AFK should always be kickable with votes from own team only, and already after 2 minutes. From my experience, everyone who is 2 mins or more AFK will stand no chance in the game and leave at most 25 minutes later anyway. Anymore than 2 minutes doesn't make much sense imho.

3. Every kick should need at least 1 vote from the enemy team, except for see 2.

And, as said, remove the -giveup option.


Why am I proposing this?

The simple reason is, over the last about 50 games nearly all of them ended in either enemy team giveup or own team trying to kick me, because I was the last to not give up (and as you can see in ban requests, gozo1985 actually got kicked recently for not giving up). I find it to be very unfunny to not finish a game - if people don't want to play anymore, they should just leave. And looking at the current state of BT it would probably be better to remove the stay percentage requirement from the ranked bot and just up the count of required games.

Please seriously consider if you like it that we're headed in a direction where shortly games will end after the first 5 minutes because of -giveup ("it's already over anyway")

P.S.: Also think about how many well received and regularly played other multiplayer games DON'T have a giveup option and work perfectly without one
Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.
(2013-07-28, 11:30:47)griffin1987 Wrote: 3. Every kick should need at least 1 vote from the enemy team

Why that? This will ruin the whole system!

Why do you want to kick someone? Because he is bad for your team (feeding, afk'ing, sabotage etc). So you start a kick, but why should the enemy vote to eliminate that bad influence on your team? They will ALWAYS vote not to kick, because if they voted yes, that actually will give them a disadvantage.
(2013-07-28, 11:37:27)ssl Wrote:
(2013-07-28, 11:30:47)griffin1987 Wrote: 3. Every kick should need at least 1 vote from the enemy team

Why that? This will ruin the whole system!

Why do you want to kick someone? Because he is bad for your team (feeding, afk'ing, sabotage etc). So you start a kick, but why should the enemy vote to eliminate that bad influence on your team? They will ALWAYS vote not to kick, because if they voted yes, that actually will give them a disadvantage.

I know enough people who would vote with a -yes, myself included, if the player in question was really destroying the game. And if you're only talking about playing bad - that's okay. I don't see a problem with someone playing bad, if it's not out of ill intention, so it's totally okay if they don't get kicked. You know, some people actually like to play fair, balanced games, and not only care about looking at the victory screen?Wink

P.S.: Maybe we should post more screenshots of the victory screen, so such people wouldn't have to "waste their time" playing the game, and could just look at the victory screen the whole day ...
Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.
4) why not changing league to the "conquering mode" which already exists?
i dont know exactly but it feels like 80% of the games end in a -giveup the most people here will agree with it. if not ... why the freaking hell you giveup a game????

to be honest the conquering mode sucks. but its a more legal way to end a game than this stupid votes.

the current system is more than just a fail. dont get me wrong developers all the features you implemented and the flexibility to manage a running game is totally ok. its just what the community made of these features - its an abuse!
Maybe you should remind yourself: normally there would be no kick at all!
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
(2013-07-28, 18:06:19)eSVau Wrote: Maybe you should remind yourself: normally there would be no kick at all!

well we haven't had a "the current kick system sucks" discussion for a whileBig Grin
just finished another game with Blackfog denial becouse the "teamwork sucks"... wasnt kickable the whole game.
I have to say that the bases in BT are kind of crap. Too small normal rangeweapons. In my last game, we pushed all lanes and destroyed every factory and it was a close game. But we cant break the basetowers or even the base because they always build new bunker and got enought weaponpower to stop the creepwave. We got 2 havys in our team but we still cant reach the base with them. The enemy just farmed our creeps and our 4 man team (one leaver on each side) have to share 5 creeps each wave... We cant kill the enemy because thier healing was to good. (HQ) So our game just needed 20 mins longer than it should be. We tryed factorys but the enemy got to good guns at this point. We still couldt farm. At some point we hooked the best tank from the enemy out of the base and we killed him. This won our game. But if there was a "Controlpoint win" this game would be way better.

I already made a thread for adding a countdown for normal games (ranked/qualify) for winning if all CP are captured by one team. 10-15 min should be max. The countdown resets if one CP gets captured. Then the deffending team have to do something instead of sitting AFK in thier base.
the thing is you don't have to farm as you get more gold every 5 min as they do :]
(2013-08-20, 03:45:35)Perfektionist Wrote: I already made a thread for adding a countdown for normal games (ranked/qualify) for winning if all CP are captured by one team. 10-15 min should be max. The countdown resets if one CP gets captured. Then the deffending team have to do something instead of sitting AFK in thier base.

i already suggested that. the conquerer mode already exists fyi. its 10 or 15 mins auto win if you hold all facs. would be better than -giveup gamesWink
breaking a base is hard somtimes. but theres no hurry for you. hold your facs and sneak attack the last buildings of the base. yes it takes longer but sorry... whats the problem if a game lasts longer? more often ppl just giveup becouse "the game is already over".
Sorry to say but the game is over when a HQ is destroyed not a second ealier. Maybe theres no way for the enemy team for a comeback. but never say never, maybe theres a leaver/droper on a side or well timed kills and reconquers. Its very rare but i have already won games when the HQ was below 10% HP without any leavers and even teams.

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