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Newbie mode
Well I am quite focussed on going fast into battle and randoming. But, as I played dota sometimes - and I am realy quite nooby there I have to say, that I would give that little advantage away for giving slower or noob players a more relaxed start, which is very useful in dota and could be in BT, too.

Random is an advantage because you get 150 bonus gold and dont need to teleportWink even in this case.

There is one point for me personally to disagree ^^ - I saw more people starting with no weapon, than people selling and buying tanks or equipment stupid. (but nearly equal rate :roll: )
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
hi, okay i read the whole thread now and there are a lot of new ideas.

Well the best is the Idea with the 30 secs delay. But i would suggest one small improvement:

Can you remind on the tipsystem like it was bevor the tiptool of the pilot? (i think the tiptool of the pilot is useless, because noobs wont find it or wont read it.
But if you have 30 sec time you could write the most important tips - in short words but so that everyone is forced to read that. Maybe even the most important words in colour so that the new players really look on that. (And the tips should not appear somewhere right, left or on the bottom of the pic - it should appear in the mittle)
Pros could disable them like before - but its not nessessary because the tips should only be there for the 30 secs.

as Suggestion:

1) Buy a tank AND a weapon
if you dont know which one ask your team

2) You can teleport from a factory to another factory for 75 Gold

3) 1 player each lane and 3 in the mittle as fightingplan suggestion
[Maybe its possible to make the numbers differ from the amounts of players in this force (for exampble if there are only 4 players in the dark force there should appear 1 player each lane and 2 in the mittle as fightingplan suggestion) - but dont know if that is possible]

4) Stay behind your creeps - will help you survive

5) Dont rush into death or your team will hate you


7) GL HF

8 )Ps: Don't forget to buy a tank AND a weapon
if you dont know which one ask your team
150 gold is still an advantage but dont you think that the early port is very usefull too? that was my reason to start only randoming so..but yeah 150 gold still is ok and incase of the fact that you dont like my idea of "release" id agree with you guys to put a 30sec delay in at start - but i also would like to see a function where you can disable thatSmile
Well waiting 20 seconds is hopefully enough i suppose. To long waiting is boring for guys, who are used to BT.
The random advantage still exists a bit, but there is another thing I am aware of.

If we block the creeps for 20 seconds or more, a random player can attack the towers in mid before enemies appear, who not random. I dont know how much damage could be dealt, but it is then some kind of first strike. Dont know if this could be a problem, maybe when 2 or 3 in one team random.
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
wouldnt be muhc if the "notrandomer" starts going on a lane immediatly-if not (like a beginner) you rly have much time, but i dont think you can get the tower down
Gammagulp Wrote:If we block the creeps for 20 seconds or more, a random player can attack the towers in mid before enemies appear, who not random. I dont know how much damage could be dealt, but it is then some kind of first strike. Dont know if this could be a problem, maybe when 2 or 3 in one team random.

i am shure its possible to make an area in btanks which tanks can't leave for 20secs. I am not shure but there should be an order like: If unit of player ... leaves area ... return it to random point in area .....
And beaming could be blockt for the first 20 or 30sek.
well giftfinger..thats EXACTLY what i said before ...

In my case i told about not leaving the map, but yeah if you just cant pass through the middle until the 1st creepwave it would be even better
why dont make the tower invulnerable for the "delay" time?
hey dude...ure not allowed to make such simple but good suggestions...

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